
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

General Information

  • Please read each condition thoroughly and then select the best possible answer (Yes, No, Not Available). If you select "No" or "Not" Available, please indicate the reason why in the available space below the line item. To access the additional information Category tap the line item and a dropdown will appear.

  • Residencia | Residence

  • Property ID

Breaker Principal | Main breaker

  • Conectores | connectors

  • Medidor | Meter

  • Elementos de Corte | Fuses

Tablero Principal distribucion/termicos | Board main distribution/thermal

  • Conectores |Connectors

  • Cables | cables

  • Alambres | wires

Tomacorrientes | Outlets

  • Voltage Correcto | Correct voltage

  • Aterramiento | Grounding

  • Polaridad | Polarity

  • Sobrecalentado | Overheating

Tomacorrientes GFCI | GFCI outlets

  • Ba¤os | Bathrooms

  • Cocina | Kitchen

  • Probados | Tested

  • Aterramiento | Grounding

Exterior Tomacorrientes GFCI | Exterior GFCI outlets

  • Exterior | Exterior

  • Probados | Tested

  • Aterramiento | Grounding

  • Tapas a prueba elementos | Elements

Interior | Inside

  • Plafones Apliques | Ceiling fixtures

  • Soques Recalentados | Typical overheated

  • Interuptores y Dimers | Switches and Dimers

  • Focos Remplazados | Remplazados spotlights

Exterior | Exterior

  • Luces Seguridad | Security lights

  • Focos Remplazados | Remplazados spotlights

  • Fotocelda | Photocell

  • Contactor | Contactor

Otras Luces | Other lights

  • Focos Remplazados | Remplazados spotlights

  • Interuptores | Switches

Lavadora | Washing machine

  • Ingreso Agua | Incoming water

  • Salida agua | Water outlet

  • Limpieza Filtro Pelusa | Cleaning filter lint

  • Ciclos funcionan | Cycles run

Secadora | Dryer

  • Calienta | It heats

  • Todos los Ciclos Funcionan | All cycles run

  • Cuenta con Manga al Exterior | It features Manga abroad

  • Nivelada | Level

  • Hornillas funcionan | Burners work

  • Llaves termicas funcionan | Thermal keys work

  • Horno funciona | Oven works

Extractor Desgrasador | Degreaser Extractor

  • Funciona Ventilador | Fan runs

  • Requiere Limpieza | Cleaning required

  • Funciona Luz | Work light

Microhondas | Microwave

  • Funciona Calienta | Runs hot

  • Enchufe Adecuado | Suitable plug

Refrigerador | Refrigerator

  • Congelador Superior | Top freezer

  • Enfria area inferior | Cool bottom area

  • Esta nivelado | Level

Congelador freezer | Freezer

  • Enfria | Cool

  • Esta nivelado |Level

Calefones | Water heaters

  • Agua Caliente | Hot water

  • Elementos | Elements

  • Termostato | Thermostat


  • Puertas Exteriores | Exterior doors

  • Puertas Interiores | Interior doors

  • Gabinetes Ba¤os | Bathrooms cabinets

  • Gabinetes Cocina | Kitchen cabinets

  • Ventanas | Windows

Extinguidores | Fire extinguishers

  • Revisar, Efectuar Mantenimiento | Review, maintenance

  • Montado a Gancho Pared | A hook mounted wall

  • Gancho a Pared Firme | Firm wall hook

  • Etiqueta Fechada | Tag dated

Detectores Humo y Monoxido Carbono | Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors

  • Detectores Humo Instalados (no falta) | Detectors smoke installed (not missing)

  • Detectores Humo Probados | Tested smoke detectors

  • Detector de CO Instalado | Installed CO alarm

Bomba de Agua | Water pump

  • Presion Hidrocel | Pressure Hidrocel

  • Presostato Verificado | Verified switch

  • Medidor Presion | Gauge pressure

  • Flotador Electrico | Float electric

Tanque de Agua | Water tank

  • Limpio | Clean

  • Flotador Llenado | Float fill

  • Tapa a Prueba Ni¤os | Cover kids test

  • Flotador Electrico | Float electric

Llaves Mezcladoras y Pilas | Mixers and battery keys

  • Cierran Abren Correctamente | Close open correctly

  • Goteras | Leak

  • Cambio Empaquetaduras | Change gaskets

  • Desgastadas Remplazar | Worn replace

Inodoros | Toilets

  • Largan Bien | Largan well

  • Goteras | Leak

  • Valvula Llenado | Filling valve

  • Flapper | Flapper

Alcantarillado | Sewer

  • Cajas Registro Cocina Lavanderia | Boxes log kitchen laundry

  • Drenajes Lavaplatos | Dishwasher drains

  • Drenajes Lavamanos platos | Sink drains dishes

  • Drenajes Duchas Ba¤eras | Drains showers tubs


  • Tanque Herbidor Limpio | Boiler Tank Clean

  • Cambio Filtros Pre y Post | Change filters Pre and Post

  • Revision Linea Agua | Review water line

  • Funcionamiento Correcto | Correct operation

Canaletas y Bajantes | Gutters and downspouts

  • Limpios | Clean

  • Filtraciones | Leaks

  • Aleros Da¤ados | Damaged eaves


  • Revisado Mangueras de Goma | Revised rubber hoses

  • Sin Fugas | No leaks

  • Aseguradas a Ambos Extremos | Secured at both ends

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.