Title Page
Period of Inspection
Area of Inspection
Prepared by
Any Other Personnel Present
Fire Safety Systems
Fire Resisting Doors & Means Of Escape
Fire door vision panels are in good condition and clear of obstructions
Fire door has 3 or more Hinges which are secure with no screws missing
Fire doors have intumescent seals which are in good condition (not painted, missing or damaged)
Fire door handles are secure, functioning correctly and can be opened without the use of a key
No signs of wedging/chocking open doors
Self closing devices are fixed to door and frame securely
Fire doors close fully & shut tight by use of its own Self Closing (SC) Device
Internal assembly point signs unobstructed and visible
Fire exit signage in place
Fire alarm call points accessible and free from damage
Fire action notices in place and legible
Emergency arrangements in place for all persons with a disability
Alarm system subject to weekly tests
Name and Signature of Inspector
Fire Extinguisher
The operating instructions of each extinguisher are clean, legible and face outwards
The seals and tamper indicators of each extinguisher are not broken and missing
The reading of any pressure gauge or indicator fitted to an extinguisher is within operational and safety limits
Each extinguisher has not been operated and is not obviously damaged or has any missing parts
Each extinguisher is correctly located, suitably serviced and in the designated place
Each extinguisher is unobstructed, visible and has relevant ID signage above them
Name and Signature of Inspector
Date of Inspection
Emergency Lighting
Emergency Lighting Test
Date of Test
Name and Signature of Tester
Sprinkler System
If a sprinkler system is installed within your building, checks should be made on a weekly & monthly basis to ensure system operation in event of emergency. The checks below are brief guidance taken from TB203 -Care & Maintenance of Automatic Sprinkler Systems, this should be amended to suit the manufacturers guidance of the system installed within your school.
Electrolyte level check of all battery cells
Water storage tank security (access ladders are correctly housed/secure and tank ball covers secured & locked)
Hose Reels
Hose reel is unobstructed, visible and has legible operating instructions
Reel is free from damage (i.e no kinks or dents) or signs of leakage
Fire Prevention & Electrical Safety
Fire Prevention
Area clear of combustible materials
No smoking policy is being observed
Waste bins being emptied regularly
Ceiling tiles in place
Heater exit panels/ventilation slots clear
No evidence of fire/heat damage
Only approved heating appliances in place and not left on while from is unattended
Doors and covers to service ducts locked?
Electrical Safety
Wall socket outlets undamaged
Floor socket covers in place
Light switches in place
Conduit/trunking intact and damage free
Specialist services correctly labelled e.g. 110volt
Distribution boards/panels locked and unobstructed
Portable electrical equipment in use with current PAT
Multi socket extension leads are being used correctly (e.g. no multi sockets plugged into other multi sockets/adaptors and not exceeding permitted amps)
Power cables safely routed and in good repair (No fraying, damage or exposed wires)
Extension reels are fully unwound when in operation
Microwaves checked for leakage
Name and Signature of Inspector
Housekeeping, Equipment and Fabric
The area is tidy
There is nothing in the area that does not belong
No damage to walls, windows or floor surfaces
The local catering facility clean/hygienic
All third party activities are subject to adequate supervision
Equipment and Fabric
Window restrictors in place (where required) and in good working order
Permenant fixtures are securely fastened (cupboards, displays, shelving etc.)
Light diffusers adequate and in place
Stair treads damage free and intact
Safety rails stable and intact
Furniture in good state of repair
Radiators free of clutter, damage and function well
Smartboard/Visual Display Units work and are in good condition
Fans and Guillotines suitably guarded
Shredding machine have working interlocking guards
Computers and associated equipment in good condition/free from damage
Hot surfaces (radiators & pipework) protected where necessary to prevent risk of burns to pupils
Name and Signature of Inspector
Do you have Asbestos Containing Materials within your premises
Asbestos Containing Material (ACM)
Identify Location of accessible ACM
Details of location/condition provided to staff required to work in the area
ACM has no signs of damage, flaking, water ingress or residue
You must isolate the area and contact Capita.
