Title Page

  • Site address:

  • Inspection Date:

  • Inspection by:

  • Location:

  • Personnel Present:

General And Site Set up

  • Has Weekly OHS&E Inspection been completed?

  • OHS&E management plan on site?

  • OHS&E management plan complete and up to date?

  • Emergency phone numbers and evacuation plan displayed?

  • Site supervisor has access to Acts, regulations, codes of practice?

  • UV cream, Face masks - P2 ear plugs insulated hooks and bunting available in the site office or car?

  • Evacuation assembly area allocated and posted?

  • Warning horn or other method of evacuation notification available in site office or car?

  • Emergency evacuation trial conducted? (Note: to be conducted every six months - Toolbox Talk.)

  • Traffic management plan in place? (Where required)

  • Visitors register up to date?

  • OHS&E Noticeboard in place?

  • If you are injured poster, toolbox talk, weekly safety walk and safety posters displayed?

  • No smoking sign displayed in site office?

Employee Responsibilities

  • Has the weelky OHS&E walk been conducted, up to date and placed on OHS&E noticeboard?

  • Have toolbox talks been conducted on a regular basis and placed on notice board?

Work Areas

  • Are after hours contact name and numbers displayed in the appropriate Places? (Site Office)

  • Site signage displayed for every lot number?

  • Is site signage complete and correct?

  • Has barrier tape been erected and maintained to identify any unsafe areas?

  • Are all sharp objects capped or protected ie: star pickets, reo bars?

  • General housekeeping. Has all rubbish been placed in bins provided or identified areas?

  • Is house access and egress free from building materials?

Access And Egress

  • Temporary fencing in place and effective?

  • Clear access to worksite?

  • Clear access through garage to house door?

  • Crushed rock walkways provided if required?

  • Overhead electrical cable defined and protected? (Site office?)

  • Designated storage area for materials/equipment?


  • Adequate number of toilets provided?

  • Toilets clean?

  • Clear access to all toilets?

Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Eye protection being worn where required?

  • Hearing protection being used where required?

  • Breathing protection being used?

  • UV protection being used?

  • Appropriate footwear being worn?

Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS)

  • Supervisors have access to SWMS?

  • Do trades have a copy of their SWMS on site?

  • Are trades working to their SWMS?

  • Framing Carpenter has a specific SWMS for Truss Installation?

Explosive Power Tools (EPT) and Nail guns

  • If an explosive power tool is on site, are the charges and tool protected in a locked box to prevent unauthorised access?

  • Is the EPT being used on recommended materials?

  • Verify the person operating the EPT is competent?

  • Is the operator of the EPT using safety goggles or face shield?

Environmental - Hazardous Substances and Dust/Fibres

  • Polyurethane Pods picked up and removed?

  • MDF cutting is in a ventilated, isolated area?

  • Cement fibre products, cutting is in a ventilated, isolated area?

  • Engineered stone cutting is not to take place on site?

  • Synthetic mineral fibre sealed bagged and removed?

Electrical Safety

  • Meterbox board Residual Current Device (RCD) tested and tagged every month?

  • Power tools and leads tested and tagged every three months?

  • Temporary wiring labelled as temporary?

  • Lead stands and insulated hooks used where required?

  • RCD multi plug portable outlet device used safely and appropriately?

  • Power tools and equipment protected by earth Leakage?

  • Domestic power boards, double adapters and piggyback adapters are not in use?

  • Leads exiting meterbox through designated area at bottom?

Excavation, Trenching

  • Are there any excavations currently on site? If No select N/A for each question.

  • Are excavations greater than 1.5 metres battered, benched or shielded?

  • Are excavations greater than one metre fenced off or bunting installed?

  • In ground services information available (Dial before you dig, as built plans, cable pipe locator and hand digging as required to locate services?)

  • Safe entry/exit from excavations?

  • Are all pits suitably covered?

  • Are there items of plant working closer than one metre to the open edge of the excavation, trench or batter?

Mobile Plant and Equipment

  • Is there any mobile plant or equipment operating on site? If No select N/A for each question.

  • Does all plant have flashing lights and audible reversing beeper?

  • Does all plant on site has proof of maintenance and is in good working order?

  • Verify that concrete pumps and mobile crane records are available and up to date?

  • Are out riggers fully extended and on timber supports?

  • Safe working loads are marked on the gear?

  • Lifting slings and chains are in good condition and maintained?

Working at Heights

  • Has the void protection been signed off and certificate provided?

  • Is the void protection in place prior to first floor flooring being installed?

  • Is the void cover down while workers are working on first floor

  • Has the guardrail been signed off and certificate provided?

  • Is guardrail in place prior to installing first floor flooring?

  • Roof guardrails in place around perimeter of all lower roof where work is being undertaken?

  • Handrails, midrails and toe boards have been installed and maintained on balconies?

  • Is there appropriate fall protection in place such as scaffolding or hung scaffolds for all work being undertaken on the second floor?

  • Are Carpenters working from ladders or scaffolding while placing the roof trusses?

  • If carpenters are working from ladders to install roof trusses does their SWMS reflect this scope of works?

  • Are all ladders secured, 1:4 vertical ratio, project 1 metre above platform?

  • Has the framer installed temporary handrails over window openings lower than one metre?

Scaffolding and Ladders

  • Is there any Scaffolding erected on site? If No select N/A for each question.

  • Is the scaffold certificate in place and signed off every 30 days? (Scafftag)

  • Sole boards must either pick up two standards or be a minimum of 450x225x32 hardwood or laminated. The scaffold must be fitted with base plates and screw jacks?

  • Handrails, midrails and toe boards have been installed and maintained?

  • Are diagonal bracing in place every 3rd bay front and rear?

  • Is scaffolding tied back into house?

  • Is there adequate clear access to the scaffold?

  • Are all transoms fitted every 2 metres and locked in, not left loose?

  • Are all ledgers fitted every 2 metres and locked in, not left loose?

  • Are all base plates sitting on the sole boards?

  • Are the work decks fully planked out? with no missing planks or holes in the scaffold?

  • Are all gaps no greater than 225mm adjacent to the face of the structure/building?

  • Are scaffold decks clear of debris?

  • Are all platforms fully planked?

  • Are trestle scaffolds set up on even ground or adequately packed to ensure stability, and fully planked out?

  • Are all ladders commercial grade and without structural damage?

  • Can a worker use both hands to climb and descend ladder?

  • Is the platform appropriate for the Task i.e. no milk crates or similar to be used.

Hand Held Power Tools

  • Are appropriate handheld power tools being used for tasks?

  • Verify that regular inspections and maintenance of the power tool has been undertaken (this may be visual)

  • Are all power tools protected by RCD while being used?

  • Are all petrol driven power tools and/or generators being used in a well ventilated area?

  • Verify that guards are fitted and in good working order?

  • Verify that PPE is being used while operating power tools?

Hazard Substances

  • Hazardous and dangerous goods are not stored on site?

  • Are current Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) available for all hazardous substances on site and recorded?

  • Access to the MSDS by employees?


  • Are waterways protected?

  • Up stands capped?

  • Silt protection required/in place?

  • Do drains have adequate cover?

System Review

  • Verify that workers know who the first aiders are on site?

  • Verify that workers have been inducted into the site safety rules?

  • Verify that workers understand the evacuation procedure on site?

  • Verify that workers have completed a toolbox talk?

  • Verify that first aid injuries are being recorded and a copy sent to the Building and OHS&E Managers.


  • Summary - Supervisor to complete summary

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.