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    Please click (+) if you have any urgent concerns, which pose a risk to the health, safety or welfare of a person or the business, which require immediate consideration. Escalate these to the GM with immediate effect (Raise action and assign to Property GM and DO)
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  • SLIPS, TRIPS AND FALLS All areas in good repair including walls, floors, ceilings and fittings. <br>Wet floor signs in use whilst mopping is undertaken. Dry mopping is a preference to avoid leaving floors wet.<br>Trip hazards removed, secured or highlighted with appropriate signage. <br>Changes of level and staircases clearly highlighted, handrails where required and no defects. <br>All Team Members wearing suitable clothing and footwear. <br>Cleanliness maintained in all areas and schedules available where required.<br>Waste removed regularly.<br>

  • All ACCIDENT INCIDENT REPORTING and near misses documented and investigated as required.<br>WELFARE provision including operational toilets, stocked hand wash facilities and drinking water. <br>Adequate LIGHTING, ventilation and heating. <br>

  • Good MANUAL HANDLING practices in place including storage, equipment and lifting techniques. <br>All Team Members trained.<br>

  • WORKING AT HEIGHT tasks eliminated or controlled where required.<br><br>Equipment in good order and checks completed (e.g. kick stool, stepladders).<br>

  • All equipment suitable for use. DEFECT REPORTING in place for electrical and non-electrical equipment and no defective equipment in use.

  • Good STORAGE practices in place including minimal combustibles, away from ignition sources, with safe access and egress.

  • CHEMICALS & HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES Nominated and approved substances only. <br>Data sheets available.<br>Labelled and stored appropriately including flammables. <br>

  • Adequate provision of FIRST AID equipment, in date and fully stocked. <br>Trained Team Members available at all times.<br>

  • Safety training up to date, including SAFE SYSTEMS OF WORK (SSOW) as per training matrix.

  • Vulnerable Team Members assessed and relevant controls in place e.g. YOUNG PERSONS, PREGNANCY (including new mothers) and REDUCED CAPABILITIES (including those returning from long term sick leave).

  • VISUAL DISPLAY UNITS (VDUs) users, assessed, trained and relevant controls in place (where required)

Health Club Reception

  • CCTV operational, signed and covers all areas (If permitted by local law)

  • Member information not openly displayed on computer screens

  • Signing in/ out procedures completed.

  • Appropriate signage as per local law (Health Commitment Statement, Health Club Safety Code, PEEPs).

  • Health club secured from unauthorized access.

  • Wet Leisure Supervision policy in place and evidence of use (UK Only).<br><br>Team Members trained.<br>

  • ‘Health Club Cleaning & Maintenance Checklist’ completed including hourly club walk round, cleaning schedules for all areas and equipment checklist. <br><br>Panic alarm for areas tested with control panel to ensure correct identification of location (note hotel response to panic alarm activation).<br><br>No defective equipment in use.<br><br>

  • Emergency Equipment Box available with foil blankets, slippers, torches, fire evacuation jacket, and safety data sheets.<br><br>Communication device to speak with hotel fire coordinator.<br><br>PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) available, clean and maintained, appropriate for task. Including respiratory protective equipment (gas mask with filters changed every 6 months).<br><br>Signage in place indicating use requirements.<br>

  • Towel drop clearly signed and suitable container for removal (consider manual handling effort).

  • Decals on glass panels at two heights where required.

  • ELECTRICAL equipment in good repair. No defective equipment in use.

Sunbed/ Spray Tan

  • Sunbed user registration form completed and annual sessions limited. No under 18 years.<br><br>

  • Sunbed serviced annually and internal daily checks completed.

  • Sunbed user safety signage displayed above token machine.

  • Sanitising spray bottle or sanitiser wipes (clearly labeled) and disposable towels provided.

  • UV Eye protection issued at reception for sunbed users.

  • Panic alarm operational, signed, tested and easily accessible. Team must be able to open door from outside.

