Title Page
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Conducted on
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Inspection Items
Preventative Testing & Maintenance (DC Components)
Verify system signage is in place
Confirm electrical enclosures and combiner boxes/string inverter as secure, weather protected, and free of corrosion
Inspect for corrosion on racking system and panels
Ensure no hanging or suspended cabling outside wire management systems and perform wire maintenance if needed
Clean solar panels as-needed based on inspection. Verify no broken, damaged, or distorted panels
Verify panel connection to racking system
Check and tighten connections between strings and inverters
Ensure weather station sensors are in appropriate location and functioning. Adjust or calibrate units as required by manufacturer. Clean sensors from accumulated soiling.
Inspect heat sinks, clean filters, etc. on inverter enclosures and combiner boxes
Check fuses throughout system
Check continuity of system grounding and equipment grounding
Conduct IV Testing (or comparable test) and record results
Preventative Testing & Maintenance (Medium Voltage)
Inspection of physical / mechanical condition and evidence of overheating
Transformer Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) and thermography
Inspection of anchorage, alignment, and grounding
Performance of as-found tests
Cleaning of applicable components
Verification of alarm, control, and trip circuits from temperature and level indicators, gas pressures, and pressure relief devices
Inspect bolted electrical connections
Verification of fuse size and types, along with contact integrity
Appropriate lubrication of moving current carrying parts and on moving and sliding surface
Preventative Testing & Maintenance (Inverters and Circuit Breakers)
Inspection of physical / mechanical condition and evidence of overheating
Inspection of anchorage, alignment, and grounding
Performance of as-found tests
Cleaning of applicable components
Verification of alarm, control, and trip circuits
Verification of fuse size and types, along with contract integrity
Verify operation of light emitting diodes, displays, and targets
Appropriate lubrication of moving current carrying parts and on moving and sliding surfaces