Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Swim Instructor Audit
Swim Instructor Name
Conducted On
Prepared By
Level(s) Assessed
Number of Students
Professional Image
Well presented in uniform?
Enthusiastic and committed?
Smiles and welcomes students?
Friendly and helpful attitude displayed?
Lesson Preparation
Lesson area is well organized?
Is there a written or verbal plan for today's lesson?
Are there appropriate teaching aids and equipment available at pool-side?
Lesson Punctuality
Did the instructor arrive 5-10 minutes prior to scheduled lesson?
Did the class begin on time?
Are the activities well timed?
Are the flow of activities gradual and progressive?
Does the lesson conclude on time, allowing for parent feedback?
Lesson Assessment
Are the activities suitable to the skill level?
Do the activities represent American Red Cross?
Is there enjoyment for the students?
Does the lesson include ARC safety and survival elements?
Observation of Student Performance
Is instant stroke/technique correction implemented?
Does the instructor provide appropriate attention to all students?
Is the correct technique emphasized?
Are the students performing at the correct/appropriate level?
Instructor Communication
Does the instructor gain the student's full attention?
Does the instructor maintain eye-level communication with the student?
Does the instructor provide clear instruction to the student?
Does the instructor provide effective demonstrations?
Does the participant feel comfortable enough to inhibit two-way communication with the instructor?
Instructor-Participant Supervision
Are all participants within safe reach? If not, are safety precautions in place for students?
Are participants within instructor's eye sight at all times?
Is there minimal down-time due to productive activities?
Does the instructor have control of the class?
Parental Feedback
Does instructor direct participants to parents/guardians following the lesson?
Are the participants motivated and inspired to swim?
Are the participants happy?
Has the instructor made an effort to approach the parents/guardians to provide a participant progression update?
Are the parents/guardians satisfied?
Is scheduling with the instructor a positive experience?
Are pleasant relationships built between the instructor and the students?
Are pleasant relationships built between the instructor and the parent/guardian?
Please provide any additional feedback/recommendations concerning ISU's Learn to Swim program!
Departmental Documentation