Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Dinner Closing Checklist
Restaurants Tables , Chairs And Floor ( 10.30pm - 11pm )
Are the floor sweep and mop? / Ensure floor & staircase is clean and polished
Are the tables and chairs wiped and clean?
Floor Plan
Please ensure the table lay out set according to hotel standard
Ensure the Restaurant has set for the breakfast operation period?
Are the gate locked at 10.30pm?
Are The Cake And Scones Cleared From The Gueridon ?
Buffet Counter ( 10pm - 10.30pm )
Buffet Main Area
Coffee & Tea
Bread & Porridge Counter
Cereal / Salad & Fruit Counter
Egg Counter / Noodles /Dim Sum Counter
Are the buffet counter set back for breakfast?
Are the buffet tags set for breakfast?
Are the chaffing dish filled with water?
Buffet station has been cleaned & stacked properly
Pantry Area ( 10.30pm - 11pm )
Pantry Area
Are the pantry area are clean
Are the coffee machine rinse and wash?
Are the milk compartment washed?
Are the garbage has been thrown and disposed properly
Any breakages occurred ( Report )
Soiled linen is stored as per standard and tied into bundles
Cashering ( 10.30pm - 11pm )
Are the POS system closed for dinner
VOID items to be authorized are evaluated
Are the music OFF?
Are the cash sales dump in safe box?
Are the FLOAT MONEY correct ? (RM 200 )
Witness By
Dinner Revenue and No of paxs ?
Banquet Revenue if any ?
Guest Feedbacks ( 10.30pm - 11pm )
Sign Off ( 10.30pm - 11pm )
Person In-charge