Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Contractor Name and Contract Number
SWMS Title
SWMS Rev number and date
Does the SWMS include the contractor's: ABN (QLD)?
Does the SWMS clearly identify the Scope of Work, and the tasks and hazards identified?
Does the SWMS clearly identify hazard controls measures, to effectively minimize or eliminate the hazards?
Are all high risk activities listed in the SWMS?
Have hazards been identified, risk assessed without controls, and then risk assessed with controls, against a relevant risk methodology?
Will permits be required and if so, have they been identified in the SWMS? Is it clear the need for them to issued and approved prior to the commencing works?
Where relevant, are licenses and qualifications required referenced on the SWMS?
Does the SWMS identify the person responsible for preparing the document?
Has the SWMS identified and referenced key Legislation requirements, Australian Standards or documented company work practices applicable for the scope of work? Has the Contractor provided copies of the company work practices, for reference.
Has the SWMS identified the safe use of Plant on site including hazards and controls applicable to work?
Has the responsible person for Plant maintenance been identified within in the SWMS?
Is there a control measure to tag and lock-out defective Plant & Equipment, to prevent unauthorised maintenance?
Is the SWMS fully completed and signed off by all parties involved?
Have all issues identified from the questions above been resolved?
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