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Audit #
Audit by
1. For each statement, choose the appropriate score. [Use image below as reference]
2. Tap on 'Note' or 'Image' under each question to add a comment or evidence
3. Complete all items in the checklist & review score per section to identify the overall rate score. -
Take or attach a photo of workspace
Are all tools in the work area currently in use?
Are all tools or parts off the floor?
Are all posted work instructions, notes and drawing currently in use?
Are workstations and walkways clear of unnecessary items and clutter?
Is the station clear of safety hazards
Are tools, equipment and supplies organized in separate locations and bins?
Are aisles and work areas clearly delineated?
FIRE HOSES, FIRE EXTINGUISHERS, and other emergency equipment are prominently displayed and are unobstructed.
Are items not in use put away?
Are materials and tools clearly labeled?
WORK AREAS (Machines, workbenches, dies, and other equipment including electrical boxes) are kept clean and painted.
WALLS, RAILS, ETC. are kept clean and painted.
FLOORS are free from dirt, debris, oil, parts, hardware, empty boxes, etc.
All EQUIPMENT SAFETY - related warnings, signs, labels, floor lines, etc. are all clean, easy to read, not torn or damaged, and provide adequate protection
Is the schedule for 5S checks being followed?
The WORK ENVIRONMENT satisfies the requirements of the work being performed- Lighting brightness and color, temperature, air flow and quality etc.
Necessary information is visible and meets visual workplace standards
All standard are visible
A member of MANAGEMENT has participated in a 5S activity
RECOGNITION is given to teams who get involved in 5S activities.
TIME AND RESOURCES are allocated to 5S activities (e.g., designated daily/weekly clean-up time, 5S Team Leader).
All operators, team leaders, supervisors, etc. are assigned 5S ACTIVITIES to be completed at least once a month.
Overall observation & recommendations ( IF )