Title Page

  • Homeowner Address

  • Homeowner Name

  • Contact Information (Email & Phone)

  • Referred to MAP By (Agency & Assessor Name)

  • Current WPP Home Ignition Zone Assessment Report Attached?

  • WAIVER: The attached Wildfire Partners MAP Participant Agreement & Waiver MUST be signed

  • Homeowner signature acceptance of Wildfire Partners MAP Agreement and Mitigation Prescription

Register for Evacuation Special Needs Designation with Larimer, Boulder, or Weld County 911 System

  • Follow attached instructions to register for Evacuation Special Needs Designation

NMAP Intake Form

  • Check all categories which apply, provide additional details as needed. All property representatives with current WPP Home Ignition Zone Assessment Reports no more than two years since assessment are eligible to apply. Application awards will be prioritized based on demonstrated need, documented on the intake form

  • Full-time Resident of the Property Assessed

  • Medical Assistance (Medicaid)

  • Social Security / Pension Program

  • Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP)

  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

  • Colorado Works/Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF)

  • Permanent Disability

  • Receiving local assistance of any kind (food pantry, snow clearing, etc.)

  • Elevated evacuation challenges/risk to citizen and first responders

  • Currently listed in the 911 database as having special needs for evacuation (medically fragile, mobility challenges, non-driver, etc.)

  • Other need-based program (add detailed note)

  • Intake Criteria Prioritization Score

Mitigation Prescription

  • Prescription will be based on recommendations in the current Home Ignition Zone Assessment Report, excluding home and structural hardening. Prescription may prioritize some mitigation over other recommendations in order to achieve most increased wildfire resiliency within the allotted work period, and within staff capacity

  • undefined

Combustible Vegetation in Zone 1 (0-5 feet)

  • Fuel-free perimeter 5' out from structures clear of combustible tree litter, pine needles, firewood, lumber, patio furniture, fuel cylinders, man-made debris, etc.

  • No bark mulch or wood chips in planting beds within 5 feet of structures, under exterior stairs, under decks, at base of combustible fencing

  • Shrubs and trees within 5 feet of structures are lean, green, and have water-filled leaves, not more combustible oil-filled needles

  • Tree branches do not extend over the gutters or roof, and are at least 10 feet away from any chimney or gas fireplace vent

  • Trees and shrubs are not growing closely under or touching eaves, or growing into vents in the structure's exterior

  • Grass is maintained "lean and green" 4 inches or less in height

  • Nooks and crannies next to structures are free of combustible tree litter (wildfire embers tend to collect in the same catchment areas as Autumn leaves, or where snow drifts against a structure)

  • Remove marked trees

Zone 2 (5-30')

  • Firewood pile is at least 30 feet away from the home, or firewood is contained in metal/masonry box with lid, or specialized fire-resistant cover

  • Deck or patio attached to home is clear of combustible furniture, rugs, decor, permanent fabrics

  • Area under deck is clear of combustible tree litter, leaves, pine needles, firewood, lumber, gasoline containers, bark chips

  • BBQ's on decks are on a fire-resistive surface (metal tray or masonry paver stones) and spare propane cylinders are stored inside garage or storage shed, NOT directly on combustible deck

  • Fixed propane tanks are at least 30 feet away from structures, and clear of vegetation in a 10 foot radius surrounding the tank

Combustible Vegetation in Zone 2 (5-30 feet)

  • No dead or downed trees, slash piles, or heavy accumulations of surface fuels within 30 feet of structures

  • Juniper bushes are at least 30 feet away from structures, needles and tree litter cleaned out underneath

  • Trees are limbed up 6-10 feet from the ground, or 1/3 the total height of the tree

  • Tree canopies have at least 10 feet of space between crowns

  • Small groups of trees are spaced at least 30 feet away from adjacent clusters of trees (particularly conifers)

  • Ladder fuel chains are broken up so ground-based fire cannot easily climb upward into shrubs and trees

  • Clumps of shrubs are spaced 2.5x the shrubs mature height (Example: 6' tall shrubs are placed 15' apart)

  • Grass is maintained "lean and green" 4 inches or less in height

  • Electrical power poles are maintained clear of combustible vegetation in a 5 foot radius around their base

  • Remove marked trees

Zone 3 (30-100')

  • Storage sheds, barns, accessory structures within 30’ of home are mitigated to the same level as the primary residence

  • Tree canopies may have 6-10 feet between crowns, openings in clumps of trees force fire to transition to the ground

  • Slash pile burning, lop and scatter mitigation, or broadcast chipping is spreading woody material over a wide area, and is keeping accumulations of mitigated material low to the ground, and not under trees


  • Wildfire is a phenomenon of nature, and is therefore not fully predictable or controllable by human intervention. The recommendations contained in this report represent best practices in accordance with national wildfire mitigation standards, and property owners and their assigns are given no guarantee and shall have no expectation that any mitigation efforts will prevent or limit damage to property or life. All guidance provided by assessors is for informational and educational purposes only, and does not constitute binding legal advice, nor shall those personnel performing Wildfire Home Ignition Zone Assessments be liable for any damages caused by the homeowner’s wildfire mitigation efforts, mitigation completed within the Wildfire Partners MAP, by vendors hired to complete mitigation work, or by an actual wildfire event. Property owners and their assigns agree to release the Larimer County Sheriff's Office, their personnel, and all affiliates performing Wildfire Home Ignition Zone Assessments and/or prescribed mitigation through the Wildfire Partners Program from any claims associated with or arising out of the implementation of the recommendations contained in this report

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.