  • Suitable room with adequate ventilation and filtration system.<br><br>Skins sensitivity test/ health questionnaire in use. No under 16 years. <br><br>Beautician and guest wearing suitable PPE. <br><br>Wash hands before treatment.<br><br>Dispose of waste materials safely. <br>

Changing Rooms

  • Hair dryer vents in place and free of lint. No defective equipment in use.<br><br>No long trailing cables/ unable to reach water.<br>

  • Interlock on swimming costume dryer. Automatic cut off in operation and draining appropriately.

  • Cleanliness and repair of benches, walls, doors, ceiling, ledges, vent grills, vanity units and toilets. <br><br>Floor surface clean and in good repair with no excess water pooling.<br>

  • Playpens checked monthly.

  • Lockers and doors in good repair and panels secure.<br><br>Lockers have a suitable locking mechanism and disclaimer signs displayed.<br><br>All lockers checked and empty overnight<br>

  • SHARPS DISPOSAL Needle grabber and sharps box available. Body fluid spillage kits available. Team Members aware of location. <br><br>SSOW in place and trained to all Team Members.<br>

  • LEGIONELLA water hygiene checks completed including weekly flushing of low use outlets.<br><br>SHOWERHEAD CLEANING up to date.<br><br>Showers water temperature controlled by mixer.<br>

  • Shower areas clean.<br><br>Shower glass doors in good repair.<br><br>‘Shower before entering pool hall’ and ‘Caution – floor slippery when wet’ signage displayed.<br>

  • Provision of sanitary towel disposal bins in the female and disabled toilets.<br><br>BABY CHANGE UNITS and baby change seats, clean and in good repair. Checked monthly (strap and buckle), and no defective equipment in use. <br><br>Provision of nappy bins and proper waste disposal.<br>

Swimming Pool/ Spa

  • Guests wearing appropriate clothing/ babies in suitable swimming nappies.

  • Appropriate signage displayed:

  • ‘No diving, running, jumping and depth sign’ at each end of the pool.<br><br>‘Panic alarm’ buttons signed.<br><br>‘Spa safety sign’ by spa bath.<br><br>‘Floor slippery when wet sign’ by spa bath, steps and poolside showers.<br><br>‘Pool safety advice sign’ on entrance to pool hall.<br>

  • Pool rescue equipment (throw bags and reach pole) wall mounted.<br><br>One set at each end for large pools (over 100sqm). <br>

  • Team Members trained in emergency pool response, and suitable qualification certificates held on file.

  • Good cleanliness and repair of:<br>Floors, walls, ceiling, ventilation grills, ductwork and windows.<br><br>Pool channel, grating, scum line, skimmer baskets. Skimmer lids secure.<br><br>Seating in pool/ spa bath and poolside.<br><br>Tiles for internal and external pool and spa in good repair e.g. no sharp surfaces, broken tiles or water pooling.<br>

  • Internal checks completed for baby playpen.

  • Wet leisure capable of being locked off if 24-hour gym in operation.<br><br>Outside pools secured at night or CCTV/ signage in place to discourage access.<br>

  • Pool hoist available, operational, statutory inspection up to date.<br><br>Team Members trained. <br><br>

  • Handrails and ladders secured for pool and spa. Step anti-slip rubber in place.

  • Sumps located 2 meter apart with anti- vortex covers. Sump Vac alarm and cut off facilities serviced to ensure working correctly.

  • Provision of over shoes and signage.

  • Underwater and overhead pool lights working

  • Monthly microbiological samples satisfactory and documented action plan for failed results.

  • Daily pool and spa water tests completed.<br><br>Readings outside of acceptable parameters highlighted, red circled and action taken recorded.<br><br>Photometer and TDS meter clean and in good working order.<br><br>Photometer calibration records in date (annual).<br>

  • Dilution, back washing, super chlorination completed as required.

Sauna/ Steam

  • Steam room/ Sauna safety signage displayed.

  • Age restriction signs

  • Sauna thermometer and timer operational. <br><br>Signed panic alarm operational and tested.<br><br>

  • Fire boarding covers back wall and ceiling.<br><br>No evidence of charred or burnt wood on wall, ceiling paneling or around guard.<br><br>

  • Checked hourly for cleanliness and no combustibles present.

