Title Page
Site conducted
Employee/Contractor Name:
Conducted on
Prepared By:
Line Manager:
Are slings and lifting equipment in good condition? (Check for any visible defects)
Are all lifting equipment inspected before use? (Check 3 monthly colour coding and ask the users about the pre inspection checks conducted)
Is the safe working load (SWL) indicated on the lifting equipment? (Forklift, overhead cranes, mobile cranes, slings, chains etc.)
Is the load properly secured? (Evenly balanced)
Is the area where the loads are being rigged barricaded and access controlled? (Red and white tape)
Have all unauthorised people been removed from the area when the load is being lifted?
No one is standing under suspended load/ danger zone or drop zone?
Is a guide rope / tag line used to guide the load and is it in a good condition? (check for signs of wear and tear)
Are appropriate warning signs, sirens or signals used during lifting activities?
Is the lifting machinery (folk lift/Crane) manned while the lifting activities are taking place?
Are the operators of lifting equipment Competent and authorised? (check for permit to work and licenses
Comments: Where deviations have been noted, indicate the corrective action taken. Also report the matter to the supervisor
Auditor's Signature