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    Please click (+) if you have any urgent concerns, which pose a risk to the health, safety or welfare of a person or the business, which require immediate consideration. Escalate these to the GM with immediate effect (Raise action and assign to Property GM and DO)
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  • SLIPS, TRIPS AND FALLS Suitable non-slip flooring, in good repair. <br>Wet floor signs in use whilst mopping is undertaken. Dry mopping is a preference to avoid leaving floors wet.<br>Trip hazards removed, secured or highlighted with appropriate signage. <br>Changes of level and staircases clearly highlighted, handrails where required and no defects. <br>All Team Members wearing suitable clothing and footwear. <br>Cleanliness maintained in all areas and schedules available where required.<br>Waste removed regularly.<br>Structures including walls, floors, ceilings and fittings in good repair. <br>

  • All ACCIDENT INCIDENT REPORTING and near misses documented and investigated as required.<br>WELFARE provision including operational toilets, stocked hand wash facilities and drinking water. <br>Adequate LIGHTING, ventilation and heating. <br>

  • Good MANUAL HANDLING practices in place including storage, equipment and lifting techniques. <br>All Team Members trained<br>

  • WORKING AT HEIGHT tasks eliminated or controlled where required.<br><br>Equipment in good order and checks completed (e.g. kick stool, stepladders).<br><br>All Team Members trained<br>

  • All equipment suitable for use. DEFECT REPORTING in place for electrical and non-electrical equipment and no defective equipment in use.

  • Good STORAGE practices in place including minimal combustibles, away from ignition sources, with safe access and egress.

  • CHEMICALS & HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES Nominated and approved substances only. <br>Data sheets available.<br>Labelled and stored appropriately including flammables. <br>

  • Adequate provision of FIRST AID equipment, in date and fully stocked. <br>Trained Team Members available at all times.<br>

  • Safety training up to date, including SAFE SYSTEMS OF WORK (SSOW) as per training matrix.

  • Vulnerable team members assessed and relevant controls in place e.g. YOUNG PERSONS, PREGNANCY (including new mothers) and REDUCED CAPABILITIES (including those returning from long term sick leave).

  • VISUAL DISPLAY UNITS (VDUs) users, assessed, trained and relevant controls in place (where required).


  • CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE <br>Structure: floor (including underneath equipment), ceiling, windows and ledges, walls (including behind equipment), skirting, pipework and boxing. Ventilation canopy (internal, external and filters). <br><br>Fixtures and fitting: air vents, doors, lights (diffusers), fly screens, worktables (including legs), struts and shelves.<br><br>Equipment: Combi’s, blast chiller, ovens, fryers, hot cupboard and door slides, microwaves, milk dispensers, slicers, shelves, racking, jack stands, trolleys, inner drawer surfaces, utensils. <br><br>‘Clean as you go’ policy in place.<br>

  • All equipment falls within canopy and suppression nozzles cover all equipment. Caps covering nozzles.

  • KITCHEN EQUIPMENT Deep fat fryer has either the ability to be pulled out for cleaning behind, or there is a solid back plate in place to ensure grease cannot build up behind.<br><br>Deep fat fryers not located on end of range or have physical barrier in place. <br><br>Fire blanket, and wet chemical extinguisher available.<br><br>Suppression nozzles aligned over deep fat fryer baskets.<br><br>Cleanliness/ repair of deep fat fryers (internal, external surfaces) and fryer baskets. <br><br>Separation of vegetarian and non-vegetarian deep fat fryers. <br><br>Team Members trained in SSOW for cleaning of deep fat fryer.<br>

  • PERSONAL HYGIENE. Wash hand basins clean and fully stocked with hot and cold water, antibacterial soap, alcohol gel and paper towels. <br><br>‘Now wash your hands’ signage in place.

