
  • Permit Number (EX: 23-RES0234 or 22-UTIL2565)

  • Location Address
  • Property Representative Name

  • Property Representative Email

  • Planner Assigned (If Applicable)

  • Planner Email (If Applicable)

  • Initial Inspection (Attach Yellow Card Photo)

  • Final Inspection (Attach Yellow Card Photo)

  • No Permit Box / Yellow Card On Site or Not Required

  • Inspection Date

Wildfire Mitigation Requirements & Commentary

REQUIRED Mitigation For Final Inspection Approval: Follow Directions on Photos

  • Inspection Status

RECOMMENDED Universal Best Practices

  • Maintain grasses to 4" or less at all times

  • Maintain defensible space clear of combustible vegetation and fire hazards to the property line, or 100' minimum away from all buildings & decks

  • Maintain 5' minimum clearance along both sides of driveway evacuation route free of overgrown coniferous shrubs, slash piles, firewood piles, and highly combustible vegetation

  • Metal, wind-secured gutter cover caps will reduce the accumulation of combustible vegetation in gutters, and will block most firebrands from becoming trapped at rooflines

  • Clear and maintain a 10' minimum clearance of combustible vegetation in all directions surrounding permanently installed propane (or similar) fuel tanks

  • Add high-contrast, reflective, non-combustible address sign and post at street

  • In Short-Term Rentals, lock, block, alter, or remove solid-fuel burning outdoor fire pits and appliances so they are not accessible by transient renters (Larimer Co. Land Use Code requirement)

Inspection Status

  • Inspection Status

  • PASS PENDING Status Requires Minor Corrections Verified by Photos Emailed With Permit Number and Property Address to the Inspector Listed on This Report. FAIL Status Requires Major Mitigation, and Follow-up Final Inspection. If FAIL status is determined, email this inspector to request final inspection AFTER ALL REQUIRED CORRECTIONS SHOWN ON THIS REPORT ARE COMPLETE

Wildfire Resiliency Resources

  • Colorado Department of Revenue Wildfire Mitigation Tax Credit Form: Review the attached tax credit document with your tax professional to possibly receive annual state of Colorado tax credit for completing wildfire fuel mitigation work on your private property

  • Wildfire Home Ignition Zone Guide: Reference the Attached Guide During Wildfire Mitigation Work

  • Sign Up For Larimer County Evacuation System Emergency Alerts ( You must sign up and opt-in to receive emergency evacuation notices for wildfire, flooding, or similar emergencies

Wildfire Inspector Contact

  • Wildfire Inspector Name

  • Wildfire Inspector Signature

  • Staff instructions for completed report processing: include the permit number (EX: 23-RES0234) "Wildfire Inspection Report" and property address in the email subject line. For Planning Division Reports (EX: 22-ZONE3308) Email a report link to the Property Representative and Assigned Planner listed on each report. For all other reports (EX: 23-RES0234, 22-UTIL2565) Email a report link to the Property Representative listed on each report, and to the Building Dept. at Inspection reports completed for Loveland Fire Rescue Authority shall also be sent to LFRA's Fire Marshal's Office at


    Wildfire is a phenomenon of nature, and is therefore not fully predictable or controllable by human intervention. The recommendations contained in this report represent best practices in accordance with national wildfire mitigation standards, and property owners and their assigns are given no guarantee and shall have no expectation that any mitigation efforts will prevent or limit damage to property or life. All guidance provided by inspectors is for informational and educational purposes only, and does not constitute binding legal advice, nor shall those personnel performing Wildfire Home Ignition Zone Inspections be liable for any damages caused by the homeowner’s wildfire mitigation efforts, by vendors hired to complete the work, or by an actual wildfire event. Property owners and their assigns agree to release the Larimer County Sheriff's Office and their personnel from any claims associated with or arising out of the implementation of the recommendations contained herein.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.