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Conducted on
Prepared by
Daily (Light) Clean
Daily (Light) clean is required when the same product is produced on the following day, otherwise approved by the Quality team.
(Daily) Dry clean the machine (Grinder, Ribbon blender, Screw Conveyors, hopper, dispenser) & floor as per the SOP. (TOP to BOTTOM)
(Daily) Clean & Sanitise the tools and buckets in the corridor using water, Takeoff & Everswift IPA (as per the SOP)
(Daily) Dry clean Sealer, Date coder, Rotary table & Racks as per the SOP.
(Daily) Check if any of the equipment is damaged or has chipped or broken metal parts. If found, report to production manager and QA immediately.
(Daily) Assemble all the machines and Run the whole system with one bag of sugar.
(Daily) Empty ALL the grey waste bins at the END of the day
(Daily) Check if the floor is clean before leaving - Nothing should be on the floor except grey bins, black chemical bins & plastic pallets. All ingredients and packaging must be returned to back to storage areas.
Write down who has completed the cleaning for the day.
Any other comments?
Weekly (Full) Clean
Weekly (Full) clean is required when there is a product changeover or at the end of the week.
(Weekly) Dry clean the machine (Grinder, Ribbon blender, Screw Conveyors, hopper, dispenser) & floor as per the SOP. (TOP to BOTTOM)
(Weekly) Check if any of the equipment is damaged or has chipped or broken metal parts. If found, report to production manager and QA immediately.
(Weekly) Vaccum the non-product-contact surfaces including the floors (TOP to BOTTOM). Empty the vacuum cleaner straight after use.
(Weekly) Inspect if there are any powders left on the machine.
(Weekly) If there are no powders, WET clean the room including all the tools & small items. 1)Wash down top to down, 2) Foam with Takeoff, 3)Scrub, 4)Rinse, 5)Sanitise with Puresan, 6)Rinse
(Weekly) Squeegee the water from product contact surfaces (Blue), non-product contact surfaces (Purple) & floor (Orange) including the floor to speed up the drying process
(Weekly) Prepare approx. 2 bags of sugar to run the system with once the room is dried.
(Weekly) Empty ALL the waste bins & vacuum cleaner at the END of the day
(Weekly) Clean the changing area & gum boots - the area should be free from powders
(Weekly) Clean the American / staging room - the area should be free from powders
Write down who has completed the cleaning for the day.
Any other comments?
End of the Day Checklist
Have Waste bins on the floor been cleaned and emptied?
Have all tools & chemicals been properly stored in their designated areas?
Used PPEs placed in laundry bin?
Have all the forms been completed?