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Preperation & safety

  • Beer line cleaner is a harmful, toxic product. You MUST follow the below before starting a weekly line clean. Ensure you are wearing the following to ensure safe practice:<br>plastic goggles<br>a full length apron<br>protective rubber gloves

  • If there are several people helping, use the Walkie talkies. It's easier then running up and down the cellar stairs all the time.

Beer Lines - In the cellar - Part 1

  • Disconnect all the beer and cider lines and attach onto the relevant coupler fittings on the wall.

  • Head back upstairs and empty each line of beer. You're welcome to drink what comes out...but not just yet.

  • Head back downstairs to the cellar.<br>Next to every fob on the wall will be a black switch. It will be pointed up. Turn each one downwards.<br>Aspalls will not have a switch.

  • Pour in 2 pints of purple beer line cleaner into the large, white container, then fill to the top with water from the cellar sink hose.<br>Insert the hose with a plastic pipe strapped to it. This line is used to connect the solution to the other lines.

  • Behind the top right ale keg is a black pump box. This has a black switch similar to the ones on the beer lines. Turn this switch up. You should hear a clicking sound. This is the pump working to push the beer line cleaner solution around the beer lines.

  • Go to each fob for each beer and vent the beer out until you see a hint of purple fluid come through. Make sure some purple fluid is left in the vent outlet pipe too. <br>Head back upstairs to the bar.

On the bar-Part 1

  • Place a bucket under each beer tap. Pour each line through until the purple solution flows through. Now wait 45-60 minutes for the solution to work its magic enjoying one the beers pulled off earlier

  • Agitate the lines after the time has past by pulling through a pint of liquid from each one. <br>Leave for a further 15 mins. <br>Now pull each line through so it is empty.<br>Head back down to the cellar.

In the cellar Part 2

  • Rinse out the large white container several times.

  • Fill with fresh clean water and leave the tap running as you'll be using a lot of water for the flushing through coming up next.

  • Fill up each fob with water and make sure that the fob vent pipe is clean too. Ensure the bouys are up too. Head upstairs.

On the bar-Part 2

  • Pull through each line until fresh, clean water is is coming through. You'll know it's ready when the soapy like liquid has gone. <br>Head back downstairs to the cellar.

In the cellar Part 3

  • Turn off the tap and empty the white container, you're done with that.<br>Turn the black switch to the cleaning pump down.

  • Connect all the lines back to the kegs.<br>Push the black switches back up to allow gas through the line.<br>Turn the switch to fill up the fob with beer. It only needs to be a bit of beer in it.<br>Make sure the buoy has been floated and you're ready to head back upstairs.<br>Cellar...done!

On the bar-Part 3

  • Pull through each line until delicious beer comes through.<br>You MUST sample a fresh pint of your choice. You've worked until stupid o'clock. Nice work.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.