  • Team Members wearing suitable clean<br>Protective clothing, including head and beard covering and suitable safety shoes. Approved jewellery only, blue plasters in use.<br><br>Team following good hygiene practices (good hand washing), no bad habits evident.<br><br>Disposable aprons and gloves available for raw preparation tasks. Removed and discarded after completing task.<br>

  • FOOD PREPARATION AND CONTROL OF CROSS CONTAMINATION. Separate food preparation areas clearly identified and colour coded (including separate raw meat and raw fish areas).<br><br>Items and equipment colour coded (knives, sanitizer sprays, cling film containers, chopping boards, meat slicers). All sanitized before and after use.<br><br>Chopping boards, wooden serving bowls and platters are in good condition and not split<br><br>

  • Vacuum Packing machine labelled and used for raw food only. <br><br>Where required for sous vide, a second vacuum packing machine labelled and used for cooked food only. (Only used to seal bags, not to remove air).<br>

  • Minimal GLASS used (use acrylic or other clear plastic products). If no alternative, ensure that glass is robust with no chips and stored at low-level in suitable high side trays.<br><br>Provision for cleaning up and disposal of BROKEN GLASS.

  • ICE MACHINES clean (inside and out), operational, clean scoop provided and stored hygienically.

  • Butane GAS and CHAFFING FUEL All highly flammable equipment (e.g. Butane, chafing dish fuel) to be located in a secure metal flameproof cabinet.

  • All Team Members trained in KNIFE HANDLING.<br><br>Safe storage of kitchen knives in plastic toolboxes or metal trays (no knife wraps in use).

  • PEST CONTROL Fly kill units operational, serviced and cleaned. Located away from food preparation areas and equipment storage.

  • Fly screens on external opening doors and windows.<br><br>Bait boxes closed and not touched or tampered with.<br><br>Signs of pest infestation reported to management immediately.<br>

  • THERMOMETERS Adequate number available, colour coded or labelled, to prevent cross contamination. <br><br>Sanitised before and after use, by dedicated wet probe wipes.<br><br>SOUS VIDE fine needle probe available with self-sealing patches, where in use.<br>

  • Ensure no PHYSICAL CONTAMINATION hazards present e.g. flaking paint, chipped wall tiles, pins or staples on noticeboards, loose parts on machinery or wire scourers.

  • FOOD AND LIQUOR SECURITY Kitchen locked at end of evening when not in use overnight. <br><br>All food storage areas secured against unauthorised access<br>

  • Suitable provision of waste disposal. Check and confirm no visible damage. Bins pedal operated or without lids.

  • Emergency gas/ electricity shut off buttons and valves are un-obstructed and easily visible. Clear signage in place.<br><br>Earth bonding cables secured to metal benches.<br>

  • KITCHEN EQUIPMENT Gravity feed slicers/ mincers/ peelers/ planetary mixers have safety signs displayed. <br><br>Team Members trained in SSOW for gravity feed slicer.<br><br>GUARDS and interlocks in place. No defective equipment in use.<br>

  • Hot surfaces free from combustibles and hot liquids have adequate drip trays where required.<br><br>Communication between Team Members to make them aware of what is happening behind them “i.e. Hot Liquid’s” ‘Shout the message’.<br><br>All Team Members trained in operation and safety features of equipment.<br><br>Avoid unnecessary carrying of pots of hot water. Use TROLLEYS or portable hot water urns.<br>

  • NOISE AT WORK activities identified. <br>Readings taken and suitable controls in place including reduced exposure times and appropriate signage.<br><br>Appropriate PPE available (e.g. ear defenders, earplugs).<br><br>All Team Members trained.<br>

Fridges/ Freezers/ Dry Stores

  • CLEANLING AND MAINTENANCE<br>Walls, floor, ceiling, lighting, shelving, door handles, fan grills, door seals and door curtains.<br>

  • KITCHEN EQUIPMENT Walk in refrigerators and freezers. <br><br>Panic release bolt operates. <br><br>Storage allows safe access and egress with provision of good LIGHTING levels.<br><br>Shelving stable, secure with no sharp edges.<br><br>Walk in Freezers: Thermal coats and gloves available. <br><br>No evidence of ice build-up on the floor. No excessive build up to walls and ceiling.<br>

  • No FOOD STORAGE on the floor.<br><br>Food decanted out of cardboard boxes.<br><br>Food covered and date coded. Foods ‘in date’ (Stock rotation evident). Shelf life poster displayed.<br><br>Raw food stored separately or below cooked/ready to eat food.<br>

  • Storage areas clearly defined (raw/ ready to eat foods). <br><br>Allergens stored separately in sealed containers and clearly labelled.<br><br>Chiller and Freezer operating temperatures within correct parameters.<br><br>WORKING AT HEIGHT controls in place. Access to high shelves in dry goods store, equipment (ladders, kick stools) checked before use and internal checks in place. <br>

  • Minimal GLASS used (use acrylic or other clear plastic products). If no alternative, ensure that glass is robust with no chips and stored at low level in suitable high-sided trays.

