
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • Process

  • Customer

  • Part No

  • Description

  • Prime Contractor

  • Po/Rev Level

  • Part Quantity

  • Serial/Lot No

  • Alloy/Heat Treat Condition/Hardness

  • Processing Spec

  • other PO Requirements

6.1.2 Paperwork review

  • are part no, specs, and rev levels flowed down correctly

  • Are frozen processes identified and if so has customer approval been obtained

  • If a follow on order, have PO requirements been reviewed for change

  • Are processing and inspection test requirements flowed down correctly

  • Does the shop paper provide the following

  • Traceable part identification

  • All processing steps identified including procedure numbers as applicable

  • All inspection and test requirements identified

  • All inspection and test results recorded on shop paper or traceable in shop records

  • All relevant variable data from process parameters controlled by operator recorded on shop paper or traceable to job in shop records

  • All operations, inspections and tests done in sequence recorded or traceable to specific process line/workstations, operator/inspector/technician and date done

  • If rework is done are all operations documented

  • All test coupons identified and traceable to specific pieces/lots. Coupons processed through all processing steps on piece/lots they represent including pre- and post cycles and/or mechanical cleaning and thermal cycles

  • All process, test and inspection equipment calibrated and traceable to part shop documents

  • List Equiptment

6.1.3 Process observations

  • Recieving,paperwork generation, requirement review and Recieving inspection

  • Pre-process cleaning (Record pre cleaning method e.g vapour degrease or none required)

  • Pre-thermal operations (record time and temp or none required)

  • Time limits between preparation and paint application

  • Masking (record masking type tape,wax, none required)

  • Do paint materials meet specification/technical data sheet requirements and are materials within shelf life

  • Fixuring/racking (record basket,hook,wire,tool)

  • Processing (record only if non compliant)

  • Post process cleaning (record method)

  • Post thermal operations (record time and temperature, time delay since processing, none required)

  • Final inspection

  • Packing and shipping (record method)

  • Solution and/or material testing( reviewed and acceptable, if material testing (paint) what was done

  • Periodic and/or lot testing (record testing done e.g lot, visual, thickness. Monthly - salt spray, coating weight etc)

  • Was periodic testing done and documented (see table1 )

6.1.4 Lot acceptance testing/inspection

  • Does the definition of "Lot" as established by the supplier conform to the definition outlined by the spec

  • If the parts were shipped before completion of lot testing was this authorised by the customer in writing

  • Did the sampling plan meet spec and/or customer requirements

  • Was hardware held pending resolution of nonconformances noted during testing

  • Was lot testing required

  • Was lot testing preformed and documented

  • Was lot testing in conformance with spec with and/or customer requirements

6.1.5 Operator control and job acceptance

  • List the operators who preformed processing operations

  • Are the operators trained and approved

  • Are all operations, inspections and tests properly signed off or stamped and dated as required, by the correct operator or department

  • Describe

  • Does all processing, testing, and inspection conform to requirements

6.1.6 Certification and reports or test reports

  • Does certification show compliance to all the requirements and reflect actual data as required

  • Did this job comply with all the requirements

  • Certificate or test report no (NA if certificate raised after audit completed)

  • Certification or test report date ( NA if cert not raised)

  • Auditee

  • Auditor

Report of Audit findings

  • Number of findings

  • Number of Non-Conformances

  • Number of majors

  • Number of observations

  • List findings


  • Evidence submitted 1

  • Evidence submitted 2

  • Evidence submitted 3

  • Evidence submitted 4

  • Evidence submitted 5

  • Evidence submitted 6

  • Auditor

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.