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VF213 - SMC Door Installation Checklist

Chassis Section Checklist

  • Check that the door aperture size is correct as per reference drawing. <br>Front Door: Height& Width<br>Centre Door: Height & Width

  • Front Door: Height & Width

  • Centre Door: Height & Width

  • Check that the door aperture is square.

  • Front Door:

  • Rear Door:

Panel Section Checklist

  • Check that the base plates are installed in correct position and are fastened securely. ( centre of door aperture ) Reference to general arrangement drawing if required.

  • Front Door

  • Centre Door

  • Check that the base plates are mounted flush along bottom edge of top rail.

  • Front Door

  • Centre Door

  • Check base plates are mounted level

  • Front Door

  • Centre Door

Finish Section Checklist

  • Check all door shafts are installed correctly. Are the pivot plates in position and the fixing screws securced with Loctite 262.

  • Front Door

  • Centre Door

  • Check that the door shafts are parallel with the body and aperture

  • Front Door

  • Centre Door

  • Check that the door leafs are installed correctly. Is the outside of door leafs up against the aperture seal when the door is closed and the cylinder is fully retracted.

  • Front Door

  • Centre Door

  • Are the door leafs up against the aperture seal and are the handrails firm when door is open

  • Front Door

  • Centre Door

  • Are both door leafs parallel and does the lip on the nosing rubber on the front leaf lie on the outside of the rear leaf. Check the clearance between the aperture side and the door leafs. Check that the door leafs are square in the aperture. ( the clearance is usually approximately 20mm ) If not adjust the door pivot plates. See SOP fit & align doors.

  • Front Door

  • Centre Door

  • Check that the top of the door leafs on outside of bus are in line with the profile of the bus. If not adjust the guide plate. See SOP fit & align doors.

  • Front Door

  • Centre Door

  • Check that the anti rattle guide blocks are fitted correctly and that the bearing block is sliding freely on the shaft. If not adjust the guide bar. See SOP fit & align doors.

  • Front Door

  • Centre Door

  • Check that the guide roller design anti rattle are fitted correctly and that the roller is moving freely in the base plate housing. If not adjust roller. See SOP fir & align doors.

  • Front Door

  • Centre Door

  • Check that the clearance gap between the bottom of the sensitive edge and the top of the floor when in fully closed position.<br> 1.Ensure that the gap clearance is approximately 5mm and is not greater than 9mm. <br>2. check that the bottom of the sensitive edge rubber is not scrapping against the floor surface at any given time when door is being opened & closed

  • Front Door

  • Centre Door

  • Check that the mould clips at the bottom of the sensitive edge nosing rubber has been cut in and fastened correctly if required.

  • Front Door

  • Centre Door

  • Are the sensitive edge wires in a non strained and free of pinching when when the doors are opened & closed.

  • Front Door

  • Centre Door

  • Are the 8mm countersunk socket screws that fasten the pivot plates to door leafs tight and has Loctite 262 been applied.

  • Front Door

  • Centre Door

Finish Section Checklist

  • Are the M8 countersunk socket screws that fasten the pivot shafts to the door shaft lever tight. Has Loctite 262 been applied.

  • Front Door

  • Centre Door

  • Are the M8 countersunk socket screws that fasten the guide plate to the door leaf tight and has Loctite 262 been applied

  • Front Door

  • Centre Door

  • Are the M12 cone nuts and bolts that fasten the guide block to the guide bracket rod eye bearings tight.

  • Front Door

  • Centre Door

  • Are the M8 countersunk socket screws that fasten the handrails to the door leafs tightened and has Loctite 262 been applied.

  • Front Door

  • Centre Door

  • Do the doors close in 3 seconds + 0.5. sec and does the leading door leaf close slightly trailing the rear leaf. If not adjust the cylinder speed controls. See SOP fit & align doors.

  • Front Door

  • Centre Door

  • Do the doors cushion smoothly when opening and closing without any sudden stops or banging. If not adjust the cylinder cushions. See SOP fit & align doors.

  • Front Door

  • Centre Door

  • Note: With air disconnected. Do the doors move freely and smoothly wiyhout binding when manually opened & closed.

  • Front Door

  • Centre Door

  • Test pneumatic system for air leaks by fitting a shut off valve with a gauge to the supply line. Supply full pressure ( 600kPa ) close door, shut off air and land let stand for approximately 2 minutes. Does the air pressure stay constant.

  • With the doors closed

  • With the doors open

  • Check low pressure regulator guage is set at 250kPa and check if the main supply regulator gauge is set at 600kPa

  • Main supply regulator set at 600kPa.

  • Centre door low pressure regulator set at 250kPa

  • Do the doors move freely from their at rest to fully open and throughout their swing and do the rubbers clear the aperture. ( i.e. the rubber does not foul with the floor at the bottom and brushes at the top.

  • Front Door

  • Centre Door

  • Check installation of top door brushes are flush with outside of door leafs when closed and bottom brush boots adjusted neatly to the floor.

  • Front Door

  • Centre Door

  • Check the sensitive edge loom is located and in correctly.

  • Front Door

  • Centre Door

  • Check that when the sensitive edge is activated that the door brake is applied and the door alarm light is on in drivers compartment.

  • Front Door

  • Centre Door

  • Check that the emergency pneumatic internal & external buttons operate and have no air leaks present

  • Front Door

  • Centre Door

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