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Roster Agreement-nothing in this agreement will override the current award
To ensure the Roster is effective,I agree to covering my colleagues shifts when required
I acknowledge that it is unacceptable to not provide reasonable explanation as to why you need to go home or cannot make your shift
In line with current FFAA industry award, i will work the hours as required by the business needs at Expresso
I agree that i will work back as required by the business needs for at least 3 hours when required, unless my unavailability shows im unavailable when requested to work back
I understand that their is no excuse for not being on time to open the shop, i have been shown how to set two alarms so their is no chance of my alarm not going off.
An example of my commitment is as follows: If you are rostered on in the morning as Opening Barista and the closing Barista calls in sick or cannot make their shift, the closing Barista shift is your shift to cover, the only exception is if you can find a suitable replacement in your place.<br>An Example of the Food Delivery Person- If you are rostered on in the Morning and the afternoon person cannot make their shift then it becomes your responsibility to cover that shift proceeding your shift and vice versa.
I agree that if my colleague covers my shift that my hours may be reduced to cover their hours lost
I understand that it is non negotiable to leave the shop for any reason leaving one person on their own prior to 1 hour before close unless approved by the manager
I understand that a shift swap/offer may be rejected at the manager/owners discretion
I understand that once the roster is published, i am committed to work the hours allocated to me, any changes must be approved by the manager in the event one person will be left in the shop
I understand that i am committed to being available all business hours that Expresso is open other than agreed leave or time off
I understand that based on my unavailability i can be put on standby roster to cover weekend sick leave if someone cannot work.
I understand that I must provide an explanation in my unavailability why i need time off within Expresso business operating hours
A roster will be made up one month in advance that will clearly identify who has to make themselves available to work in the event someone is genuinely sick and cannot attend work, the roster will be fair so everyone has to cover regardless of your position at Expresso.
I understand that i am committed to adhering to all the above checklist items and not complying may result in a termination of my employment
By signing this agreement i will conform to my responsibilities of my role at Expresso
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