Conducted on
Audit Title
Audit No.
Standard, Purpose and Scope
Standard: NAM CARs Part 141, Training Organization Ops Manual (ATO MOP)
Purpose: To ensure that the training organization complies with the regulations and the training is delivered to the required standard for WGC.
Scope: ATO facilities, aircraft, training records, instructor training, safety, quality and admin processes.
Supplier Information
Company Name
Accountable Manager
Contact Details
Description of Services or Products provided to Westair
1 Certificates
Does the organization have an NDCA ATO?
ATO Certificate No
1.1 Is the ATO certificate displayed?
1.2 Is the ATO certificate current?
1.3 Does the ATO OPS Spec list all the training that are required by Westair and list all the aircraft that is used by the ATO?
Does the organization have an SA CAA ATO?
ATO Certificate No
1.1 Is the ATO certificate displayed?
1.2 Is the ATO certificate current?
1.3 Does the ATO OPS Spec list all the training that are required by Westair and list all the aircraft that is used by the ATO?
Does the organization have an "other" ATO?
Specify "other"
ATO Certificate No
1.1 Is the ATO certificate displayed?
1.2 Is the ATO certificate current?
1.3 Does the ATO OPS Spec list all the training that are required by Westair and list all the aircraft that is used by the ATO?
2 Manual of Procedures (MOP)
2.1 Is the MOP approved by the authority?
2.2 Is there a signed statement by the certificate holder confirming that the MOP and the the documents incorporated by reference reflect the certificate holder's means of compliance with the regulations?
2.3 Does the MOP describe an amendment procedure or process?
2.3.1 Is the amendment procedure followed and signed off at the appropriate stages?
2.4 Does the MOP have a description of the scope of training provided?
2.5 Does the MOP specify a distribution system and identity of the manual holders and locations?
2.5.1 Is the distribution procedure followed?
2.6 Does the MOP detail the responsibilities of key personnel?
2.7 does the MOP detail the minimum qualifications of post holders and instructors?
3 Facility
3.1 Are there clear signage provided to identify the organization's premises?
3.2 Is there a reception area?
3.3 Are the facilities suitable to present the courses and training requested?
3.3.1 Does the ATO have its own class rooms?
- Are the class rooms large enough and equipped with the right equipment (projectors, boards, tables and chairs, etc.)?
- Are the class rooms kept clean and neat?
3.3.2 Does the ATO provide refreshments to the course atendees?
3.4 Are suitable storage provided for hard copy records and/or archives?
3.4.1 Are the access to the records and archives controlled?
3.4.2 Are the records well organized and are individual records easily accessible by authorized persons?
3.5 Are suitable waiting areas for students or clients?
3.6 Are there briefing rooms for pre-flight or post-flight briefings for instructors and students?
3.7 Are there areas provided for study in between lessons or training flights to study or do research?
3.8 Has the ATO provided office space/s for the instuctors?
3.9 Are there an area designated for instructors to rest, drink coffe/tea or eat?
4 Safety
4.1 Is a Safety Officer appointed?
Safety Officer Name
4.1.1 Is the Safety Officer trained/qualified?
4.2 Does the organization have a SMS?
4.2.1 Is the SMS documented?
4.2.2 Are internal safety audits conducted?
- Is there an Safety audit schedule?
- Is the Safety audit schedule followed?
- In the event of findings from a Safety audit are corrective action requests issued?
- Are the corrective actions actioned correctly, no quick fixes?
4.3 Are Hazards, Incidents and Accidents reported and the data analyzed?
4.3.1 Are safety reports discussed and considered by management on a regular basis?
- Are minutes kept of safety meetings by management?
- Are action taken of safety concerns by management?
4.4 Is there a fire extinguisher in each training area/office/class room and is it serviceable?
4.5 Is there a first aid kit/s available at the facility and is it up to date?
4.6 Are emergency numbers displayed in prominent places?
4.6.1 Are emergency numbers kept up to date or checked regularly?
4.7 Does the organization have an Emergency Response Plan (ERP)?
4.7.1 Is there an ERP manual?
4.7.2 Is the ERP kept up to date?
4.7.3 Is the ERP readily available?
4.7.4 Are ERP exercises held?
Date of last ERP exercise:
4.8 Is there and emergency evacuation plan for the premises?
4.8.1 Is the evacuation plan displayed or exit signs in each room?
4.8.2 Are emergency evacuation assembly points designated?
4.10 Is safety actively promoted by the organisation?
4.11 Are safety meetings regularly held?
4.11.1 Are minutes of the safety meetings kept?
5 Library
5.1 Does the organization have technical guides, POHs, handbooks, syllabi and regulatory publications according to approved scope of training?
5.1.1 Has the ATO appointed a Librarian?
Librarian Name
5.1.2 Are the publications/manuals current? (Does the handbooks cover the material with recent exam requirements)
5.1.3 Is there a system for monitoring the currency of publications and is it effective?
5.1.4 Are the publications contolled?
5.1.5 Are the publications readily available?
5.1.6 Are the latest forms available to instructors and/or students?
- Are there a system to ensure only the latest forms are used?
6 Training Aircraft and flight Training Devices or Simulators
6.1 Does the ATO own or operate training aircraft?
6.1.1 Has the ATO appointed a Responsible Person Aircraft (RPA)?
Name of the RPA (type "no RPA" no appointed RPA)
If the RPA post is delegated to and AMO give the name of the AMO
Name of person looking after aircraft:
Post of person looking after aircraft:
- Does the delegated person or AMO advise when aircraft are due for scheduled maintenance?
- Does the delegated person or AMO advise when defects has been recitfied?
- Does the RPA or delegate monitor the serviceability of the ATO aircraft?
- Does the RPA or delegate arrange for the aircraft to be booked in for maintenance when needed or if due?
