Address of Fault or Facility Name
Summary of fault
Name of CRC officer taking call
This report details actions taken as part of the Out Of Hours service operated by BFM staff
1. Contact Details
Time and date of receiving call out
Callers Contact Name and Number (i.e. Black & White Taxi Operators name xxxxx Tel. No. __________)
Contact Name and Number of any person at the site (e.g. caretaker) if supplied
2. Work Type
Work Type (Electrical, Building, Mechanical)
- Electrical
- Mechanical
- Building
3. Location of Callout
Location details - including exact location on site e.g. "2nd FLOOR MEN'S TOILET CUBICLE"
Provide FAR number if this is a building facility (Fill this in when back in the office)
If taking ipad to site, use the LOCATE button to log the precise location of the defect
4. Details of fault / issue & Action Taken
Provide summary of fault here ...
Take photo of fault if possible
Provide summary of action taken here .........
Take photo of defect if it will show works undertaken at end of the job (either as a completed and repaired job, or as the site is left safe for follow up work req.)
5. Follow up works
Is there a need to follow this up ?
Provide a summary of works required
What priority should be assigned to the follow up work ?
- URGENT (Refer to another callout team)
- VERY HIGH (Within 2 Hrs of normal work time)
- HIGH (Within 24 hrs of normal time)
- ROUTINE (Within 1 week)
Call out of hours operator and ask to log works with another team. PROVIDE DETAILS OF WHAT TEAM YOU SUGGEST
Provide time and date that call was logged with the operator
Callers Contact Name and Number (i.e. Black & White Taxi Operators name xxxxx Tel. No. __________)
6. Sign off by CRC officer
Time that call out was completed by attending officer
Any comments ? ...
Signature of attending officer
When complete, email this job to supervisor, go into the Audit section of the app. And 'Sync'