Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
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1.0 Sort - No unnecessary items in the area
1.1 No obsolete or unused lab equipment etc. in the area
1.2 All storage areas for packaging and other materials have limits on how much can be stored in the area and stored quantities are within these limits
2.0 Set - A place for everything
2.1 All packaging, materials, chemicals and other items are stored in designated and labelled locations. Chemical containers correctly labelled.
2.2 All walkways, safety zones (emergency showers, exits, fire equipment etc.) are clearly signed and are not obstructed
3.0 Shine - clean workplace and equipment
3.1 Area is clean and free from rubbish. Cupboards, shelves and work benches are clean and tidy. All bins are labelled and colour coded
3.2 All ceilings, walls and doors are clean and free from corrosion, mould or flaking paint
4.0 Standardise - compliance to standards
4.1 All staff are using relevant PPE and have clean uniforms
4.2 All windows and lights are free from cracks and holes, and all lights are covered and operational
4.3 No crates or product containers are being used for any purpose other than designated
4.3 No obsolete or uncontrolled documents (process documents, notices etc.) in the area
5.0 Sustain - Maintain standards (only answer the following questions if an area has been 5Sd, otherwise mark N/A)
5.1 The audit roster is posted, current, assigned to individual team members, and signed off
5.2 The audit result is posted and current
5.3 The area map is posted and current
5.4 All 5S Area Standard/s are posted and current
Waste Observation
Are any wastes observed? Please specify location and describe the waste.<br>Example: overstocking of chemicals and materials, equipment left running when not in use....etc
Describe the corrective actions required.