Conducted on
Prepared by
Management Controls
Check employers and public liability insurance certificates are valid
Have appropriate signs/notices been erected around the site i.e. mandatory use of PPE, Incomplete Scaffolds, No Smoking, Traffic Management, Fire assembly, Fist Aid Points etc.
Have all contractors been inducted
Ensure all site operatives, including sub-contractors have necessary training records
Access and Egress
Is there safe access and egress to all working areas of the site?
Have pedestrian walkways been provided to protect them from moving vehicles?
Are walkways free from obstructions and stored materials?
Are access routes adequatelly lit?
Access - External
Ensure site access points are clearly signposted on the approaches to the site.
Ensure that adequate lighting is provided, including flashing amber warning beacons where appropriate.
Ensure any floodlights do not dazzle drivers on the site or on adjacent public/private roads.
Ensure any lighting does not cause a nuisance to local residents.
Ensure that there is always a clear access route to and from all parts of the site.
Have access routes been agreed with the fire and other emergency services prior to the start of works.
Ensure the approaches to the site are kept clear of site traffic.
If necessary has the use of traffic lights to control traffic around site entrances been considered?
Ensure approach roads are kept clean and tidy and that any debris is removed promptly.
Ensure there are suitable barriers and warning notices to keep members of the public separated from the site works and site traffic.
Ensure safe pedestrian access is provided across all site entrances.
Ensure the site is securely fenced at all times to prevent unauthorised access.
Ensure all public access routes are kept clean and clear at all times.
Ensure adequate signage is provided to direct members of the public.
Electrical Equipment
Ensure that existing services e.g.: electricity cables, gas mains etc have been identified and effective steps have been taken to prevent danger from them.
Check that low voltage tools and equipment are being used wherever possible.
Check that only 110v CTE hand tool etc are in use.
Check that cables and leads are protected from damage.
Check that tools and equipment are visually checked and regularly inspected/tested by a competent person. (PAT)
Ensure that cables and trailing leads are not trip hazards.
Ensure that checks are made to determine the presence of any buried services before and during all excavation works.
All excavations should be carried out in accordance with a detailed method statement
Check that there is adequate support and propping for the excavation, or whether it has been sloped or battered back to a safe angle.
Check that there is a safe method used for placing supports, without the need for operatives to work in an unsupported trench.
Check that there is safe access into the excavation
Check that barriers or other protection to stop people/vehicles falling in are in place.
Does the excavation affect the stability of neighbouring structures or services.
Ensure that materials, spoil and plant is stored away from the edge of the excavation to reduce the chance of collapse.
Ensure that the excavation is regularly inspected by a competent person and that a record of such inspections is maintained.
First Aid
Are Additional suitably qualified persons available to ensure adequate first aid provision is provided.
Ensure the first aid kit contains only first aid materials.
The location of the first aid box should be indicated on the site notice board and the door of the room in which it is contained. Are they clearly indicated?
The First Aid box should be;
Marked with a white cross on a green background.
Be placed where it can be seen and used.
Be checked and replenished on a regular basis.
Ensure Debris is not be allowed to collect around the site.
Ensure materials are stored in an appropriate manner so as not to cause damage to or a weakening of the material.
Are All hazardous/flammable liquids contained within a bundled area/tank?
Lifting Operations/Equipment
Ensure a (competent) Appointed Person co-ordinates all lifting operations.
Have all lifting operation got a valid lifting plan?
Ensure that all lifting equipment has been tested and installed by a competent person and is regularly maintained and inspected.
Check that the operators are trained and competent.
Check that the rated capacity/safe working load is clearly marked.
Ensure that the lifting equipment is capable of lifting the heaviest component within the anticipated working radius - allow for sufficient spare capacity.
Ensure that cranes and other lifting equipment has sufficient space to operate safely.
All lifting equipment should have a thorough examination every 6 months.
Ensure lifting operations do not take place near overhead power lines and excavations.
Mobile Scaffold Towers
Check that proprietary tower scaffolds have been erected and are being used in accordance with the suppliers instructions.
Check that the wheels of any tower scaffold have been locked when in use and check that the platform is empty when being moved.
Are they tagged safe for use?
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
PPE General Requirements - Ensure PPE compatibility issues have been considered and that one piece of PPE not restrict the effectiveness of another piece of PPE.
Ensure that it is suitable for the type of work being undertaken.
Check that it is kept in good condition.
Ensure all staff and visitors are wearing Hi-Viz vests or jackets.
Plant & Equipment
Ensure that tools and equipments are stored correctly to avoid damage to the equipment and persons.
Dry, covered and secure storage areas should be provided for all tools and equipment.
Hand tools
Ensure that the right tools and equipment are being used for the right job.
Were all hand tools found to be in good condition with no defects?
Power Tools
Ensure operatives have been trained to use the tools/equipment they are using.
Check that all dangerous parts are guarded e.g. gears, chain, drives, projecting engine shafts etc.
Check that guards are secure and in good repair.
Check the supply cable for cuts, splits or other damage. All all cables free from damage?
Ensure that all operators are trained and competent.
Ensure all Plant and Machinery is inspected on a weekly basis by a competent person and recorded in a Plant Inspection Register.
Are all plant operators trained and hold a valid plant operators card for the categories being operated?
Is Plant Used Correctly.
Scaffolding/Working platforms
Check that any scaffold erection, alteration or dismantling is carried out by a competent person.
Check that all standards are provided with base plates and timber sole boards which span at least two base plates.
Check that all standards, ledgers, braces and struts are in position.
Ensure that the scaffold is adequately tied to the building or structure to prevent collapse.
Check that double guard rails and toe boards or other suitable protection at every edge.
Check that there are additional brick guards provided to prevent materials falling from scaffold where they are used as a working platform.
Check that working platforms are fully boarded and that the boards are arranged to avoid tipping or tripping - i.e.: no overlapping boards.
Do all ladder accesses have self closing gates fitted?
Ensure that there are effective warning notices in place to stop any person using an incomplete scaffold.
Check that the scaffold is strong enough to carry the weight of materials stored on it and that they are evenly distributed.
Ensure that the scaffold has been properly maintained.
Ensure that a competent person inspects the scaffold regularly, at least once a week; and always after it has been altered, damaged and following extreme weather.
Are scaffold tags being utilised?
Ensure that these inspections are adequately recorded.
Are all scaffolds and working platforms sutable?
Traffic Management
Has a traffic management plan been prepared?
Are traffic management arrangement suitable and sufficient ?
Are pedestrians segregated from moving vehicles and plant?
Does the site layout match the plan?
Are storage areas identified?
Are loading areas identified?
Have one way or turning points been identified?
Working at Height
Check whether the work can be undertaken without working at height.
Check that access equipment is erected by competent persons and checked before use.
Ensure safe access and egress have been provided to areas.
Roof Work
Ensure that edge protection is provided to stop people or materials falling.
Ensure that precautions have been taken to stop people falling through fragile materials when working on roofs, e.g.: by providing barriers, covers or working platforms.
Ensure roof ladders are used in accordance with best practice requirements.
Ensure that people are kept away from areas below the roof work.
Ladders - Ladders should be used at an angle of 1:4 (75 degrees).
Ensure that ladders are in good condition, are not split, warped or have damaged rungs etc.
Check whether ladders are suitable for the purpose - only for short term work or for gaining access to another area.
Check that ladders rest against a solid level surface and that this is not a fragile or insecure material.
Check that ladders are secured to prevent them slipping sideways or backwards.