
  • Document No.

  • undefined

  • Site / Company

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Personnel interviewed and accompanying auditor


  • Products obtained from approved, reputable suppliers

  • Delivery area clean

  • Measure temperature of chilled or frozen foods

  • Expiry date checked

  • Visual check the general conditions of foods (No off odour or stickiness and so on), rejected product if not in good condition

  • Store chilled and frozen foods immediately (e.g. within 10 minutes)

  • Packaging intact and no visible foreign matter/dent

  • Visual check the hygienic condition of vehicles

  • Other observation

Living Quarters

  • Bedrooms are clean and beds made daily. Curtains clean

  • Maximum number of persons in one room - Acceptable? (Min 1m between bedspaces)

  • Volume/Floor space for each occupant min 10 cubic mt/4 Sq m

  • Bunk beds provided? (Minimum height/spacing respected? Privacy curtains installed?

  • Beds and mattresses are in good condition.

  • Floors are clean and washed daily with disinfectant.

  • Bedsheets in good condition/changed for each new occupant or at least once/week.

  • Windows are fitted with mosquito screens.

  • Air conditioning installed and working

  • Mosquito treated net provided and in good condition (No Holes or tears)

  • Private sleeping quarters are provided for female staff.

  • Electrical fixtures (wiring, cords, etc.) are in good condition.

  • Entrances and exits are well lit and unobstructed.

  • Exit route map and fire contingency plan is clearly posted in each room.

  • Smoke detector and sprinkler are in good working condition in each room.

  • Fire extinguishers are available and regularly checked.

  • Emergency phone numbers (fire, medical, Security) are available and displayed.

  • Shelfs, lockers and closets exist and are clean for storage.

  • Any other observation

Bathroom and Toilets

  • There is at least one toilet for every 20 people.

  • Toilets are clean and cleaned at least once/day.

  • Toilets have sufficient paper.

  • Flushes are maintained in good working condition.

  • Lighting and ventilation is adequate.

  • Liquid soap or similar is available for handwashing.

  • "Hand washing sign" is posted for hand washing before leaving toilet.

  • There is sufficient hot water

  • Hand dryers are installed and in working condition or disposable paper towels are available.

  • There is at least one shower for every 20 people.

  • Bathrooms and showers are cleaned at least once/day

  • Showers and mirrors are in good working condition.

  • Separate bathrooms exist for female staff.

  • Lighting and ventilation is adequate.

  • Non-skid mats are available in showers and are sanitized at least once/day.

  • A sharps container for razor blades is available.

  • Plumbing system of grey water is adequate.

  • There are no water leaks.

  • Soap being provided to employees living in camp

  • Any other observation


  • Laundry area is clean and well maintained.

  • Washing machines and dryers are properly bolted down.

  • Water heater and washing/drying machines are properly grounded.

  • Washers are in good working condition and clean.

  • Dryers are in good working condition and clean.

  • There is an adequate stock of cleaning supplies.

  • Electric Ironing cable is in good condition - Iron is unplugged when not in use.

  • Clothing bags or nets are provided for laundry service to each individual.

  • Grey water disposal is adequate and adapted.

  • Plumbing system is well maintained with no leaks.

  • Laundry well-ventilated and has ventilation systems or mechanical exhaust fans.

  • Smoke detectors are installed, regularly tested and in good working condition.

  • Dryer vent screens and lint fliters are regularly cleaned.

  • Any other observation


  • There is an entertainment room with sufficient seating arrangements

  • Sporting facilities available? i.e Gym? Clean and equipment functional, clean and serviced?

  • Trash cans provided an emptied regularly?

  • Is there an outside sports area? Is it on level ground?

Drinking Water

  • Water testing is performed at least once/month including both chemical and microbiological parameters.

  • Water testing is performed in kitchen and other locations including water in dispensers.

  • Full chemical analysis of water (heavy metals, etc.) is performed at least once/year.

  • Water testing results are recorded and reported to management.

  • Water disinfection means are in place and checked regularly (chloride, filters, etc.)

  • Water fountain/dispensers are cleaned and disinfected?

  • Any other observations

Food Handlers

  • Staff have undergone food hygiene training.

  • Staff are up to date on required vaccinations (hepatitis A, typhoid).

  • Medical exams are performed on a yearly basis.

  • Medical events (diarrhea, etc.) are immediately reported to the company health professional.

  • Medical certificates are available and up to date.

  • Hygiene inspection is carried out once/week by company health professional or camp boss.

  • Personal appearance of food handlers is in compliance with company standards.

  • Employees have been issued appropriate personal protective equipment.

  • Disposable hair caps and plastic gloves are available and worn.

  • Employees wear company approved uniforms. Uniforms are clean and neat in appearance.

