Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Site condition

Customer information

  • Customer name:

  • Customer postcode:

Site Condition

  • Has the site been cleaned from rubbish?

  • Is the site free from any visible signs of damage or deterioration internally

  • Is the site free from lightning protection near the installation?

  • Is there permanent means of access to the Solar PV of the installation?

  • Is there permanent means of access to the electrical part of the installation?

Roofing Checks

Roofing check

Mounting equipment

  • Mounting kit manufacturer ? (dropdown: Fastensol, Renusol, K2 etc)

  • Write other:

  • Are the mounting kit clamps within the manufactures Torque Rating range (15-20Nm)?

  • Is Mounting kit free from any visible corrosion or damage?

  • Is the rail overhang 50<x<200 mm

  • Is the clamp zones in breach of manufacturers recommendations:<br>Portrait: 250 ≤ D ≤ 350 mm (D is the long edge of the panel)<br>Landscape: 150≤ E ≤ 250 mm (E is the short edge of the panel)

  • Is the rail distance in breach of manufacturers recommendations :<br>Portrait: 1.22m - 1.02m<br>Landscape: 0.63m - 0.83m

  • Are the hooks in breach of manufacturers recommendations:<br>1200mm spacing - at least 3 hooks per rail.

  • Has bird netting got an adequate amount of clips securing it (at least 2 clips per panels)

Solar PV

  • Solar Panel make

  • Number of panels

  • Is the panel layout as per design

  • Does the system meet MCS guidelines (40cm from roof edge)?

  • Are all the panels clear from damage?

  • Are the DC connectors underneath the panels fastened to the rails/PV frame so cables are not loose?

  • Are the panels free from nearby shading objects/chimneys/trees?

  • Has all loose equipment or materials taken off the roof?

  • Is the roof clear from visible damage?

  • Are the gutters in good condition?

  • Photo(s) of the roof(s) from multiple angles

  • Photo(s) of the panel(s) from multiple angles

  • Are they any screws protruding from the loft as a result of the roofer missing the rafter

Electrical Checks

Electrical checks

DC Cable run

  • Does the site have optimisers?

  • Have the optimizers been mapped and commissioned

  • Does the install have standalone PV isolators?

  • What is the DC cable size?

  • Is the cable in good condition?

  • Is the DC cable free from sharp edges?

  • Are DC cables free from stress?

  • Are the DC cables exposed to direct UV light

  • Are the DC cables neat and have a sufficient bend radius?

  • Are the DC cable separated from the AC cables?

  • Are the DC cables in suitable containment?

  • Is DC containment firmly fixed in accordance with BS7671?

  • Does the cable enter the building?

  • Is the entry point adequately sealed with fire retardant or equivalent

  • Photos of DC cable run

AC Cable run

  • What is the AC cable size?

  • What type of cable is used on the AC side

  • Is the cable in good condition?

  • Is the AC cable free sharp edges?

  • Are the AC cables free from stress?

  • Are the AC cables directly exposed to direct UV light

  • Does the AC cable have neat and have a sufficient bend radius?

  • Are the AC cables in suitable containment?

  • Is AC containment firmly fixed in accordance with BS7671?

  • Does the cable enter the building?

  • Is the entry point adequately sealed with fire retardant or equivalent

  • What is the rating of the AC rotary isolators (A)

  • Is the AC rotary isolator in good condition?

  • What is the make of the generation meter

  • Is the Generation meter in good condition

  • Photos of AC cable run

Inverter and Battery

  • Where is the Inverter located

  • What is the Inverter model and manufacturer?

  • What is the Inverter serial number?

  • Is the Inverter mechanically secured in location with sufficient quantity and quality of fixings?

  • Is the Inverter free from signs of discoloration, corrosion/wear/damage?

  • Is there sufficient spacing/ventilation around the inverter?

  • Inverter - Is the inverter mounted on a fire-rated material?

  • What communication protocol does the inverter use (WIFI, 4G, ETHERNET)

  • Does the customer know how to change the WIFI if they change the provider?

  • Send customer documentation on how to change

  • Check if customer knows how to add data plan to dongle

  • Take photo of ethernet ports

  • Is the inverter connected using a repeater

  • Where is the battery located

  • What is the battery model and manufacturer

  • How many batteries does the customer have

  • Is the Battery mechanically secured in location with sufficient quantity and quality of fixings?

  • Is there sufficient spacing/ventilation around the battery(s)?

  • Is the Battery free from signs of discoloration, corrosion/wear/damage?

  • Is there sufficient spacing/ventilation around the battery(s)?

  • Take a picture of battery breaker and DIP switches (if possible)

  • Take a photo of battery-Inverter connections

  • Any issues with the battery/ inverter ?

Point of Connection (PoC)

  • Make and model of Import/Export meter?

  • Number of Import/Export Meters?

  • Photo of import/Export meter with dB cover on

  • Photo of import/Export meter with dB cover off showing all connections

  • Serial number of import/export meter

  • Photo of CT clamp around meter tail

  • Is the dB breakers adjusted to the correct torque settings

  • What torque settings were used?

  • Photo of Main Earthing Terminal (MET)

  • Is there surge protection on the AC side?

  • Is there surge protection on the DC side?

  • ‘Safety warning’ stickers applied?

  • ‘Dual supply’ stickers applied?

  • ‘DC cable warning’ stickers (every 5m)?

  • ‘Do not disconnect DC plugs under load’ sticker?

  • ‘Main AC isolator label’ sticker?

  • ‘Solar PV on roof’ sticker ?

  • SLD/Schematic present?

  • Emergency shut-down procedure displayed?

  • Surveyor signature

  • Name of surveyor

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.