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    Please click (+) if you have any urgent concerns, which pose a risk to the health, safety or welfare of a person or the business, which require immediate consideration. Escalate these to the GM with immediate effect (Raise action and assign to Property GM and DO)
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  • Adverse WEATHER conditions assessed and suitable controls in place such as winter gritting, flood defences, window boarding, and prohibiting certain tasks e.g. roof works.<br>Team Members exposed to UV, stay in shade where possible, drink plenty of water and wear a hat with brim. Sun screen SPF 50 recommended as required.<br>

  • BATTERY CHARGING located in a clearly marked, cool, well-ventilated area with no sources of ignition. Separate from storage, work areas, thorough fares and fire escapes<br>Signage in place to indicate ‘no smoking’ and ‘no naked flames’

  • CHEMICALS & HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES Nominated and approved substances only. <br>Data sheets available.<br>Labelled and stored appropriately (including flammables) and instructions on use. <br>

  • WORK EQUIPMENT suitable for task and environment and well maintained. No defective equipment in use

  • Machinery safety controls in place. Moving parts have suitable GUARDS, interlocks, emergency stop buttons, safe access and warning signs for use<br>Team Members trained in use

  • PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) Appropriate for task, available, clean and maintained. Appropriate footwear in use<br>Signage in place indicating use requirements

  • CHAINSAWS Well maintained and defects reported or removed from use<br>Team Members trained and operator’s certificates held where required by local law

  • TRANSPORTATION Vehicle Safety. Traffic flow and route considered such as one-way systems, junctions, bends and roundabouts. Viewing mirrors provided for blind spots.<br><br>Pedestrian and vehicle segregation in place. Use of signage, barriers, road markings, crossing points, lighting and audible devices as required. <br><br>Traffic calming devices considered such as speed humps, flow plates, traffic lights and physical barriers. <br><br>Moving barriers suitable for area, padded, signed and maintained as per manufacturer guidance.<br><br>Appropriate signage such as ‘Caution Reversing Vehicles’, ‘Caution: Moving Barrier’, ‘Caution: Restricted Height/ Width/ Weight’. <br><br>Storage and movement of large containers considered including ground conditions, overhead space, visibility, and space required. Signage and demarcation as required. <br><br>No Team Members acting as banksmen.<br>

  • TRANSPORTATION Hotel Vehicles. Suitable for ground conditions, well maintained and serviced as per manufacturer’s guidance. <br><br>Daily and monthly vehicle checks documented. <br><br>Loads secured and no defective vehicles in use.<br>

  • Any trailers are maintained in good working condition and inspected as per local law. Fitted correctly and driver trained in use. <br><br>Drivers’ handbook in use. Team members fully insured and authorised. License is valid for the vehicle type driven. Certification retained for review.<br><br>Team Members trained including SSOW for Solo working.<br>

  • WELDING equipment suitably positioned with adequate ventilation. Well-maintained and no defective equipment in use

  • MANUAL HANDLING tasks considered and controls in place for moving cages, trolleys, bins, waste oil, gas cylinders, furniture, chemical drums, pallets and general deliveries<br>Equipment such as pallet trucks checked before use, maintained and serviced as required by local law

  • TREE SURVEYS available and reviewed periodically where required<br>Equipment such as pallet trucks checked before use, maintained and serviced as required by local law

  • CONTRACTOR SAFETY Policy in place and evidence of use including ‘pre works checks’ and ‘on site monitoring checklists’

  • Means of effective communication available for solo working SSOW<br><br>SSOW and PERMITS TO WORK in use for: <br>Roof/ Hot works/ Electrical/ Asbestos/ Confined Spaces.<br><br>Completed correctly with both contractor and hotel sign off including any post works checks. <br><br>Equipment available including electrical ‘lock out/ tag out kits’ and communication tools.<br><br>Team Members trained.<br>

  • NOISE AT WORK activities identified, readings taken and suitable controls in place including reduced exposure times and appropriate signage.<br><br>Appropriate PPE available (e.g. ear defenders, earplugs).<br><br>All Team Members trained.<br>

  • LEGIONELLA water hygiene checks completed including weekly flushing of low use outlets. <br><br>Tanks in good condition and clean. <br><br>Irrigation systems maintained and external water fountain features. <br><br>Water sampling results satisfactory or actions completed.<br><br>Water Hygiene Risk Assessment available, signed and action plan progressed within set timescales.<br><br>Training for responsible persons up to date as per local law.<br>

  • VIBRATION activities identified and suitable controls in place including tasks pre planned with restricted durations and task combinations. <br><br>Appropriate PPE available (e.g. anti-impact gloves) and equipment suitable and well maintained. <br><br>No defective equipment in use.<br><br>All Team Members trained<br>

  • WORKING AT HEIGHT Edge protection/ barriers/ handrails/ guardrails in place where there is a fall from height risk, including roofs, jetties, fixed ladders and staircases. <br><br>In use, well maintained and checked regularly as required.<br><br>Where fixed barriers are not appropriate, appropriate signage in place and personal protective equipment such as fall arrest equipment in use, inspected and trained.<br><br>All Team Members trained.<br>

  • STORAGE Extra supplies, such as compost, sand, cement and fertilisers, stored in suitable racking, shelving or containers, as appropriate.<br><br>Storeroom free from combustible material/ flammables. <br><br>GAS CYLINDERS or chemicals stored in a well ventilated area in a flameproof container.<br><br>All equipment, supplies and vehicles secured from unauthorised access and keys securely controlled.<br>

  • Sterile EYE WASH STATION (if no running water available). No open bottles present.

  • FUEL oil storage policy in place.

  • Adequate LIGHTING or provision of torches for areas where lighting is low.

  • Barriers/ edge protection by any watercourses or ponds, or appropriate signage in place.

Site Specific (Please list any unique risk assessment control measures to be checked)

  • Please refer to separate guidance for specific activities:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.