Documentation / Electronic Records

  • FOOD SUPPLY AND DELIVERY Checks of food delivery undertaken daily and recorded.

  • FOOD STORAGE Temperature records fully completed for fridge and freezers.

  • COOKING AND REHEATING Temperature records fully completed for cooking, reheating and SOUS VIDE.<br><br>Monthly check of thermostat (auto cut off). <br>

  • COOLING AND FREEZING Temperature records fully completed for blast chilling and blast freezing.

  • HOT AND COLD DISPLAY Temperature records fully completed for open display units and banqueting buffets.

  • THERMOMETERS Calibrated in-house monthly.

  • CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE Cleaning schedules in place (daily, weekly, and monthly) and up to date. Evidence of management review. Temperature records for dishwashers and pot wash in place.

  • ICE MACHINES Cleaning schedules displayed and up to date.

  • SAMPLING, SWABBING Food samples, hygiene swabs and hand swabs submitted quarterly (including ice).<br><br>Samples retained (frozen) for 14 days, for high-risk foods prepared for over 20 people.<br><br>

  • CCP ID tables completed for all menus. HACCP monitoring and verification of CCP charts taking place routinely.

  • STAFF TRAINING Day 1 Safety Essentials Safety Card to be completed. <br><br>All agency/ casual banqueting staff briefed before shift.<br><br>Basic food hygiene training or statutory equivalent (as per local law).<br><br>Annual HACCP Training for kitchen team and all food handlers.<br><br>Food Safety for Managers to completed by at least 4 team members and refreshed every 3 years. <br>

  • FOOD ALLERGEN MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE Allergy training for kitchen, food and beverage, conference, event, and all waiting team members.<br><br>Allergy matrix produced by management for each menu/ food and drink items. Check by second senior manager and signed. <br><br>Central menus reviewed and validated by a manager before going live. <br><br>Allergy signpost located on menu and buffet/ food service areas; OR If local law dictates, (and agreed by Safety & Security) allergies shown on menus and buffet station signage. <br>

  • CHECKLISTS Management weekly kitchen checklist completed.<br><br>EXTERNAL CATERERS approved and checklists completed.<br><br>EMPLOYEE MEDICAL QUESTIONNAIRE in use.<br><br>LEFTOVER FOOD AND FOOD DONATIONS policy followed.<br>

  • PEST CONTROL No evidence of pests and actions completed on pest control reports.<br><br>

Pot Wash / Stewarding

  • Floor in good condition. Matting in place where required.<br><br>Floor grill kept clear of grease and fats.<br><br>Suitable non-slip footwear worn.<br><br>Cleanliness check of plates, pots, pans and safely stored. Pots and pans stored inverted. <br><br>ELECTRICAL sockets covered.<br><br>

  • DE-CARBONISER TANKS Serviced and maintained by external contractor.<br>Follow manufacturer’s guidance.<br><br>Team Members aware of the safe procedure for dipping and removing equipment.<br><br>PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) available and in use (e.g. apron, gauntlets, splash-proof googles).<br><br>Team Members trained in SSOW.<br>

  • KITCHEN EQUIPMENT Waste disposal units. Team Members trained in use.<br><br>GUARDS and interlocks in place. No defective equipment in use.<br>

  • DISHWASHERS AND GLASSWASHERS<br>Correct chemical dosing.<br><br>Feeder tubes coloured coded or labelled to ensure they go into the correct chemical container.<br><br>PPE available.<br>

Loading Bay

  • FOOD SUPPLY & DELIVERY PROCEDURES. Designated area provided. Temperature checks completed for all deliveries between packs. Checked for pest infestation, damaged packaging and date codes.<br> <br>Unsatisfactory items rejected.<br><br>

  • REMOVAL OF WASTE External bins lidded with a drainage hole with mesh cover or plug. <br><br>Cleaned regularly, secure and pest free. <br>

  • Not located in food delivery areas or on fire escape routes.<br><br>Ground around refuse bins free from broken glass.<br>

  • Jet wash equipment well maintained, no defective equipment in use. Operators trained in use and wearing PPE.

