Conducted on
What area is being inspected
Prepared by
Are oxygen valve caps in place?
Are oxygen tanks away from heat or source of ignition or damage?
Is PPE being used as required - gloves, helmets, aprons, capes, etc?
Are weld curtains in good working condition?
Are measuring equipment regularly inspected for accuracy and safe working condition?
Are measuring equipment regularly inspected for accuracy and safe working condition?
Are workplace injury and illness records being kept as required by OSHA?
Are all workplace fatalities and serious accidents reported to MIOSHA within 8 hours?
Did you post the OSHA annual summary of workplace injuries and illnesses between February 1st and April 30th?
Progress through the following sections, answering each question. When an item is non-compliant, be sure to add notes and photos as evidence.
Training, Certifications and Publishing(s)
Are employees being trained on proper use of PPE?
Are HILO drivers properly certified and up to date?
Are DOT drivers properly certified and up to date?
Are crane certifications current?
Do we have a published lockout / tagout procedure?
Is training provided for AED, CPR, First Aid and Bloodborne pathogens?
Is the list of First Responders available and accessible to all employees?
Has a fire drill been scheduled and executed?
Has a tornado drill been scheduled and executed?
Has a fire extinguisher training been offered?
Do we have a published PPE procedure?
Is there a copy of the MIOSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act in a place accessible to all employees?
Is the copy of the MIOSHA Workplace Poster displayed in a location accessible to all employees?
Are the OSHA annual summary of workplace injuries and illnesses posted between February 1st and April 30th yearly?
Are operator work stations clear of clutter and other hazards
Work stations are well organized and no trip hazards are present?
Circulation paths are kept clear of any items?
Are all electrical cords strung so they do not hang on pipes, nails, hooks, etc?
Is there no evidence of fraying on any electrical cords?
Safety Signage, Barricades and Warning(s)
Are NO SMOKING signs prominently posted for areas containing combustibles and flammables?
Signs indicating required Personal Protective Equipments are in place.
Signs indicating eyewash/safety shower, emergency exits, fire extinguishers, etc. are in place?
Emergency routes and emergency doors are kept clear of any item and fully accessible. Emergency doors are not locked.
Pits, overhead work, maintenance activities are properly as CONFINED SPACES?
Exits and Access
Are all exits visible and unobstructed?
Are all exits marked with a readily visible sign that is properly illuminated?
Are there sufficient exits to ensure prompt escape in case of emergency?
Are doors easy to open or have panic hardware?
Are exit routes clearly displayed?
Are non-exit doors marked properly?
Fire Protection
Are fire extinguishers provided in adequate number and type?
Are fire extinguishers recharged regularly and properly noted on inspection tag?
Are fire extinguishers mounted in readily accessible locations?
Are the locations marked properly and in view?
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Steel-toed safety shoes are used as required?
Safety glasses (side shields) being used as required?
Gloves are used as required?
Ear protections is used in identified high noise areas?
Are aprons being used in identified skin irritant areas?
Are full body protection used in identified skin irritant areas?
Are all flammable liquids that are kept inside the building store in proper storage?
Are outside containers covered for collection of waste?
Are combustible scrap and debris removed from work areas at regular intervals?
Do you see any areas of pooled water or debris on the floor?
Equipments (lighting fixtures, machine guarding, barriers, etc.) are maintained in good working condition and in place.
Is conduit, BX cable, tec. connected to junction and outlet boxes?
Are metallic cable and conduit systems properly grounded?
Are portable electric tools and appliances grounded or of the double insulation type?
Are all electrical installations in hazardous dust or vapor areas allowed?
Workers avoid encounter repetitive awkward positioning, excessive or overhead reaching, or continuous bending and twisting?<br>
Are mats in good condition?
Are employees encouraged to use back braces for lifting?
Are employees trained on proper lifting techniques?
Tools, Equipment and Machines
Tools, equipment and machines are operating properly?
Is visible electrical wiring and cabling in good condition?
Are machines or operations that expose operators or other employees to rotating parts?
Are the guards securely fastened?
Are machines or operations that expose operators or other employees to pinch points or particles?
Are machines or operations that expose operators or other employees to sparks adequately guarded?
Is there sufficient clearance from stoves, furnaces, etc. or other combustible materials?
Are provisions made to prevent unintentional start up upon restoration of lost power?
Are emergency stopping devices or controls within reach of operator's designated position?
Does each machine and equipment provided with own means of power, disconnect, and capable of being locked out?
Is exposed power shafting less than 7 feet from the floor guarded?
Overall Notes
What is the overall condition of the workplace?
Enter any general findings or comments
Are any safety concerns present that require immediate attention?
Ensure all safety issues are noted in the audit above, with associated corrective actions created
Log below any examples of excellent work practices that were noted on this safety walk.
Good Work Practice
Team Member Name
Good work practice:
Sign Off
Have you demonstrated an active interest in safety and health matters by defining the policy of the business and communicating this to all employees?
Do you have a safety committee that allows participation of employees in safety and health activites?
I declare that the audit above was conducted and completed accurate.
Full name and signature of auditor