  • Fresh water available to add to coals depending on sauna type.

  • Sauna seating has no splinters or metal protrusions.

  • Sauna coals and metal thermostat guarded.

  • Steam room outlet guard fitted. Signage indicates the location of the steam injector.<br><br>Seats cleaned regularly to remove excess body fat.<br>


  • Appropriate ‘Health Commitment Signage’ (UK Only), PARQ or local alternative displayed.

  • Good cleanliness and repair: floors, walls, ceilings, windowsills, skirting, water fountains, televisions, mirrors, and all gym equipment.

  • ‘Health Club Cleaning & Maintenance Checklist’ completed including daily visual checks. <br><br>Gym equipment checklists completed weekly and recorded. No defective equipment in use.<br><br>‘Instruction on use’ signs not removed, worn off or covered. <br><br>Annual service contracts up to date<br>

  • Team Members providing advice and instruction have suitable qualifications.

  • Equipment positioned correctly (e.g. walkways and fire routes kept clear, sufficient distance between equipment, and not placed against glass windows).<br><br>Any loose cables secured.

  • Signed stretching areas provided with mats and space for warming up.

  • Provision of sanitiser bottle and disposable towels or disposable wipes.

  • Provision of drinking water.

  • Fitness balls are anti burst, used on soft surfaces, kept out of sunlight and inflated to manufacturer guidance. <br><br>No damaged balls in use.<br>

  • Weights signed, with suitable storage racking, not positioned directly against mirror.

  • Panic alarms tested as required for activation, audibility and response.<br><br>Suitable signage displayed.<br><br>

  • Panic alarm to main hotel reception for 24-hour gym.

  • Spinning bike signage to entrance door and/ or on individual bikes if moved (not moved by members). <br><br>Instructor re iterates safety rules before each class.<br><br>Annual service in place.<br>

  • 24-hour gym surveillance cameras linked to main hotel reception (where permitted by local law).<br><br>Appropriate access control to 24-hour gym with deadbolt feature removed to prevent guests locking themselves in.<br><br>24-hour gym signage displayed. <br><br>Panic alarm direct to reception operational and tested.<br>

Pool Plant

  • All plant rooms locked.

  • PPE available, clean and maintained. Appropriate for task including:<br><br>Wellington boots (different sizes), gauntlets, full-length PVC apron, full-face visor.<br><br>Respiratory protective equipment (gas mask filters changed every 6 months).<br><br>Signage in place indicating use requirements.

  • Running water at sink or wall-mounted eyewash station provided. Sterile EYE WASH STATION in date, no open bottles present.

  • Chlorine/ chemical day tank, associated pumps and dosing lines in good condition. <br><br>Overflow bunding in good condition and empty.110% capacity.<br><br>Injectors in good condition and plunged 3 times a day.<br><br>Foot valve cleaned weekly with hot water. <br><br>

  • Pool balance tank inspected and cleaned 6 monthly.

  • Spa balance tank inspected and cleaned weekly.

  • CHEMICALS advice signage displayed on door entrance.<br><br>Chemical safety data/ summary sheets displayed above each product.<br><br>Containers and scoops colour coded and stored separately. <br><br>

  • PERMIT TO WORKS available and in use. <br><br>CONTRACTOR SAFETY procedures in place and evidence of use.<br>

  • Plant room clean, tidy, and free of combustibles. No leaks evident.

  • CO2 detector/ indicator outside the plant room door and tested quarterly (if required).

  • Panic alarm operational and signage displayed.

  • UV treatment is operational (where applicable). <br><br>Bulbs in date, and installed as per manufacturers guidelines.<br>

  • Emergency shut off buttons present/ signed where required.

  • Plant room mechanical ventilation in place and operational.

  • Team Members trained in pool plant operation.<br><br>Hotel crisis team trained in pool plant emergency response.<br>

Site Specific (Please list any unique risk assessment control measures to be checked)

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.