  • BALERS and COMPACTORS well maintained and no defective equipment in use. Suitable guarding and interlocks operating correctly. Isolation during repair and maintenance.<br><br>Prior to use carry out a visual surface check via the steps to make sure no sleeping people or animals are inside before starting up.<br><br>Waste to be placed gently into the machine via the steps. No climbing inside the machine is permitted. <br><br>PPE available (e.g. gloves).<br><br>Team Members trained in SSOW. Over 18s only.<br><br>Good housekeeping evident. Cardboard kept to a minimum. Baling straps removed.<br><br>Appropriate SIGNAGE in place.<br><br>

  • Designated signed smoking areas. Suitable ASH DISPOSAL bins provided and emptied regularly with correct equipment. Area clear of combustibles.

  • TRANSPORTATION Vehicle flow and route considered such as one-way systems & bends. Viewing mirrors provided for blind spots.<br><br>Pedestrian and vehicle segregation in place. Use of signage, barriers, road markings, crossing points, lighting and audible devices as required. <br><br>Traffic calming devices considered such as speed bumps and physical barriers. <br><br>Moving barriers suitable for area, padded, signed and maintained as per manufacturer guidance.<br><br>Appropriate signage such as ‘Caution Reversing Vehicles’, ‘Caution: Moving Barrier’, ‘Caution: Restricted Height/ Width/ Weight’. <br>

  • Storage and movement of large containers considered including ground conditions, overhead space, visibility, and space required. Signage and demarcation as required. <br><br>Loading bay barriers and edge protection in place to prevent falls. <br><br>Delivery ramps of suitable gradient and non-slip.<br>

  • Secured from unauthorised access. Shutters and doors fit securely to prevent pest activity.

  • Safe STORAGE of waste oil, gas bottles, GAS CYLINDERS

  • MANUAL HANDLING tasks considered and controls in place for moving cages, trolleys, bins, waste oil, gas cylinders, furniture, chemical drums, pallets and general deliveries.<br><br>Equipment such as pallet trucks checked before use, maintained and serviced as required by local law.<br>

Chemical Store

  • CHEMICALS are food safe.<br><br>Chemicals fully labelled and instruction on use issued. <br><br>Drips trays in place for kitchen chemicals, not stacked on top of each other, located on the floor (on a trolley).<br><br>Bunding for large-scale chemical storage.<br><br>

  • PPE provided, clean and in good repair. <br><br>Stored in suitable clean-labelled container. Consider all tasks, including chemical and manual handling<br>

  • Area free from ignition sources and combustible storage.

  • Store to be labelled and appropriate warning signage, secure from unauthorised access.

Team Member Changing Rooms

  • CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE <br>Cleanliness and repair: Walls, floor, ceilings, mirrors, shower cubicles, lockers. toilets and locks.<br><br>Wash hand units with hot and cold water, fully stocked with alcohol gel, antibacterial soap and paper towels. <br><br>‘Now wash your hands’ signage in place.<br>

  • CHANGING ROOMS Disclaimer signage in place. <br><br>No personal items stored outside lockers.<br><br>

  • IRONS on timer and have auto cut off. No defective irons in use.<br><br>Flameproof ironing board cover in place.<br>


  • BARBEQUES / BARBEQUES<br><br>Pipework checked for damage. Gas safety procedures followed. Cleaned, serviced and maintained before use.<br><br>LPG bottles to be stored away from cooking area, no trip hazards and away from guests.<br><br>Upright holding fridge at site serving location.<br><br>Hot water urns full of hand hot water, soap, alcohol gel, paper towels.<br><br>Table top bain-marie for hot holding sauces and pre-cooked food.<br><br>Fire blanket and powder extinguisher available.<br><br>Colour coded hand tongs and a portable clock.<br><br>Adequate refuse disposal facilities. Large swing top lids. <br><br>ASH DISPOSAL Metal ash bin for disposal of cold embers.<br>

  • Site Specific (Please list any unique risk assessment control measures to be checked)
  • What control measures to be checked ?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.