Tel: 0191 643 4814 or 0191 643 6087 -
Name of inspector
Date of Inspection
Ladders, Pallet Trucks and Trolleys
Ladders Inspections
Ladder ID number & Location
Plant / ID Number clearly legible and marking intact
No loose, cracked or broken rungs, rails, braces or ropes
No loose nails, screw bolts or other parts
No splintered or sharp edges
No damaged or worn non-slip steps or base
No foreign matter on the ladder such as grease, oil, paints
No loose, defective, broken or missing extension locks
Hinge spreaders not loose or bent (stepladders / trestles)
Stop guard on hinge spreaders not broken or damaged (stepladders / trestles)
Retaining cords are of equal length and in good condition
No damage or worn stiles (warping, sagging or distortion)
Stable when open and standing on a level base (Stepladders)
Name/Signature of inspector
Date of Inspection
Pallet Truck Inspections
Pallet Truck
Pallet Truck ID number & Location
Load capacity plate is fitted, legible and correct
Forks are free of damage
Wheels are in good repair
Hydraulic jack cylinder checked for leaks
Jack lifts all the way up
Lowering handle
Handle is secure
Operation-lift in good working order (hold and lowering)
Bolts and fasteners
Blade rollers
Any other signs of defects or damage
Name/Signature of inspector
Date of Inspection
Trolley Inspections
Trolley ID number & Location
Wheels are in good repair
Bolts and fasteners
Any other signs of defects or damage
Name/Signature of inspector
Date of Inspection
Outdoor Play Equipment
Outdoor Play Equipment
Play Equipment
Take photo of structure or identify equipment
Structure is free of bending, warping, cracking, loosening and breaking
Surface finish adequate (protective coating missing, rust or other corrosion, cracks, splinters, broken or open joints.)
All items such as nuts, bolts washers, shackles etc are adequate (not missing, bent, broken, loosened, worn, open hooks, etc.)
Edges are free of protrusions, sharp points or sharp edges
No pinch or crush points present(Exposed mechanisms, junctures or moving components, etc.)
Guard or hand rails/swing barriers aren't missing, bent, broken, loosened.
Mechanical devices and moving parts checked for worn bearings, lack of lubrication, seizure or excessive motion, missing covers.
Review swing and other seats (missing, damaged, loosened, sharp corners, insecure fittings, etc.)
Look for missing or broken rungs, steps or treads loosening, etc.
Foundations aren't cracked, loose in ground or exposed.
Impact absorbing surfaces aren't compacted, displaced or not extensive enough to cover possible impact area
Drain holes are clear
Signature person carrying out inspection(s) of outdoor equipment
Date/time of Inspection
First Aid
The contents in the kits below are to BS 8599 for low hazard environments, schools should carry out a first aid risk assessment and review it on a regular basis to ensure provisions are adequate.
Consideration should be given to risks associated with the needs of individuals, tools/equipment in use or the working environment when considering whether first aid supplies are adequate. -
Small Kit (less than 25 employees/pupils)
Small First Aid Kit
Location of FA Kit
First Aid Guidance Leaflet
Contents List
Microporous Tape
Universal Shears
Medium Kit (25 - 100 employees/pupils)
Medium First Aid Kit
Location of FA Kit
First Aid Guidance Leaflet
Contents List
Microporous Tape
Universal Shears
Large Kit (100+ per 100 pupils/employees)
Large First Aid Kit
Location of FA Kit
First Aid Guidance Leaflet
Contents List
Microporous Tape
Universal Shears
Travel Kit
Travel First Aid Kit
Location of FA Kit
First Aid Guidance Leaflet
Contents List
Microporous Tape
Universal Shears
Automated External Defibrillator
Location of AED
Visual check of device & casing (look for obvious signs of damage or missing parts)
Battery sufficiently charged
Defibrillator pads are sealed & in date (including spare pads)
All accessories are present (towel, razor, CPR face shield, scissors and gloves)
Additional stock to order
Any Other Issues
Defects Log