
  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Personnel

Visual Execution

Signage and Entrance

  • Is the store inviting as you approach? <br>Are windows clean, outside furniture clean and tidy, litter free? <br>Siren well lit? <br>Please comment and upload images where appropriate.

  • Entrance & Signage

  • Correct A-board displayed?

  • A- board AM

    A board AM.png
  • Correct Menus in place (incl. updated panel without Gingerbread) and following customer flow?

  • Menus

    New Menu panel.png
  • BOB setup per sirens eye?

  • Updated BOB

    Updated BOB.png
  • Correct DOB? DOB with wreath shortbread cookie discarded?

  • DOB


POS, Merch and foodcase zone

  • Starbucks card holder displayed correctly at the till?

  • MSR Cards

  • Till area clean and set up correctly?

  • Impulse Stand in place and stocked correctly?

  • Impulse Stand

  • Merch set up correctly? Store to send to Sinead for approval/advice if necessary

  • Double Wall Bay

    DBL Wallbay.png
  • Feature Cube

    Merch 1.png
  • Merch priced correctly?

  • Merch Pricing

    Merch Pricing.png
  • Wicker baskets set up and correct signage in use?

  • Baskets set up

    Wixker BAskets.png
  • Breakfast food display as per sirens eye and all food items on display?

  • Breakfast Case

    Breakfast Case.png
  • Bottled Beverages - Price sticker displayed correctly?

  • Lunch Display as per sirens eye?

  • Lunch Display

    Lunch Case.png
  • Food levels satisfactory and all new items available? Counter card displayed (Check date on bottom)

  • Food Counter Card

    Price Counter Card.png
  • De-lists

  • New Shelf Skirts in place?

  • Pastry Case set up as per siren? All items available? Glass clean?

  • AM/PM Pastry Case

    Pastry Case.png
  • Is sampling taking place? Can partners actively describe new food items? Food to be sampled correctly, not left at hand-off point.

  • New Bakery Items

    New Bakery 1.png
  • New Bakery Items

    New Bakery 2.png
  • New Savoury Items

    New Savoury.png
  • Allergen Guide up to date with correct info?

Bar and handoff zone

  • Sticker for MOP placed at Handoff. Counter cards for Delivery/MOP collection changed to red?

  • MOP Sticker

    MOP Sticker.png
  • Pick up.png
  • Condiment bar clean and stocked?

  • Correct magnets on Espresso Machines?

  • Magnets

  • Music audible and at correct level?

  • Heating and general ambience? Is the inside of the store inviting? Please list any defects and upload images.

Operational Execution

Beverage quality

  • Assess quality of promotional beverage - Order TNL. Beverage routine followed?

  • TNL

  • Assess quality of promotional beverage - Order Caramel Waffle Latte Beverage routine followed?

  • CWL

  • Assess quality of promotional beverage - Order Toffee Nut Cream Cold Brew. Beverage Routine followed?


  • Assess quality of promotional beverage - Order Hazelnut Chocolate Crunch Hot Chocolate. Bev Routine followed?

  • HCHC


Deployment/Speed of service

  • Customer connection - customers acknowledged immediately? Are all partners smiling and actively engaging? Is Customer Support role in operation?

  • Customer connection - suggestive selling new and short dated items?

  • Customer connection - names on labels and names on cups?

  • Balance correct between cafe, drive thru and hand off

  • Customer connection - handoff/drive thru connection appropriate and genuine

  • Name badges on all partners? Left hand side, above heart?

  • Correct footwear on all partners?

  • Aprons clean and ironed?

  • Partners adhering to uniform standards?

KPI progress and achievements

  • Playbook set up, targets set, sampling plan in place or occurring in store?

  • Community boards updated for Christmas? Include Photo.

  • Back Of House tidy and organised?

  • FSA checks happening regularly?


  • Customer bathroom clean and tidy? Dryer, toilet, taps all in good working order?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.