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    Please click (+) if you have any urgent concerns, which pose a risk to the health, safety or welfare of a person or the business, which require immediate consideration. Escalate these to the GM with immediate effect (Raise action and assign to Property GM and DO)
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  • SLIPS, TRIPS AND FALLS Suitable non-slip flooring, in good repair. <br>Trip hazards removed, secured or highlighted with appropriate signage. <br>Wet floor signs in use whilst mopping is undertaken. Dry mopping is a preference to avoid leaving floors wet.<br>Changes of level and staircases clearly highlighted, handrails where required and no defects. <br>All Team Members wearing suitable clothing and footwear. <br>Cleanliness maintained in all areas and schedules available where required.<br>Waste removed regularly.<br>Structures including walls, floors, ceilings and fittings in good repair. <br>

  • All ACCIDENT INCIDENT REPORTING and near misses documented and investigated as required.<br>WELFARE provision including operational toilets, stocked hand wash facilities and drinking water. <br>Adequate LIGHTING, ventilation and heating. <br>

  • Good MANUAL HANDLING practices in place including storage, equipment and lifting techniques. <br>All Team Members trained.<br>

  • WORKING AT HEIGHT tasks eliminated or controlled where required.<br><br>Equipment in good order and checks completed (e.g. kick stool, stepladders).<br><br>All Team Members trained.<br>

  • All equipment suitable for use. DEFECT REPORTING in place for electrical and non-electrical equipment and no defective equipment in use.

  • Good STORAGE practices in place including minimal combustibles, away from ignition sources, with safe access and egress.

  • CHEMICALS & HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES Nominated and approved substances only. <br>Data sheets available.<br>Labelled and stored appropriately including flammables. <br>

  • Adequate provision of FIRST AID equipment, in date and fully stocked. <br>Trained Team Members available at all times.<br>

  • Safety training up to date, including SAFE SYSTEMS OF WORK (SSOW) as per training matrix.

  • Vulnerable team members assessed and relevant controls in place e.g. YOUNG PERSONS, PREGNANCY (including new mothers) and REDUCED CAPABILITIES (including those returning from long term sick leave).

  • VISUAL DISPLAY UNITS (VDUs) users, assessed, trained and relevant controls in place (where required).

Bedrooms/ Corridors

  • WINDOWS have restrictors preventing windows opening more than 10cm are present and checked daily with any defects reported. Random room checks confirm procedure is in place. <br><br>INTERNAL PHYSICAL SECURITY Opening requests signed by both hotel and guests/ records available. Closure records signed check out. <br><br>Blinds installed as per manufacturer’s instructions, to prevent entanglement.<br><br>BALCONIES Minimum height between floor and top of handrail 1100mm. No horizontal bars present. No gaps exceeding 100mm. <br><br>Secured for unauthorised access. Balcony disclaimer and secondary lock in place. <br><br>Decals at two heights where required.<br>

  • BATHROOMS Anti-slip surface or bath mat and floor towel present in bathroom. <br><br>Grab rails on bath walls secure.<br><br>Heated TOWEL RAILS signage ‘Caution Hot Surface” in place.

  • LEGIONELLA water hygiene checks completed including weekly flushing of low use outlets and monthly water temperature checks.<br><br>SHOWERHEAD CLEANING up to date.

  • Bunk BEDS sturdy & secure, safety barrier and fixed ladder in place. <br><br>Checked during room cleaning and thereafter monthly. <br><br>Cots, Z beds and murphy beds clean and in good condition. Checked before use and monthly. <br><br>No defective beds in use.

  • All touch points thoroughly sanitized e.g. remote controls, telephone, door handles, light switches and sockets.

  • Bowls on trolleys for WASHING GUEST CROCKERY and use of sanitising chemical (if not washed in machines).<br><br>Colour coding system in place and cloths, sponges and toilet brush adequately separated.<br>

  • Service TROLLEYS well maintained, easy to maneuver. Linen removed regularly, not stacked too high. Trolleys not stored on escape routes or blocking fire doors.<br><br>No guest room lists left on trolleys.

  • PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) available and in use for high-risk chemicals (e.g. kettle descaler, showerhead cleaner).

  • SHARPS DISPOSAL Needle grabber and sharps box available. Body fluid spillage kits available. Team aware of location.<br><br>SSOW in place and trained to all Team Members.<br>

  • ICE MACHINES cleaned and operational. Cleaning schedules in place where required.

  • INTERNAL PHYSICAL SECURITY No public access to restricted areas: riser cupboards, plant rooms, storerooms, pantries and bedrooms.

  • Provision for cleaning up and disposal of BROKEN GLASS.

