Document No.
Site / Company
Conducted on
Prepared by
Personnel interviewed and accompanying auditor
Is there a written and approved site procedure for Excavations?
Has it been communicated to the employees ?
Has it been communicated to the contractors?
Has the commencement date and duration of the excavation work identified before processing the application?
Has the contractor or department that will carry out the excavation work identified before processing application?
Has the zone of the area in which the excavation work will occur identified?
Has the purpose, location, depth, width and length of the planned excavation work identified before processing application?
Has the types of equipment to be used in excavation work identified before processing application?
Does a drawing showing the location of the excavation works provided?
Do you define and review whether existing utilities or services located within the excavation work and identify precautions measures to locate in situ utilities or services before processing application
Is a drawing showing the location of the excavation work provided?
Is a sufficient time given, 3 working days for the processing of the application?
Securing Excavation Site
Is the excavation area physically demarcated?
Is the proposed excavation area identified by a continuous white line that is at least 50mm in width?
Barriers and Signs around Excavation
Is the approved excavation permit posted next to excavation for inspection by all staff?
Is barrier placed around the perimeter of all excavation
Is signage provided to warn all persons of the excavation activities and identify alternative routes in the event that footways or roads require temporary closure and diversion?
Excavation Permit form
Is the Standard excavation permit form used (ERGA-FRM-0005E) and the manager or supervisor requesting the excavation work fill section 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,10 & 11 of the form
Is the electrical and mechanical supervisors check for underground services as well as electrical overhead services at the area to be excavated ?
Does the surveyor ensure that any underground services are depicted on the site drawing and if not add them to the site drawing ?
Are the electrical and mechanical supervisors and the surveyor sign off section 5 and 9 of the form?
Is the surveyor sign also section 13 as soon as the underground services have been added to the drawing?
Does the permit holder directly supervise tasks performed under the permit?