Audit Title
Store Location
Afternoon Bartender
Evening Bartender
Business Date
Daily Chronicle
Weather & Event
What was the weather like this afternoon?
Did the patio sit?
The patio started seating at
Were there any holidays, celebrations, concerts, or large city events today?
Staffing & Scheduling
Were there any shift trades, swaps, cuts, or additions to the staff that are not going to be reflected on HotSchedules?
Was there a need for fewer or additional staff throughout the day? Be specific.
Was the MOD on or off for the day?
Incident & Report
Were there any incidents today involving either employee or customer safety?
Was an incident report filled out and sent to ownership?
We're there any incidents today involving either employee or customer satisfaction?
Was an incident report filled out and sent to ownership?
Were there any verbal warnings or write-ups today?
Were there any other notable incidents involving either employee or customer today?
Messages & Deliveries
Are we short on any product? Is there anything we need to get first thing in the morning?
Were there any product trades to Windsor or an event? Were the any returns or credits on any orders?
Were there any deliveries received today?
Were there any service calls or maintenance performed today? Is there a need for any in the future?
Were there any messages left for ownership/management that have yet to be conveyed?
Before you go..
The safe is...
What is the value of the safe?
Why is the safe unsettled?
The drawer is...
What is the value of the drawer?
Why is the drawer unsettled?
The bank is...
What is the value of the bank?
Why is the bank unsettled?
Final Thoughts
How was the afternoon?
The EVENING shift
Weather & Event
What was the weather like this evening?
Did the patio sit?
The patio started seating at
Were there any holidays, celebrations, concerts, or large city events today?
Staffing & Scheduling
Were there any shift trades, swaps, cuts, or additions to the staff that are not going to be reflected on HotSchedules?
Was there a need for fewer or additional staff throughout the evening? Be specific.
Was the MOD on or off for the evening?
Incident & Report
Were there any incidents today involving either employee or customer safety?
Was an incident report filled out and sent to ownership?
Were there any incidents today involving either employee or customer satisfaction?
Was an incident report filled out and sent to ownership?
Were there any verbal warnings or write-ups today?
Were there any other notable incidents involving either employee or customer today?
Messages & Deliveries
Are we short on any product? Is there anything we need to get first thing in the morning?
Were there any product trades to Windsor or an event? Were the any returns or credits on any orders?
Were there any deliveries received today?
Were there any service calls or maintenance performed today? Is there a need for any in the future?
Were there any messages left for ownership/management that have yet to be conveyed?
Before you go..
The safe is...
What is the value of the safe?
Why is the safe unsettled?
The drawer is...
What is the value of the drawer?
Why is the drawer unsettled?
The bank is...
What is the value of the bank?
Why is the bank unsettled?
The deposit is...
How much negative?
Is the reconciliation noted on tomorrow's books?
How much positive?
Final Thoughts
How was the evening?
Notes & Comments
Your Signature.