Title Page
Site conducted
Employee/Contractor Name:
Conducted on
Prepared by
Line Manager
Task description:
Does the employee have a valid site safety induction?
Did the visitor/contractor employee complete the online safety induction?
Did the visitor/contractor employee complete the visitors register granting him/her access to the facility?
Does the employee have a training profile specific to his tasks/job?
Is there an operating instruction/ procedure for the work being conducted?
Is there a planned job observation for the task? Check if the employee has undergone PJO for the task.
Is there a CRA or PTRA completed for the task?
Is the employee/contractor authorised to work in the facility?
Are the employee performing tasks within his/her scope of work? (Example: only scaffold builders are authorised to modify scaffold)
Are the employee's declared competent for the work being performed? (Passed-out. Example: forklift driver)
Comments: Where deviations have been noted, indicate the corrective action taken. Also report the matter to the supervisor
Auditors signature: