Title Page

  • Audit Title & Description

  • Conducted on

  • Auditee (Surveyor)

  • Auditor

  • Was the audit satisfactory?

  • Project manager responsible for survey

  • SF41 Management Refurb Demo Witness Audit Issue 2 13 June 24

Audit Details & Summary

  • This Audit Covers

  • Client

  • Site address

  • Job number

  • Scope of works

  • Building type / Types witnessed on audit

  • Proportion % of areas witnessed during audit

  • Management surveys - Current level of approval (following audit)

  • Refurbishment surveys - Current level of approval (following audit)

  • Demolition surveys - Current level of approval (following audit)

  • Acceptance of audit findings

  • Auditor

  • Auditee

Pre - Start Health & Safety Assessment

  • Training file

  • Experience / Training of surveyor

  • Does the surveyor have access to Sharepoint to access procedures and project specific records ?

  • Does the surveyor have access to a copy of the client requirements form, method statement and risk assessment for the task on site ?

  • Point of work Risk assessment completed on tablet and or where hard copy needed signed on arrival by surveyor?

  • Before start, all limitations accepted and scope of works understood by the surveyor?

  • Have the works been been thoroughly planned by the PM and fit for purpose ?

  • Has the project manager identified all forseable hazards and have suitable control measures been detailed?

  • Where required has the project manager provided all supporting documents for the survey I.e former surveys, proposed building plans for refurb surveys etc

  • Does the surveyor have all necessary PPE / RPE and is it suitable ,being worn and used correctly? <br>Hi viz vest/jacket<br>Safety footwear<br>Half mask RPE with p3 filter and pre filter<br>Safety glasses<br>Hard hat<br>Disposable gloves<br>Disposable overshoes<br>Ear defenders (if applicable)

  • Is the survey kit suitable and in line with the master survey kit list?<br>Kit box<br>Stankey Knives and blades<br>Screwdrivers Pozi/Flat<br>Chisel<br>Crow bar<br>Bradawl<br>Claw hammer<br>Pliers (non serrated ideally)<br>Adj spanner<br>Sample bags<br>Asbestos warning labels<br>Duct tape<br>Wet wipes<br>Torch with spare batteries<br>Poly filla<br>Paint potts<br>Polythene sheet<br>Waste bags red & clear<br>H Type vacs (job specific) and in 6 month DOP date<br>Core sampler/s<br>Plastic container for sample storage <br>First aid kit<br>

  • Has the surveyor completed all necessary pre - start inspections/checks of RPE/Equipment and are they all labelled correctly?

  • Ladder No:

  • Next Ladder Inspection date:

  • Photograph of ladder/s if required

  • Mask identified unique to surveyor

  • Photograph of mask/s if required

  • Has all equipment been used correctly on site ?

  • When quizzed about general knowledge on asbestos , asbestos types, health effects, control limits, RPE and mask APF were answers adequete ?

  • Was the surveyor wearing appropriate MCP clothing and have identification?

  • Did the auditee conduct themself appropriately on site including interaction with others?

  • Was all generated waste packaged correctly and removed from site according to current guidance and regulations? If not witnessed then discuss protocol and detail findings

Bulk Sampling

  • Materials sampled on audit

  • Were the correct sampling techniques used as laid out in survey procedures SPR01. Describe sampling techniques witnessed.

  • Have details on sample bag/s been completed as per the requirements? (Inner bag and main external bag)

  • Sample sizes representative of parent material and sufficient in mass for product?

  • Sample point suitably repaired and if required a sample point label applied with the required information (if required) ?

  • All equipment cleaned and sampling area checked after sampling?

  • For materials not witnessed on the audit is the surveyor familiar with sampling strategies for other materials and what the control measures are ?

  • Samples stored and marked correctly to ensure information can be read without opening outer bag?

General Surveying (incl Management Survey) Assessment Form

  • General surveying

  • Has the surveyor explained what is required with Client/Occupier so that they understand the extent of survey? (subject to conditions as detailed in method statement)

  • Site walk through been undertaken?

  • Site plans (provided/drawn ) if drawn is it an accurate reflection of the site and are details recorded as per standard procedures SPR01 ?

  • Survey data entry suitable?<br>Non asbestos data/features<br>Approaches S,SP,P etc<br>Material Assessments<br>Priority (if applicable)<br>Recommendations<br>Photographs<br>General data entry i.e room names & numbers<br>

  • Are areas of no access or limited access being recorded correctly and justified?

  • Surveyor demonstrated a systematic survey approach, starting in the correct room as per survey procedures SPR01 ?

  • Is there a reasonable negative sampling strategy being adopted for non asbestos products?

  • Has or is the surveyor aware to report any areas of high risk to the client or project manager? I.e suspect debris

  • Has the surveyor identified / presumed all reasonably foreseeable suspect materials unless they have strong evidence that they do not contain asbestos?

  • Was any decontamination undertaken suitably where required ? Cleaning of RPE after sampling etc

  • Is the surveyor aware of how to upload drawings , send data to tracker and hand in completed risk assessments?

  • Management survey assessment form

  • Type of building assessed during survey

  • Type of Audit

  • Has the surveyor accessed all areas required for the management survey?

Refurbishment Survey Assessment Form

  • Type of building

  • Type of Audit

  • Does the surveyor have all the necessary equipment and supplies to carry out the task and any making good in line with any client requirements?

  • Are all areas to be surveyed unoccupied and all soft furnishings covered during works?

  • Has intrusive inspections / breakthrough techniques been undertaken correctly and to the required level to meet the clients requirements / scope of works.

  • Name areas inspected, use comments for any additional areas not listed

  • Comments

  • Has all work created by the surveyor been left in a safe condition for reoccupation?

Demolition Survey Assessment Form

  • Type of building

  • Type of Audit

  • Does the surveyor have all the necessary equipment and supplies to carry out the task and any making good in line with any client requirements?

  • Are all areas to be surveyed unoccupied and all soft furnishings covered during works?

  • Has intrusive inspections / breakthrough techniques been undertaken correctly and to the required level to meet the clients requirements / scope of works.

  • Name areas inspected, use comments for any additional areas not listed

  • Comments

  • Has all work created by the surveyor been left in a safe condition for reoccupation?

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