Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location


  • Does the store appear clean from the outside and why is it important?

  • Is all the outside visuals up and correct?

  • Why is having music playing important?

  • What is your cadence with MyMerch?

  • Are all phones turned on, charged, with demo loops and why is that important to you?

  • Is the store clean?

  • Is the back door closed and why is that a policy?

  • Is the safes locked and secured and why is that a policy?

  • Has everyone logged in and looked at the article on Retail Connect? What's the point of retail connect? What's the expectation? Walk me through your quick connect?

  • Is everyone wearing a name tag?

  • Is everyone in proper uniform?

  • Are devices being returned M,W,F? And why do we do that?

  • Does the store know how to drive down remorse returns for phones and accessories? Walk me through all the different ways to bring remorse down?

Customer Experience

  • Does the store have a plan to get high NPS scores? TMO App download, TMO Tuesdays, TEX greeting, Thanking for tenure, review shops with all ME's, vibe of store.

  • Does the store know about the ratings and review process and are they responding within 48 hours?

  • Do they have a One Stop Shop talk track?

  • Do they know the goals for NPS and SME? 72 NPS, 9.2 SME


  • Does the store have a connected life talk track and strategy? Tell me what it is and show me a signature demo.

  • Does the store have an Ecosystem talk track and strategy? Explain to me the methodology you use and show me what that sounds like in a skills practice.

  • Does the store know what a signature demo is? Can they execute on it? What's your go to BTS demo? Show me!

  • Can the store speak to the benefits of P360? Screen Protector, apple care, tiered deductibles, 3 claims per year. Where can you find the information? What are the pricing tiers?

  • Do the ME's know the 3 Freier questions around One Plus? Can they top down sell? Can you connect the features to the questions?

  • Is the store using Essentials packages? Show me how? Tell me why we have them and what the cost is for it?

  • Does the store understand how to sell accessories? What are 3 things you can do to increase accessory sales?

  • Do the ME's know how to use the feature revenue calculator and how to distinguish the dollar amount they need depending on the situation? Show me? Let's role play.

  • Do all the MEs know what family mode is? What their goal is?

  • Does the store know how to sell TMFB? Please explain.

  • Is the store getting out of their business into the community? How? Why or why not?

  • Is the store up to date on current promotions and how to leverage them? What are the current promotions? Tell me what's going on today based on what you learned in TMO Connect this morning.


  • Does the store know what's going on with the network in their area, and can they speak to the network improvement. Do they have the latest 1 pager?

  • Is everyone up to date on priority training? What's the expectation?

  • Has the leader finished leader ready? Why not?

  • Are the ME's certified? What's the hold up? Do they have the survey link?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.