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    Please click (+) if you have any urgent concerns, which pose a risk to the health, safety or welfare of a person or the business, which require immediate consideration. Escalate these to the GM with immediate effect (Raise action and assign to Property GM and DO)
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  • SLIPS, TRIPS AND FALLS All areas in good repair including walls, floors, ceilings and fittings<br>Trip hazards removed, secured or highlighted with appropriate signage. <br>Wet floor signs in use whilst mopping is undertaken. Dry mopping is a preference to avoid leaving floors wet.<br>Changes of level and staircases clearly highlighted, handrails where required and no defects. <br>All Team Members wearing suitable clothing and footwear. <br>Cleanliness maintained in all areas and schedules available where required.<br>Waste removed regularly.<br>

  • All ACCIDENT INCIDENT REPORTING and near misses documented and investigated as required<br>WELFARE provision including operational toilets, stocked hand wash facilities and drinking water. <br>Adequate LIGHTING, ventilation and heating. <br>

  • Good MANUAL HANDLING practices in place including storage, equipment and lifting techniques<br>All Team Members trained.

  • WORKING AT HEIGHT tasks eliminated or controlled where required<br>Equipment in good order and checks completed (e.g. kick stool, stepladders).<br><br>All Team Members trained.

  • All equipment suitable for use. DEFECT REPORTING in place for electrical and non-electrical equipment and no defective equipment in use

  • Good STORAGE practices in place including minimal combustibles, away from ignition sources, with safe access and egress

  • CHEMICALS & HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES Nominated and approved substances only<br>Data sheets available.<br>Labelled and stored appropriately including flammables. <br>

  • Adequate provision of FIRST AID equipment, in date and fully stocked<br>Trained Team Members available at all times.

  • Safety training up to date, including SAFE SYSTEMS OF WORK (SSOW) as per training matrix

  • Vulnerable team members assessed e.g. YOUNG PERSONS, pregnant and new mothers PREGNANCY and those returning from long term sick REDUCED CAPABILITIES and relevant controls in place

  • VISUAL DISPLAY UNITS (VDUS) users, assessed, trained and relevant controls in place (where required)

F&B Outlet

  • PERSONAL HYGIENE. Wash hand basins clean and fully stocked (soap, alcohol gel, paper towels and signage)<br>Appearance of Team Members and grooming adequate including uniform, approved jewellery only, cuts covered, long hair tied back. Suitable rubber sole flat shoes worn

  • CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE of equipment satisfactory including POST MIX DISPENSERS, microwaves, coffee machines, toasters, fridges, freezers, chill display unit, milk dispensers, panini machines, blenders, chopping boards, utensils, JUICING MACHINES.<br><br>Food grade sanitizer in use in all areas with correct dilution and contact times observed.

  • FOOD STORAGE No out of date items. Opened containers of sauces and other decanted items stored and labelled correctly<br><br>Correct food temperatures, recorded for refrigerators, freezers, hot and cold display<br>

  • Bar tariff displayed and correct (3 random drinks checked against point of sale machine).<br><br>FOOD & LIQUOR STORAGE ALCOHOL PERCENTAGE TESTED monthly (In house or external supplier).<br><br>Team Members trained to free pour and calibrated measures used to check accuracy.<br><br>Spirit bottles have screw caps or bottle pourer covers to prevent alcohol evaporation.

  • Bar tariff displayed and correct (3 random drinks checked against point of sale machine).<br><br>FOOD & LIQUOR STORAGE ALCOHOL PERCENTAGE TESTED monthly (In house or external supplier).<br><br>Team Members trained to free pour and calibrated measures used to check accuracy.<br><br>Spirit bottles have screw caps or bottle pourer covers to prevent alcohol evaporation.

  • Maximum capacities known and managed where required.

  • For small live events consider LICENCES for any time or noise level restrictions for area

  • Statutory SIGNAGE displayed (as per local law) e.g. weights and measures, no smoking, public entertainment, no tobacco sale

  • ALLERGY statement on all food and drink menus and on display at every bar, buffet, food and refreshment stations.<br><br>Team Members trained in procedures and signed training records available including day one, annual refresher, casual and agency workers pre shift.

  • HOT FOOD SERVERIES and surfaces (e.g. hot plate, hot lamps, coffee machine, HOT WATER URNS, toaster) suitably positioned and appropriate signage in place.<br><br>Hot surfaces free from combustibles/ HOT LIQUIDS have adequate drip trays where required.

  • Minimal GLASS on display in food areas (use acrylic or other clear plastic products). If no alternative, glass is robust with no chips.<br><br>Provision for cleaning up and disposal of BROKEN GLASS.

  • All Team Members trained in KNIFE HANDLING.<br><br>Knives for guest use, suitably positioned and removed after service.

