
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

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  • Prepared by

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  • Personnel

3. Requirements for a management system

  • 3.1 Has Management responsibility been allocated? If so to whom

  • 3.2 Has responsibility for documenting systems been allocated? if so to whom?

  • 3.3 Are records maintained of competence, awareness and training? If so where and in what format?

4. Planning and implementing service management

  • 4.1 How is service management planned?

  • 4.2 Describe service management has been implemented?

  • 4.3 Are processes measured, monitored and reviewed? If so describe the data and processes.

  • 4.4 Is there evidence of continuous improvements? If so how is this demonstrated?

5. Planning and implementing new or changed services

  • Are roles and responsibilities for the new service identified, (including activities of both suppliers and customers)?

  • Have changes to existing service management frameworks been considered?

  • Is there communication with relevant parties? How are relevant parties identified and how is communication established with them?

  • Are changes to existing contracts and agreements considered?

  • Are manpower and recruitment issues addressed adequately?

  • Have skills and training requirements been identified and provided for?

  • Have relevant processes, measures, methods and tools been provided in connection with the new service?

  • Has the new service been adequately budgeted for and realistic timescales set?

  • Have service acceptance criteria been established?

  • Are the expected outcomes from the new service measureable?

6. Service delivery process

  • 6.1 Are service levels managed? If so how is this achieved?

  • 6.2 Are services reported on? How is this achieved?

  • 6.3 Describe how service continuity and availability is managed..

  • 6.4 How are services budgeted and accounted for?

  • 6.5 Describe how capacity is managed.

  • 6.6 How is information Security addressed?

7. Relationship processes

  • 7.2 Describe the business relationship management processes.

  • 7.3 Describe how suppliers of goods and services are effectively managed.

8. Resolution processes

  • 8.2 How are incidents managed?

  • 8.3 Describe how the problems are managed.

9. Control processes

  • 9.1 Are configurations managed? If so how is this achieved?

  • 9.2 Is there a change control procedure? if so please describe it.

10. Release process

  • 10.1 Is there a release management process? If so describe it.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.