Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Site Safety

  • What are the recurrent natural disasters in the region of the plant site?

  • What is the scale of impact of Flooding on process safety of your plant? (On a scale of 1 to 10)

  • Is there a proper drainage system to direct water away from the facility?

  • What is the scale of impact of Storms on process safety of your plant? (On a scale of 1 to 10)

  • Is the facility free of any unsafe structures that might fail during a storm?

  • What is the scale of impact of Thunderstorms on process safety of your plant? (On a scale of 1 to 10)

  • Have you properly equipped lightning arresters within the facility?<br>(GUIDE: Rolling sphere method for the placement of arresters to provide protection to all the zones at risk)

  • Do other factories/activities near the site can trigger an emergency situation?

  • Is the risk identified and assessed?

  • Have you considered these risks when designing the plant layout?<br>(GUIDE: Have you considered the location of other plants and wind direction when locating your flammable chemical storage, control rooms and main office building?)

  • Have you Prepared emergency response plans to react if above situations take place?

Material handling & Storage

  • Have you identified unsafe amounts of hazardous material at your workplace as specified under local mandates ?

  • Have you considered using less hazardous alternatives?

  • Does the storage of hazardous substances is within the limits specified under local mandates?

  • Have you provided special storage conditions for the substances that require ones?

  • Are Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) available for all substances present?

  • Are all the containers labeled correctly?

  • Have you provided Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for handling of all harmful substances?

  • Are all the employees provided with proper training & awareness on handling & storage of harmful substance?

  • Do you continually monitor and supervise the storage and handling of chemicals?

  • Do you have an emergency response plan in place in case of a spillage or leakage?

  • Have you provided necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to the workers?

  • Have you equipped the facility with Emergency Showers and Eye Washing equipment?


  • Does your Maintenance process involve handling hazardous chemicals that has the possibility of being exposed to workers and environment during maintenance?

  • Is the Maintenance Related to electric equipment?

  • Do you always electrically isolate the equipment at the start of maintenance?

  • Noise/Vibration created during maintenance?

  • What are the actions you have taken to address the sound/vibration levels?

  • Is the Maintenance Related to entering into confined spaces?

  • What are the safety actions you follow while entering into a confined space?

  • Do you always isolate the section in the process which is under maintenance?<br>

  • Do you use Lock Out & Tag Out (LOTO) system during maintenance activity?

  • Do you issue a Permit To Work to employees to perform both routine and non-routine maintenance activities?

  • Do you provide workers with necessary instructions to perform the task beforehand?

  • Do you always communicate the maintenance schedule to other workers in the plant?

  • Have you provided proper training to maintenance workers?

  • Are maintenance activities being supervised?

Fire Safety

  • Are the work areas where fire hazards are present, free from open flames ?

  • The exhausts from engine powered equipment are in reasonable distance from explosive material?

  • Are there any hazardous or flammable vapor sources near combustion equipment?

  • Any action has been taken to substitute flammable raw materials and chemical and with a non-flammable or less flammable raw material and chemical?

  • The storage of materials within the work structure is setup in a way that minimizes the spread of fire within a given structure?

  • Is there enough space between heat-producing objects?<br>(GUIDE: lightbulbs, heating units)

  • Garbage is removed daily or more frequently?

  • Aisles and floors free of oil and other flammable spills?

  • Ventilation systems implemented and working properly?

  • Proper fire/heat/smoke detectors have been installed?

  • Is welding, grinding, or metal cutting being conducted with a hot-work permit?

  • Is there a fire and evacuation plan in place for each building and visible for all to see in general area?

  • Are there any evacuation signs/diagrams/labeling with the required information?

  • Are evacuation routes clear of obstructions?

  • Are the fire/smoke doors unobstructed and undamaged?

  • Has evacuation practice been conducted annually?

  • Is there a Fire Detection and Alarm System?

  • Is the Fire Detection and Alarm System operating with no isolation or fault indicating?

  • Work sites equipped with firefighting material at all times?

  • Firefighting material located in prominent, easily noticeable area?

  • Firefighting equipment is inspected per local mandates?

  • Are fire extinguishers chosen for the type of fire most likely in that area?

  • Are all extinguishers fully charged and operable?

  • Are special purpose extinguishers clearly marked?

  • Power supply for fire pumps works under any situation?<br>(GUIDE: is power given directly from the main supply)

  • Is there an accurately functioning Sprinkler system in place?

  • Fire drills are conducted frequently?

  • Is there a designated fire team composed of employees of the company?<br>(GUIDE: A fire team made of employees responsible for each department/area in the plant)

General Electrical Safety

  • Are there warning signs displayed near high voltage distribution boards?

  • Required components of a distribution board are available and are in functional state?

  • Are the distribution boards accessible in case of an emergency?

  • Distribution boards are maintained cleanly?

  • Indicator lamps are available in distribution boards?

  • Have you placed rubber carpets near the distribution boards?<br>(GUIDE: So the person who works with the distribution board is standing on the rubber carpet)

  • Is new colour code for conductors practiced? <br>(GUIDE: Brown (L1), Black (L2), Gray (L3), Blue (N))

  • Ingress protection is within the required level?

  • What are the tests you have carried out for the relevant installations and obtained results within the IEC standards?

  • Panel services carried out at most every six months?

Incident report & Review

  • Have you encouraged the employees to report accidents and near misses?

  • Do you keep records on the accidents and near misses?

  • Have you identified the root causes and taken necessary measures to prevent the incidents?

  • Do you communicate the incident reports among all the stakeholders?

  • Do you review the feasibility of the preventive measures taken?

First Aid & Medical Facilities

  • Do you have a medical center equipped to provide medication to the victims of accidents?

  • Do you have designated personnel with necessary medical proficiency to treat the victims?

  • Have you provided First Aid kits to each area of the premises?

  • Is every First Aid kit accessible to any employee?

  • Have you provided the employees with necessary First Aid training?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.