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Client / Site (displayed on front page)
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Has an assessment been made to determine whether the area is a confined space?
Is the space?
Enclosed or partially enclosed?
Likely to be entered and is it at normal atmospheric pressure?
Have a limited or restricted entry
Does the space?
contain, is it intended to contain, or is it likely to contain harmful levels of atmospheric contaminants, or
contain, is it intended to contain, or is it likely to contain an unsafe oxygen level, or
contain, is it intended to contain, or is it likely to contain substances that could cause engulfment
Can the work be conducted in such a way that removes working win a confined space?
Relevant personnel hold a valid Certificate of competency/ accreditation? (All personnel engaged in confined space activities are to provide documented evidence of trained competency)
All work involving working near or entry into a confined space has commenced without having a Confined Space Permit current and available?
Confined space permit current and available?
Confined space SWMS available and controls being followed?
Risk assessment process used to determine hazards/ risks associated with confined space entry and works?
Are fall from heights controls implemented?
Is the emergency response plan known by all workers (including rescue method and responsibilities)
There are no ignition sources within the confined space (smoking, grinding, naked flames, spark-generating equipment)
If hot works are required, has it been assessed that the hot works are necessary?
Rescue Plan developed and accompanying Confined Space Permit?
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Signed PoMC Representative:
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Signed Principal Contractor Representative (optional):