
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Flight Number of Audited Flights

  • Flight number of audited

  • Audit date

  • Duty staff name:

Section A - Check In

Pre-flight Preparation

  • Have the team leader briefed the team?

  • Do desks open and close on time and are there enough?

  • Are company logos and branding correct?(FIDS)

  • Are security question and Dangerous goods question signage displayed and drawn to passenger attention?

Check in process

  • Does check in agent well understand SSR code?

  • Are excess baggage collection procedures followed?

  • Do agents ask/draw attention of customers to DG signage and safety questions at check-in?

  • Do agents check tickets and passports?

  • Do agents ask pax emergency exit card at check-in?

  • Do agents understand NOTOC procedure?

  • Do agents aware of " Provisions for Dangerous Goods carried by passengers or crew" ?

  • Issue boarding pass to the pax highlighting the gate closed time.

  • If required, are unruly passengers procedures followed?

  • Was the flight closed -45 mins prior to STD?

Baggage Check

  • Is cabin baggage viewed , weighted and tagged?

  • Does appropriate tag use on checked baggage(box , soft bags ...etc)

  • Ensure a Limited Release indemnity is signed as required?

  • Do agents explain to passenger before sign the limited release tag?

  • Do baggage belt run without stoppages?

  • All the weighting scales at check-in calibrated?

Section B - Boarding

  • Are the departure lounge FIDS and gate screens correct?

  • Do boarding staff arrive at gate on time?(1 hour)

  • At -45 mins to STD, was a pre-boarding hand carry check made?

  • At -35 mins to STD , was a pre-boarding announcement made?

  • At -30 mins to STD, was a boarding announcement made and boarding commenced?

  • Correct/Clear boarding announcements?

  • Did boarding staff do passport checked?

  • Did boarding staff check for carrying excessive hand carry baggage?

  • Do agents aware of " Failed to Board ( FTB ) Procedure " ?

  • Do agents complete the security check list ?

  • (Remote parking) Were the agents escort passenger on the first bus and last bus ?

  • (Aerobridge) Was the last pax escorted to cabin by gate staff?

  • Was the checklist and onboard document passed to purser according to procedures?<br>( PM/BM/CM/SSR/ seat map ...etc)

Section C - Documentation

  • Is the Ground Operation Manual updated will all revisions?

  • Is the Station Handling Manual updated will all revisions?

  • Is the Dangerous Goods Operations Manual updated will all revisions?

  • All Ground Service Notice(GSN) are update?

Training Record

  • Dangerous Goods

  • Safety and security

  • Policy - Passenger team

  • Policy - Ramp team

  • Policy - Weight & balance team

Document Filing

  • General Declaration (6 months)

  • Station Flight Report (6 months)

  • Passenger Manifest (24 months)

  • Cargo Manifest (24 months)

  • Baggage Manifest (6 months)

  • Aircraft Security Checklist (3 months)

  • Loading Instruction Report (6 months)

  • Final Load Data Information (6 months)

  • Signed Load Sheet (6 months)

  • Signed Flight Plan (6 months)

  • NOTOC (6 months)

  • Technical Log Book(12 months)

  • Fueling Record (6 months)

  • PNL (check email)

Section D - General turnaround

  • Does the parking area have adequate markings and lighting?

  • Do personnel make use of PPE?

  • Are vehicles driven in a safe manner around the aircraft?

  • Are vehicles switched off and chocked when not in use?

  • Are nets kept in holds at all times and secured for departure (A320)

  • Is ULD card be used(A321)?

Section E - Ramp Safety Checklist - ARRIVAL

  • Has the team leader briefed the team?

  • Was a pre-arrival FOD check performed?

  • Wing walkers in position?

  • Are vehicles (in use or otherwise) parked in designated areas?

  • Is guidance mechanism in place, Marshaller etc?

  • NO staff and equipment approach to aircraft before anti-collision switched off.(except marshaller)

  • Is aircraft suitably chocked?

