
  • Inspection Report of Contractor Serviced Test / Tag and RCD Testing

  • Street Location of Facility if applicable

  • GIS Coordinates if applicable
  • Assessment no.

  • Parcel no.

  • CRC inspection Conducted on

  • Report Prepared by


  • Contractor reps. Name

  • Name, address and contact number of Contractor

1. Finance

  • Has an invoice been received from the contractor for the inspection/testing?

  • Identify invoice number here ..

  • Has the invoice been paid?

2. Test and Tag - Record Keeping

  • Team/Section/Location of test and tag items

  • a). Have the reports for this site been saved in DM5?

  • Dm5 reference number...

  • b). Have there been any reported failures?

  • Brief description of failure(s) NOTE: List if more than 1.

  • c). Have ALL failed items been repaired/actioned?

  • Use the '...' button to add details of any non-conformance and diarise follow up action

2.1. Test and Tag - Random selection of tested items

  • Physically Select 3 items at random

  • a). Identify the 3 items chosen:

  • b). Are the 3 random items/appliances/tools within current test date as per schedule?

  • Use the '...' button to add details of any non-conformance and diarise follow up action

  • Take photos of any defects or non-conformance

  • Test and Tag COMMENTS

3. RCD Testing

  • Asset ID number (if known) and exact location of Item and within what building

  • 3.1. Have the RCD test logs for this site been received by BFM?

  • Use the '...' button to add details of any non-conformance and diarise follow up action

  • 3.2. Have RCD test logs for this site been saved into DM5?

  • Use the '...' button to add details of any non-conformance and diarise follow up action

  • 3.3. Have any failed items been repaired/actioned?

  • Take photos of any defects or non-conformance

  • Use the '...' button to add details of any non-conformance and diarise follow up action

  • 3.4. Are the RCD's in the switchboards clearly labelled with identification numbers?

  • Use the '...' button to add details of any non-conformance and diarise follow up action

  • Take photos of any defects or non-conformance


4. Sign Off by CRC Staff

  • What was the score for this site ? (Use drop down scores)

  • As score was less than maximum, provide the date that ALL works should be completed by: dd/mm/yyyy

  • Auditor's signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.