- Does the RPA or delegate monitor the condition of the ATO aircraft? (Paint, Upholstery, Covers, Sunshields, Chocks etc.)
- Does the RPA or delegate ensure that all the safety equipment are onboard each aircraft on a regular basis?
6.1.2 Are all the aircraft used by the ATO listed on the Ops Sec?
List all aircraft registrations on the Ops Spec:
6.1.3 Are all the aircraft owned by the ATO?
- Does each aircraft not owned by the ATO have lease agreements?
- Are all the lease agreements reviewed regularly (at least every 24 months or less)?
6.1.4 Does each aircraft have a maintenance agreement?
- Has the ATO published a Maintenance Control Manual (MCM)?
- Is the MCM approved by the DCA/CAA?
- Has each AMO received and signed for a copy of the MCM?
- Are all the maintenance agreements reviewed regularly (at least every 24 months or less)?
List the AMO/s that maintain the aircraft:
- Are all the aircraft MPIs and 50 hour inspections (at least oil change) done when due?
- Is there a system to track scheduled maintenance due times and is it documented in the MOP?
- Are all defects rectified and signed off in the flight folios/tech log?
6.1.5 Does the ATO have records and documents of each aircraft? (CoR, CoA, RTS, MnB, Radio Lic and COI)<br>
- Are the records and documents current and up to date?
6.1.5 Each aircraft have the following emergency equipment?
- 406 Mhz ELT
- Strips
- Water
- Tracking Sys
6.2 Does the ATO own/operate simulators or flight training devices?
List all of the simulator types with registration:
6.2.1 Is each simulator/FTD Approved by the DCA/CAA?
6.2.2 Are the all simulators/FTDs listed on the ATO Ops Spec
6.2.3 Is each simulator/FTD checked at least once a year for serviceability (Annual QTG)?
- Are the records of the QTG available and up to date for each simulator?
6.2.4 Does the ATO have cockpit familiarization devices (Paper Tigers)?
- Does the devices resemble the real aircraft accurately?
- Are the devices more or less full size?
- Are access to the devices readily available to students?
7 Quality
7.1 Is a QA Manager appointed?
QA Manager name
7.1.1 Is the QA manager qualified?
7.2 Does the organization have a QA system?
7.2.1 Is the QA system documented?
7.2.2 Is the QA system manual approved by the DCA/CAA?
7.3 Are internal audits conducted?
7.3.1 Is there an internal audit schedule?
7.3.2 Is the internal audit schedule followed?
7.3.3 In the event of findings from internal audit; are corrective actions issued?
- Are the corrective actions actioned correctly, no quick fixes?
7.4 Does the QA system function?
7.4.1 Are records of audits available?
7.4.2 Are there procedures to ensure that findings are communicated to the accountable manager?
7.4.3 Is there a record detailing audit findings, corrective actions and follow up inspections?
8 Training/Instructor/Personel Records
8.1 Does the organization keep records of all training provided or received for each staff member?
8.1.1 Is the record system documented in the MOP?
8.2 Is there a list of instructors indicating their qualifications and authorizations?
8.3 Do the personnel records contain qualifications for management and admin personnel?
8.4 Are instuctor flight and duty times recorded and monitored to stay within prescribed limits?
8.4.1 Is the record system documented in the MOP?
9 Student and Client Training Records
9.1 Are records kept of all students or clients?
Student file reviewed
Student File no
Name on Student File
9.1.1 Does the file contain personal information and contact details of the student and next of kin?
9.1.2 Does the file contain records of training received with progress reports?
9.1.3 Does the file contain copies exam results?
9.1.4 If a type rating have been done for this student; is a copy of the marked type tech kept in the file?
9.1.5 Are copies of skill tests submitted to the DCA/CAA kept in the file?
9.1.6 Can progress reports provided to students, sponsors or clients readily?
9.2 Does the ATO present courses other than flight training?
List all courses:
9.2.1 Does each course have a published syllabus and is it on record?
- Is each syllabus approved?
- Are all courses listed on the ATO Ops Spec?
- Does each course facilitator have the required qualifications to present the course?
- Does each course use standardized course material and/or slides?
- Are the syllabi follwed?
9.4 Does the ATO provide training to outside organizations?
9.4.1 Does the ATO have training agreements with the outside organizations?
- Are the training agreements kept on record at the ATO?
- Are the training agreements regularly reviewed (at least every 24 months)?
9.4.2 Is there a training plan or schedule for client organizations?
- Is the training plan followed?
- Does the training plan meet the client requirements?
9.5 Is there a system to measure customer satisfaction or course effectiveness?
9.5.1 Is this system documented in the MOP?
9.5.2 Is this system followed for most courses or training?
9.5.3 Are records kept of this system?
- Are the results analyzed to improve training?
- Are results discussed with course facilitators or instructors?
10 Stock Control
Does the organization keep stock to sell (books, maps or pilot accessories)?
10.1 Are the stock kept in a suitable location?
10.2 Is there a stock control system?
10.2.1 Are there minimum stock levels set?
11 Financial System
11.1 Are there credit agreements or monthly retainer agreements in place between the ATO and outside organizations with training agreements?
11.2 Does the ATO have a book keeping system?
11.2.1Are invoices sent:
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
- When training is complete
11.2.2 Can students/clients obtain current statements easily?
11.2.3 Is there a system to avoid students from training without exceeding their available balance?
11.2.4 Are client statements sent out on time and payments processed when received quickly?
11.3 Is the ATO registered for VAT?
11.3.1 Are there records of the VAT reports?
11.3.2 Are VAT reports submitted on time?
General Observations and Recommendations
Can the auditor Recommend this ATO as a training organization to Westair?
Auditor Signature
Auditee Signature