  • Fire action notices on display in bedrooms on back of door.

  • Linen chute doors on each floor locked when not in use. Interlock working and operating correctly.

  • Smoking bedrooms and ASH DISPOSAL. Metal ashbins available for ashtrays on smoking floors and labeled. Procedure in place to ensure correct disposal of hot ash. Bedrooms appropriately signed

  • IRONS wrapped and stored appropriately. Kettles and hairdryers well maintained and clean. <br><br>Check 5 rooms at random, no defective equipment in use.

  • INTERNAL PHYSICAL SECURITY Panic alarms issued to all room attendants. <br>Room attendants working with closed bedroom doors and correct signage in place

  • PETS Policy in place and evidence of use.

  • OZONE MACHINES door locked whilst in use, warning signage displayed ‘do not enter’. Post operation, room ventilated.


  • LAUNDRY Heat and humidity considered. Adequate ventilation in place.<br><br>Good housekeeping throughout, areas behind machinery kept clean and free of dust.<br><br>Tumble dryer filters cleaned minimum daily (more frequently depending on use).<br><br>Equipment in good repair, no defective equipment in use.<br><br>Isolator switches for machines easily reached and marked for each machine. Emergency stop buttons present and easily accessible.<br><br>All machine interlocks working correctly (washing machines, dryers, linen press).<br><br>Only trained personnel operating laundry equipment, wearing suitable clothing and long hair tied back.<br><br>Contaminated and soiled linen stored separately. Hands washed after handling soiled linen.<br><br>PPE available (e.g. disposable aprons, gloves, masks). <br><br>Body spillage kits available <br><br>Team Members trained in SSOW for disposal of bodily fluids and sharps.<br>

  • MANUAL HANDLING tasks considered and controls in place for sorting/ loading laundry, pulling wet laundry, feeding into linen press, moving trolleys/ cages of laundry and moving drums of chemicals.<br><br>Linen TROLLEYS & CAGES in good condition. Spring loaded base versions checked for functionality.<br><br>

  • Sterile EYE WASH STATION (if no running water available). No open bottles present.

  • CHEMICALS detergents fully labelled and instruction on use issued. Feeder tubes colour coded or labelled to ensure they go into correct chemical container. <br><br>Drip trays in place for laundry chemicals, not stacked on top of each other, located on the floor (on a trolley).<br>

  • LAUNDRY Linen washed by type and use on separate cycles (hair and nail care kept separate). <br><br>Oily items soaked overnight (e.g. kitchen rags) and washed on hot cycle.<br><br>Dryer loads and times as per manufacturer’s instructions. Items removed immediately post cycle.<br><br>Linen cooled prior to storage in a well-ventilated area. <br><br>No items stored next to light fittings or electrical panels.<br><br>Laundry chute in good repair, fusible link/fire shutter present and linen not obstructing chute from closing.<br>

  • NOISE AT WORK activities identified. Readings taken and suitable controls in place including reduced exposure times and appropriate signage.<br><br>Appropriate PPE available (e.g. ear defenders, earplugs).<br><br>All Team Members trained.<br>

Linen and Store Rooms

  • Shelves stable with no sharp edges and easily accessible.

  • MANUAL HANDLING Heavy items not stored on higher shelving.

  • WORKING AT HEIGHT controls in place. Access to high shelves provided, equipment (ladders, kick stools) checked before use and internal checks in place.

Public Toilets

  • Cleanliness and repair: Walls, floor, ceilings, mirrors, cubicles, toilets and locks.<br><br>Wash hand units with hot and cold water, fully stocked with liquid soap and suitable hand drying facilities.<br>

  • Provision of sanitary towel disposal bins in the female and disabled toilets.<br><br>BABY CHANGE UNITS clean and in good repair. Checked monthly (strap and buckle), and no defective equipment in use. <br><br>Provision of nappy bins and proper waste disposal.<br>

  • Temporary signage available to indicate male/ female cleaning staff on duty.

Team Member Changing Rooms

  • Cleanliness and repair: Walls, floor, ceilings, mirrors, shower cubicles, lockers, toilets and locks.<br><br>Wash hand units with hot and cold water, fully stocked with alcohol gel, antibacterial soap and paper towels. ‘Now wash your hands’ signage in place.<br>

  • CHANGING ROOMS Disclaimer signage in place and no personal items stored outside lockers.

  • Flameproof ironing board cover in place and IRONS on timer with auto cut off. <br><br>No defective irons in use

Site Specific (Please list any unique risk assessment control measures to be checked)

  • Dry cleaning (use of Perklone). Strict procedures followed and recorded, including use of personal protective equipment and emergency spillage kit. Competent trained persons only.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.