  • HIGHCHAIRS checked before use and on a monthly basis, ensuring straps in place, secure, with no signs of damage. No defective equipment in use.<br><br>Highchairs sanitized and covered after use.

  • ICE MACHINES clean (inside and out), operational and clean scoop provided and stored hygienically.<br><br>Cleaning schedules displayed and up to date.

  • Emergency exit routes kept clear, exit signage clearly visible and correctly identifying escape routes. <br><br>Emergency lighting adequate and working.

  • Use of DRY ICE in pellet form safely delivered, stored/ used and access restricted<br><br>SPARKLERS IN DRINKS suitably stored and used.

  • Battery operated CANDLES used where possible. <br><br>If naked flames are in use, holder is higher than candle flame. <br><br>If candelabras are in use, positioned on heat resistant stable surface, with ability to catch dripping wax. No decorations nearby.<br><br>Fire extinguishing equipment available nearby.

  • CHAFFING FUEL wick or gas type, not gel. Ensure fuel is adequately stored in flameproof cabinet.

  • HELIUM BALLOONS not used on tables with candles. Cylinders in use secured in position.

  • Suitable chemical dosing for DISHWASHERS AND GLASSWASHERS.

  • Internal & external open FIRES & FIRE PITS and fireplaces have suitable guarding and are positioned safely. Fire extinguishing equipment available nearby.<br><br>Signage in place including instructions for adding more fuel.

  • Room service has effective communication in place with panic alarms available for SSOW solo working.<br><br>Room service TROLLEYS and hot boxes in working order, defects reported and faulty items removed.

  • Live cooking including egg stations, positioned to prevent oil splashing and splash back screens in place. <br><br>Fire blanket and extinguisher available nearby.

  • CUTLER BUTLERS/ KITCHEN EQUIPMENT Waste Disposal/ JUICING MACHINE. Guards and interlocks in place. <br><br>No defective equipment in use.<br><br>Team Members trained in use.

  • DE TARNISHING/ PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) available and in use (e.g. gloves, gauntlets).<br><br>Equipment thoroughly rinsed after process.

  • NOISE AT WORK activities identified.<br>Readings taken and suitable controls in place including reduced exposure times and appropriate signage.<br><br>Appropriate PPE available (e.g. ear defenders, earplugs).<br><br>All Team Members trained.<br><br>Music auto shut off for fire alarm for loud music playing, where required.

Terrace and Patio Areas

  • Smoking areas suitably positioned and signposted. <br><br>Provision of suitable ASH DISPOSAL equipment.<br>

  • TERRACE & PATIO AREAS External walkways including paving stones, decking and tiles are checked regularly for uneven, slippery surfaces.<br><br>Ponds suitably fenced and warning signage in place.<br><br>Adequate lighting at night.<br>

  • External patio HEATERS; LPG gas cylinders stored externally away from fire escapes, drains, electrical cables and ignition sources. <br><br>Caution ‘hot signage’ displayed on unit.<br><br>Statutory inspections in date.

  • MANUAL HANDLING tasks considered and controls in place for moving furniture and equipment including portable heaters, parasols, parasol bases, umbrellas, tables and chairs. <br><br>Equipment positioned and secured from adverse weather (e.g. wind and rain). Checked for damage and no defective equipment in use.


  • Minimum DRY ICE stored in advance/ suitably labelled & stored (not in confined spaces). <br><br>Team Members trained and supervised.<br>

  • Safe delivery route planned externally and internally.

  • STORAGE Crates stacked at an appropriate height to prevent toppling and over reaching. <br><br>Full beer kegs not stacked more than one high, unless in suitable racking equipment. <br><br>GAS CYLINDERS CO2 cylinders secured and warning sign in place<br><br>CO2 detection installed and operational. CO2 detector light visible on the outside of the cellar. Test alarm is functioning.<br>

  • Relevant SSOW in place and trained e.g. solo working, beer line cleaning and dry ice.

  • PPE provided (e.g. gloves, footwear, visor, apron), clean and in good repair. <br><br>Stored in suitable clean-labeled container. <br><br>Consider PPE for all tasks including chemical usage and for manual handling.

  • Sterile EYEWASH STATION (if no running water available). No open bottles present.

  • FOOD & LIQUOR SECURITY Cellar locked and restricted areas secured from unauthorized access.<br><br>Key control procedure in place.

Site Specific (Please list any unique risk assessment control measures to be checked)

  • ICE CARVING (using an ice pick or knife) and CHAMPAGNE BOTTLES opened with a knife (sabering) correctly chilled/ positioned/ and technique used. Team Members trained specifically.

  • CONFERENCE & EVENTS Pyrotechnics

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.