
  • Inspection No.

  • Station

  • Provider

  • Conducted on

  • Inspector

  • 1. Does the station have a training room available?

  • 2. Is the training room equipped with means to display presentations (e.g. projector, TV screen, Smart board or similar)?

  • 3. Do trainers hold training / teaching qualifications (e.g. TTT, PTLLS, etc)?

  • 4. Are DG trainers on station trained to appropriate DG category and is the training in date?

  • 5. Does the station have a training program including all mandatory subjects listed in Section 4 of GOM?

  • 6. Does the station maintain training matrix specifying training required for each job / role?

  • 7. Does the station have a system for monitoring the currency of staff training?

  • 8. Does the station have a process specifying review and update of the training packages including the responsible person?

  • 9. After delivery of mandatory training are participants tested / examined?

  • 10. Are staff training records stored for a minimum of 5 years?

  • 11. Is there evidence of additional training provided following incidents / accidents?

  • 12. Please randomly select 10 employees - is all training required to preform their role in date? (including all mandatory training)

  • 13. Please randomly select 5 employees - are their tests correctly marked?

  • 14. Please randomly select 5 employees - is training relevant to their job / roles?

  • 15. Please randomly select training files of 5 employees - are training certificates signed by both trainer and trainee?

  • 16. Do training certificates specify the version / edition of the training package?

  • 17. Are training files neatly arranged with easy access to required information?

  • 18. Does the station have a training package for Fuelling Overseer role?

  • 19. Does the station have a system to prevent unauthorised use of vehicles by untrained staff (e.g. Proveo, Amicus, etc.)?

  • 20. Is there a documented process for internal auditing for the training files?

  • 21. Are the results of such Audits documented, with corrective action enacted?

Notes / Comments / Identified safety or operational improvement opportunities

  • Notes / Comments / Identified safety or operational improvement opportunities

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.