Title Page

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  • Name of Observer:

  • Station:


Food & Beverage Standard

  • All labels are present, match all items, match menu cycle, items are stocked, Arial font & black/blue text:

  • All items are more than 25% filled including but not limited too ( soup/oatmeal, platters, hydration items, serve ware, condiments, cereal canister, hot food, snack mix canister):

  • No items are overflowing (soup/oatmeal, platters, condiments, hot food):

  • Allergen's displayed in Arial black/blue font, facing the customer, and present as needed:

  • Food is displayed properly ie. no marks on fruit, appropriate placement, aligned in neat rows, no solicitations, Polaris spec:


  • Condiments; all like items placed together, facing the same direction, with no miscellaneous items present:

  • Teas; all like items placed together, facing the same direction, with no miscellaneous items present:

  • Silverware; all like items placed together, facing the same direction, with no miscellaneous items present:

  • Dishware; all like items placed together, facing the same direction, with no miscellaneous items present:

  • Paper products; napkins & cups properly organized and not overstocked:


  • Dishware and Silverware clean and in good condition:

  • Glassware clean and in good condition:

  • Serveware (platters, tongs, ladles) clean and in good condition:

  • Floors; Clean and in good condition:

  • Buffet area wiped; clean of crumbs, debris, spills and the attendant is present:

  • Beverage area wiped; area clean of spills and splatter and attendant is present:

Failure to provide service

  • Dishware stocked; plates & bowls:

  • Food stocked; soup/oatmeal, platters, cereal & hot food:

  • Condiments stocked; salad dressing & hot sauce:

  • Silverware stocked; forks, spoons & knives:

  • Beverages stocked; Juice, coffee & soda:


Bar Service

  • General service; Bar attendant present, acknowledging all customers, professional/polite, serve time is less than 5 and 10 minutes, and knowledgeable of bar program:

  • Accurate Measure; Uses jigger/stopper correctly, pours beer & wine accurately:

  • New Glass/Napkins/Coaster; A new glass is used for refills & napkins/coasters are present and stocker properly:


  • Glassware is clean and in good condition:

  • Surface area clean, no personal items visible, glass and dishware picked up as soon as finished:

  • Back bar; bottles clean & properly displayed, clutter free & no personal items visible, bar mats clean (AM):


  • POS beverage tracking; all orders entered into system:

  • Visible Tips; No cash visible to customers & no tip jar present:



  • Toilets/Urinals clean and in good condition:

  • Mirror clean and in good condition:

  • Counters/basin clean & dry, no miscellaneous items, matches Polaris spec:

  • Floors clean, no debris, buildup, or miscellaneous items present:

  • Trash container wiped down and not overflowing:

Supplies Stocked

  • Hand soap is stocked and dispenser is in good condition:

  • Hand/paper towels stocked, correct hand towels, not overstocked:

  • Toilet paper stocked & 2 ply, female sanitary product stocked, nothing overstocked:

  • Tissue available and not overstocked:

  • Toilet seat covers available and in good condition:

  • Air freshened present and operational:

General Seating


  • Surfaces are streak/spot free, no debris or spills, interior glass clean:

  • Food/dishes are picked up and attendant is present:

  • Carts/bins are less than 75% full, different food and trash cart used, not weaved through lounge:

  • Tile and Carpet floors are clean of spills and debris:

  • Seating is clean of debris, crumbs & spills:

Trash Receptacles

  • Trash receptacles are not overflowing or left overnight & are wiped down/clean:

Clean Rooms

  • All rooms are clean including mother/wellness, phone booth, showers, and magazines are neat and organized:

  • Welcome area is clean including stairs, escalators, elevators, décor is dust free, and all food and dishes are picked up and removed:


Employee Standard

  • Uniform/Appearance; All employees are in the correct uniform and are not using a cell phone:

  • Food/drink; employee's refrain from visible drinking or eating:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.