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    Please click (+) if you have any urgent concerns, which pose a risk to the health, safety or welfare of a person or the business, which require immediate consideration. Escalate these to the GM with immediate effect (Raise action and assign to Property GM and DO)
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  • SLIPS, TRIPS AND FALLS All areas in good repair including walls, floors, ceilings and fittings. <br>Wet floor signs in use whilst mopping is undertaken. Dry mopping is a preference to avoid leaving floors wet.<br>Trip hazards removed, secured or highlighted with appropriate signage. <br>Changes of level and staircases clearly highlighted, handrails where required and no defects. <br>All Team Members wearing suitable clothing and footwear. <br>Cleanliness maintained in all areas and schedules available where required.<br>Waste removed regularly.<br>

  • All ACCIDENT INCIDENT REPORTING and near misses documented and investigated as required.<br>WELFARE provision including operational toilets, stocked hand wash facilities and drinking water. <br>Adequate LIGHTING, ventilation and heating. <br>

  • Good MANUAL HANDLING practices in place including storage, equipment and lifting techniques. <br>All Team Members trained.<br>

  • WORKING AT HEIGHT tasks eliminated or controlled where required<br>Equipment in good order and checks completed (e.g. kick stool, stepladders)

  • All equipment suitable for use. DEFECT REPORTING in place for electrical and non-electrical equipment. No defective equipment in use

  • Good STORAGE practices in place including minimal combustibles, away from ignition sources, with safe access and egress

  • CHEMICALS & HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES Nominated and approved substances only. <br>Data sheets available.<br>Labelled and stored appropriately including flammables. <br>

  • Adequate provision of FIRST AID equipment, in date and fully stocked<br>Trained Team Members available at all times

  • Safety training up to date, including SAFE SYSTEMS OF WORK (SSOW) as per training matrix

  • Vulnerable Team Members assessed and relevant controls in place e.g. YOUNG PERSONS, PREGNANCY (including new mothers) and REDUCED CAPABILITIES (including those returning from long term sick leave)

  • VISUAL DISPLAY UNITS (VDUs) users, assessed, trained and relevant controls in place (where required)

Reception/ Lobby

  • Manual and automated DOORS operating correctly, sensors working, emergency stop button present, alternative speed setting available, appropriate warning signage, decals positioned correctly where required.<br><br>INTERNAL PHYSICAL SECURITY Front doors secured at night and re-opened in the morning. <br><br>LOCKDOWN PROCEDURES Lockdown easily achieved/ keys available and tested.

  • SLIPS, TRIPS AND FALLS External entrance well lit, suitable non-slip surface, in good repair with no defects. <br><br>Matting available as required. <br><br>Steps have nosing present and handrails where required.<br><br>Lobby flooring suitable non-slip surface, in good repair with no defects. <br><br>Cleaning carried out to prevent slips at suitable times and appropriate signage in use.<br>

  • Designated and signposted guest smoking area outside entrance. <br><br>Suitable ASH DISPOSAL bins provided, emptied regularly in suitable equipment and area clear of combustibles. <br>

  • CCTV signage displayed at all entrances, in good repair, SURVEILLANCE CAMERA GUIDE referenced and followed.

  • Indoor fountains with a drowning risk are protected and appropriate signage in place.

  • Artificial gardens, decorations and displays away from ignition sources. Not situated on fire escape routes. <br><br>Classification of decorations must comply with local fire safety regulations e.g. Class 0/ Class A1/ A2 rated for circulation routes.

  • SIGNAGE displayed at reception as per local law, such as Public Liability Insurance, Registered Office, Hotel Proprietors Act, PEEPS and No Smoking.

  • ALLERGY statement on all food and drink refreshment stations.

  • PROSTITUTION AND HUMAN TRAFFICKING and child exploitation. <br>Team Members trained and alert manager as required.<br><br>Registration cards completed with details of all adult guests sharing a room with a child. (UK only)

  • YOUNG PERSONS young guest policy, school groups and minimum check in age requirements followed.

  • LIFTING EQUIPMENT Lifts stops at landing level with floor. <br><br>Lift alarms functioning, alerting reception or a remote monitoring center. <br><br>Door sensors operating correctly.