  • Is aircraft inspected for any ground damage prior to equipment being positioned on aircraft? If any damage noted, was the correct reporting procedure followed?

  • Are vehicles positioned only after chocks in place?

  • Prior to offloading commencing: were nets / ULD's correctly secured?

  • If nets not secured were they serviceable?

  • If unserviceable, was this noted in aircraft tech log?

  • If A321/A320, were ULD's serviceable?

  • If ULD's unserviceable, were correct reporting processes followed?

  • Were upper load limits adhered to?

  • Was cargo checked to ensure hold floor limits not exceeded?

  • Was every hold opened and checked?

  • Does aerobridge or passenger stairs position meet with V Air policy?

  • Does the aerobridge operator have a license?

  • Are safety cones used?

  • Are baggage belt and hi-loader safety rails deployed?

Section F - Ramp Safety Checklist - Departure

  • Is any FOD generated by the turnaround removed before departure?

  • Does engineer, or other, carry out visual door/panel check?

  • Are all vehicles removed and correctly parked?

  • Is a pre-departure walk around performed?

  • If hand signals are used, are they clean and understood by all?

  • Is loading planned meet with V Air policy?

  • Does LIR match with FLDI form?

  • Does aircraft load match with load sheet?

  • Do agent aware of " FTB procedure "?

Section G - Aircraft Cleaning

  • Is the service carried out by handling agent or 3rd party , if so, who?

  • Do cleaners arrive in good time?

  • Are correct specifications followed?

Section H - Fuel

  • Is the fuel truck positioned correctly, with a clear exit path?

  • Is the bonding cable used correctly throughout fuelling?

  • Is the handle used correctly whilst fuel is delivered?

  • For hydrant operations, are warning flags or light in use?

  • If fuelling with pax on board, a local company rules followed?

Section I - Servicing Equipment

  • Is the equipment serviceable and fit for purpose?

  • Do vehicles have an operating fire extinguisher?

  • Does vehicle have a valid airside pass on display?

  • Does agent have procedural maintenance schedule?

  • Ambulift

  • A320/321 TowBar<br>

  • Conveyor belts

  • High Loader (FMC)

  • Toilet Service

  • Water Service

  • GPU

  • ASU

  • Deicing Vehicle

  • Catering Vehicle <br>

  • Fueling Truck

  • Pushback Truck

  • Fire fighting equipment <br>

  • Passenger Steps

  • Passenger Bus

  • Is there a clearly marked area for unserviceable equipment? If yes - please make note of location

  • Is there a documented process for removing U/S equipment and sending for for repair? If yes, please provide brief description?

Section J - Potable Water

  • Does potable water meet WHO standards?

  • Has the station submitted the seasonal potable water statement?

Section K - Deicing / Anti-icing Operations

  • Does the handling company have its own procedure?

  • Do all personnel receive annual refresher training, and are records available for review?

  • Fluid information: Type_____________/Manufacture______________

  • Where is fluid mixed?

  • Where do de/anti-icing operations?

  • Who certifies that the aircraft has been correctly deicing/anti-icing and appropriate surfaces are free of all forms of frost, ice,slush and snow?

  • Does the emergency procedure include the numbers of all relate dept.?

Section L - Unit Load Devices (TPE only)

  • Does the station hold Unitpool Damage packs?

  • Are ULD's stored in an acceptable manner, racks etc?

  • Is the SCM completed weekly? Are other agents handling Unitpool carriers?

Section M - Others

  • Are agents aware of requirement to notify relevant department of incidents & accidents, including aircraft damage?

  • Does station manager familiar with SERA system?

  • Does station manager familiar with airport emergency response plan?

  • Does emergency contact list place in office?


  • Select date

  • Location of meeting:

  • Attendees; Name, Company & Position:

  • Agenda or Reason for Meeting:

  • Items Discussed:

  • Follow Up / Action Points (include responsible person and date action required):

Airport Station Checklist Complete

  • Add signature

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