Document No.
Audit Title
Conducted on
Prepared by
Volumes produced
Products produced
Operational hours
Technical Performance
Check Previous Internal and External Technical Audit Actions
How does the plant ensure only approved materials are used in the product (approved material list available?)
Batching Accuracy Reports for Water, Cement, Admixtures. Variance % batched verses target,
Workability control, standard concrete should be within +- 20% <br>
Aggregate Supply review: Supply agreement in place - what are the terms / specifications: Moisture and grading, how is this checked?
Stock Control review:<br>Last 12 months stock records, variances of over 3%, records of investigations. <br>Check for trends in stock losses and gains.<br>Cement, Aggregate, Admixture and Fibres
Slump control KPI: Each load should be within 20% of target
Concrete returned to site due to plant error: volumes m3
Strength results and SD
Records of complaint, details of investigations and follow actions?
Plant Maintenance
Plant can provide details of Plant Checks completed?
Can the site provide details of Outstanding Defects?
Details and records of completed defects
Details and records of Mandatory Inspection and Tests
Planned maintenance and servicing
Pre start check: how does the site ensure that the plant is safe and ready to operate?
Plant Performance
Water usage total and by cubic meter (below 100 litres per m3 is good, above 300 litres is poor)
Electricity usage total and by cubic meter
Waste created total
KPI and target for availability
KPI and for reliability?
Plant on budget for maintenance spend?
Waste Water and Permits
What are the sources of waste
Cementitious and Aggregate Waste: how is returned concrete managed, how is washout waste managed
Does the site hold relevant records of waste removed from site?
Does the site have detailed water management plan? Permits and records kept
Does the site have job specific risk assessments for tasks being undertaken, is there evidence of staff involvement, is there evidence of control measures being put in place?
Examples of risk assessments and how staff undertaking tasks are involved
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How are major hazards controlled: permits to work system?
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Does the site have a COSHH system covering substances held on site?
Energy safety, have isolators been individuals marked, is there a way of identifying what the each isolator isolates. Do the isolators have a regular check system.
Noise and dust: has the noise and dust been assessed with areas marked as potentially hazardous
PPE: issue logs in place, do staff have PPE to match the COSHH and noise / dust assessments
Are the risks of legionaries covered?
Material Handling
Stock bays: good condition, labeled, no signs of contamination
Agg bins: labeled, signs of build up, contamination, moisture probes fitted correctly and activated
Conveyors: Excessive build from spillage? Emergency pull wires in place
Ground hopper - signs of build up?
Cement silos: inlets labeled, anti whip arresters fitted, auto shut offs fitted, prvs clean, no spillage, fitters clean and inspected annually
Admixtures storage: bunded, frost protection, labeled, no signs of contamination, age of admixtures recorded, deliver notes kept, admixture agitated
All Calibration points identified.
Weigh hoppers: clear after every load, load cells clean, free moving?
Is recycled water used? Suspended solids?
Mixing and discharge
Batch console labeled, any calibration security available/ event numbers / stickers
Check batch record printouts: water design vs target vs actual, trim, water in truck, moisture calculations
Is the batching system linked for recipes - if so what happens when the link is down?
Mixer: signs of build up, tips adjusted? Mix washout in good condition? Isolation system in good working order?
How long does the mix spend in the mixer? Is there an ammeter fitted, is it used to measure slump?
Can you see in the back of the truck / discharge point?
Are walk ways clean and clearly marked?
Are work areas clean and tidy?
Are storage areas clean and tidy?
Are welfare areas clean and tidy?