  • Large displays in the lobby such as vehicles, in line with CONFERENCE & EVENT SAFETY specific guidance.

  • INTERNAL PHYSICAL SECURITY. Fixed panic alarms available at all desks, where required.<br><br>Strict procedures in place as outlined within the Security Manual for CASH HANDLING/ CASH COLLECTION, TRANSIT & BANKING <br><br>Cash machine well lit, visible to others, with good flow of customers. CCTV coverage of area, but not over keypad. <br><br>CASH STORAGE SAFES / Drop safes in a secure locked room, bolted to floor. Controlled access with key procedure in place. Contents and logs completed as required.

  • INTERNAL PHYSICAL SECURITY <br>SAFES. Safety Deposit Boxes are located in a secure area with access controlled.<br><br>Guest has full view of Team Member handling box. CCTV for employee and guest entrances but not covering area where guests places and removes items in box.<br><br>Panic alarm and liability sticker in place. <br>

  • Records in place including identification checks. Quarterly inventory in place.

  • PETS policy in place and evidence of use.

  • Team Member Safety NOTICEBOARDS up to date. Health & Safety Meeting minutes, (Safety Policy UK only), First Aid List and Safety Calendar topic of the month on display.


  • MANUAL HANDLING tasks considered and controls in place for moving and storing luggage (including large coach tours), accepting deliveries, pushing and pulling trolleys.

  • Luggage STORAGE shelves stable with no sharp edges and easily accessible.<br><br>MANUAL HANDLING Heavy items not stored on higher shelving.<br><br>WORKING AT HEIGHT controls in place. Access to high shelves provided, equipment (ladders/kick stools) checked before use and internal checks in place.

  • LEFT LUGGAGE Dedicated secure room with CCTV (if law permits). No guest access.<br><br>No luggage left unattended in reception area or on luggage trolleys. If storing in function rooms secured with lockable wires and permanent supervision. <br>Luggage ticket/ tag in use with unique reference number. <br>Long-term luggage records in place.

  • INCOMING MAIL & DELIVERIES Items stored in secure location once received. <br><br>Registered mail/ monetary value logs completed as required.<br><br>Team Members trained.

  • Travel route suitable non-slip surface, suitable ramps or lifts where required, in good repair with no defects.

  • Service TROLLEYS well maintained including wheels, easy to maneuver. Not overloaded, no sharp edges.

  • No defective equipment in use.

  • SLIPS, TRIPS & FALLS Hazards monitored continuously and umbrellas/ matting in use as required. <br><br>Spillage clean up/ warning signage in place

  • EXTERNAL PHYSICAL SECURITY VALET PARKING Security of guest vehicles.<br><br>Valet Parking key procedure in place.<br><br>Car Log Cards completed (including documenting any existing damage).<br><br>Car Key Tag in use (do not display guest names or registration numbers). <br><br>Once tagged all placed in safe or locked drawer in a readily manned area preferably covered by CCTV.

  • TRANSPORTATION Mini Bus and Hotel Vehicles. Suitable for ground conditions, well maintained and serviced as per manufacturer’s guidance. No defective vehicles in use.<br><br>Daily and monthly vehicular checks documented. <br><br>Any trailers are maintained in good working condition and inspected as per local law. Fitted correctly, loads secured and driver trained in use. <br><br>Drivers’ handbook in use. Team members fully insured and authorised. License is valid for the vehicle type driven. Certification retained for review.<br><br>Team Members trained including SSOW Solo working.<br>

  • TRANSPORTATION Cycling hire safety rules in place such as reflective clothing and cycle helmets. <br>Bikes maintained in a road worthy condition, checked before every use and documented.<br><br>Helmet must be to a recognized safety standard, checked for damage and fit user. Helmet replaced after an accident or any damage

  • ASSAULT AND VERBAL ABUSE De-escalating heated situations. Provision of personal panic alarms where required.<br><br>Team Members trained. <br>

  • REQUIREMENTS FOR SECURITY PERSONNEL considered on a risk based approach as required, Security team members licensed as per local law.

Site Specific (Please list any unique risk assessment control measures to be checked)

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.