
  • Restaurant #

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Manager/ Person In Charge

Food Safety

  • Iced tea liner at the self-serve station secured with a zip tie and the white tube it trimmed.<br>

  • No Employees are ill.

  • Allergens:<br> Among the most common allergy causing foods are: <br>1. Eggs <br>2. Fish <br>3. Milk <br>4. Peanuts <br>5. Tree Nuts <br>6. Shellfish <br>7. Soybeans <br>8. Wheat

  • Drink Machine:<br>No mold, debris, rust or slime on drink stations (self serve & stand-alone), soda nozzles/diffusers, ice machines, ice chutes and bins. <br>

  • ICE MACHINCES <br> DAILY <br> Clean Ice Machine Bins <br>1. Wring out a clean towel that has been dampened with sanitizer solution to avoid any sanitizer dripping onto the ice. <br>2. Wipe the inside and outside of the ice deflector with this clean cloth dampened with sanitizer solution. <br> Clean Ice Bucket and Scoop <br>1. Clean the ice bucket and scoop nightly using the 3-compartment sink (wash-rinse-sanitize) method.

  • FOOD SAFETY RISK ASSESSMENT <br> No imminent food safety risks present: <br>1. Sewage/standing water present on floors or in sinks and or drains <br>2. Electrical power outage <br>3. No water / no hot water <br>4. Pest infestation <br>5. Unsanitary conditions: not clean; tending to harbor or spread disease; contaminated. <br>6. Fire <br> CORRECTIVE ACTION:<br>1. Close the restaurant.<br>2. Call Mgr and DM immediately.<br>3. Call QA Hotline.<br>4. After the problem solved, clean and sanitized, perform HACCP and call QA Hotline.<br>

  • HACCP Book

  • HACCP filled out properly.

  • Knowledge of HACCP System Tools.

  • Corrective action of any equipment malfunction and missing info.

  • N/A is not necessary for the item that doesn't exist.

  • Sanitized Water

  • Demonstrate preparation for sanitized water correctly with correct strength of 300ppm.

  • All containers were labeled " Sanitized Water".

  • The sanitized water at in the container at least 1" high.

  • Shake & Smoothie Machine.

  • Wash hands before taking temperature and sanitize probe before and after checking temperature.

  • The minimum acceptable temperature for the shake and smoothie is 41.4F.

  • Check temperature in 3 spots: front, middle and back. Take the highest number.

  • Wait 1 hour after filling the milk shake before taking temperature.

  • Corrective action:<br>1. Notify your team specially cashiers not to sale any shake or smoothie.<br>2. Turn off the shake or smoothie machine and drain out shake and smoothie immediately.<br>3. Record the corrective action on the HACCP book.<br>4. Call Facility service.<br>5. Wash and sanitize shake or smoothie machine.

  • Grill Station.

  • Cooking Ham Procedure

  • Tools are rotated every 4 hours.

  • Wash hands and wear gloves before taking temperature and sanitize probe before and after checking temperature.

  • Apply a quarter coin size spot of butter in the middle of the lane.

  • The minimum temperature of the grill is 325F. (350+/-25)

  • Corrective action in case the temperature of the grill is not met standard.<br>1. Notify your team specially cooks not to use that lane.<br>2. Block the law using aluminum container.<br>3. Record the corrective action on the HACCP book.<br>4. Call Facility service.

  • Using the lowest temperature lane to cook patty.

  • Perform final flip and visual check.

  • If using press on the patty, after cooked patty need to be used immediately other wise that patty need to be discharge.

  • The minimum temperature of the patty is 155F or below.

  • Corrective action in case the temperature of the patty is not met standard.<br>1. Discharge the patty immediately.<br>2. Perform cooking a new patty within 5 minutes.<br>3. Sanitize the probe again before checking temperature on the new patty.<br>4. If the temperature is still below 155F, identify cooks not to use, block the lane, write down on HACCP and call the facility service.

  • Fryer station

  • Tools are rotated every 4 hours.

  • Wash hands and wear gloves before taking temperature and sanitize probe before and after checking temperature.

  • The minimum temperature of fryer is 350F. (365F +/- 15).

  • Corrective action in case the temperature of fryer doesn't meet standard:<br>1. Notify fryer person to not use that vat.<br>2. Block the vat using basket and taco rack.<br>3. Adjust the temperature of the fryer if applicable.<br>4. Recheck the temperature again.<br>5. If still unacceptable, notify fryer person not to use that vat.<br>6. Block the vat using basket and taco rack.<br>7. Write the corrective action on HACCP book.<br>8. Call Mgr and DM to call facility service.

  • Air Temperature

  • Show how to check air temperature in the walk-in cooler, walk-in freezer and POU

  • Acceptable minimum temperature for freezer: 20F and refrigerator: 41F.

  • Corrective action after first checking temperature is not met standard. <br>Corrective action on the HACCP book.

  • Rice

  • Wash hands before taking temperature and sanitize probe before and after checking temperature.

  • Minimum of 135F.

  • Using meat probe to check the temperature.

  • Hot Water

  • Know how to check the temperature for hot water and minimum temperature 100F.

  • Corrective action in case the temperature of hot water does not meet standard:<br>1. Close restaurant.<br>2. Notify Mgr and DM to call facility service.<br>3. Call QA.<br>4. After fixed, call QA, perform hand wash.

  • Hand Wash

  • (Hand wash) After conducting a cleaning activity, handling dirty equipment, utensil or surface, touching a trash can or picking up any dropped food or item from the floor.<br>Interpretation: There are many opportunities. We are going to define the 10 most likely. Beyond these 10, coach, don’t assess.<br>a. Qualifies for hand wash<br>1. Sweeping<br>2. Mopping<br>3. Handling garbage cans and garbage bags<br>4. Tearing down, re-building, conducting maintenance, or lubricating equipment<br>5. Washing dishes<br>6. Picking food or garbage off the floor with hands (or gloved hands)<br>7. Cleaning the restroom<br>8. Cleaning bodily fluids<br>9. Removing food and/or packaging and/or trash from tables<br>10. Wiping tables, chairs, high chairs<br>b. Do not assess if going from one cleaning activity to another<br>c. Do not assess a floor server or guest service if they don’t handle unprotected food or cutlery

  • (Hand wash) After touching human body parts, i.e., face, head, or hair<br> <br>Interpretation: Do not assess incidental contact with apron, or clothing.<br>This is truly an incidental brush or bump. If you can make a case that they cleaned their hands on their shirt or pants or apron, that can be assessed but it needs to be more than a pull or tug or hands on knees to look for something.

  • Wash hand at hand wash sink with hot water using soap until elbow at least 20 seconds, dry with the hand towel and sanitize.

  • When to wash your hands.

    no label
  • Key Observables:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.