  • Food handlers/kitchen staff wear only closed shoes. (No sandals).

  • Catering staff know their responsibility in case of an emergency.

  • Employees have been instructed in the proper use of chemical dispersing equipment.

  • Employees understand health and hygiene hazards presented by chemicals that they use.

  • Staff know where to place trash for disposal.

  • Nail brush, soap and paper towels are available and used in the hand wash sink.

  • "Wash your hands" signs are posted in toilets and kitchens.

  • Staff change room is available and utilized?

  • Other observation

  • Any other observation


  • Kitchen is a restricted area (check for signs)

  • Kitchen floors and walls are clean.

  • Chairs & Tables are clean inside and not chipped or broken

  • Sneeze guards above the steam table and salad bar is clean.

  • The grill is clean. Grill grease trough is clean.

  • Ovens are clean inside and outside.

  • Hood & Grease through on exhaust hood are clean

  • Fryer is clean on the outside.

  • The mixer is wiped clean, including under the head.

  • Pastry storage cabinets are clean inside and outside.

  • An electric fly killer is installed and in working order.

  • Cleaning schedule is available and posted.

  • Temperature control (heater/AC) functions properly.

  • Ambient noise level in kitchen is acceptable (less than 75dBA)

  • Kitchen food waste is stored in covered bins and kept away from food preparation & utensils.

  • Garbage bins have lids, are emptied and cleaned regularly.

  • Fire extinguisher, fire blanket and watergel blankets (Optional) are easily available.

  • Emergency switches are installed for gas bottles.

  • Catering staff has been trained in firefighting.

  • Last inspection date of fire extinguisher is tagged and updated.

  • A first aid kit is available in the kitchen and checked regularly.

  • Correct lighting and ventilation are available in the kitchen.

  • Pest control is performed on a regular basis.

  • Kitchen is free of cockroaches, insects, rodents and pets.

  • Any other observations


  • Dishwasher is wiped clean.

  • Dishwasher has a final rinse temperature of 65°C/150°F. (Use Dishwater thermometer)

  • Chemicals are stored far from food products.

  • Grease trap is clean.

  • Dishes, pots, pans and utensils are completely air dried.

  • Any other observations

Food Preparation

  • Hands are washed frequently.

  • Cutting boards are clean and sanitized after each use.

  • Cutting boards are color coded and staff are aware of the color codes.

  • Cutting boards use signs posted

  • Wooden tables are sanitized with a bleach solution on a regular basis.

  • On the serving line hot foods are kept at 63°C/145°F or over.

  • On the serving line cold foods on salad bar are kept between 0 to 5°C (32-41°F)

  • Cream pies/cream pastries, butter & dairy products are refrigerated between 0 to 5°C.

  • When available, serving trays are clean and dry.

  • Cups, glasses and bowls are stored inverted or else are stored behind sneeze guards.

  • Plates and saucers are dry and located behind sneeze guards.

  • Perishable dairy items are displayed in refrigerated dispensers, or on ice behind sneeze guards.

  • Juice pitchers are clean inside and outside.

  • Pastries, cookies, cakes and pies are properly covered or wrapped.

  • Condiment bottles are wiped clean.

  • Beverage dispensing equipment is cleaned daily.

  • Interior and exterior ice maker machine surfaces are clean

  • The ice scoop is stored in a manner that will not encourage cross-contamination

  • Ice maker filter is maintained/changed on a regular basis and maintenance tag is available.

  • Ice cream machine is cleaned daily.

  • Employees do not wear rings or earrings.

  • Vegetables and Fruitsare being sanitized.

  • Microwave is clean inside and outside.

Dry Stores

  • Dry food store is kept dry, cool and well lit.

  • Dry food store is clean and tidy.

  • Dry food store is vermin free.

  • Shelves are maintained clean.

  • Food supplied is well within expiry date.

  • Containers used for storing are labelled as to contents.

  • Food removed from its original container is stored in a clean, covered, labelled & dated container.

  • Food is stored at least 15 cms (6 inches) off the floor.

  • Bins for flour, sugar etc. are marked as to contents.

  • Scoops used are stored facing down

  • Detergent, soap, insect killers and other chemicals are stored in a separate location.

  • Employees wear only closed shoes. (No sandals).

  • Catering staff know their responsibility in case of an emergency.

  • Employees have been instructed in the proper use of chemical dispersing equipment.

  • Employees understand health & hygiene hazards presented by chemicals that they use.

  • Staff use "wet floor" sign each time they mop the floor.

  • Staff know where to place trash for disposal.

  • Nail brush, soap and paper towels are available and used in the hand wash sink.

  • Any other observations

Refrigerators and Freezers

  • All refrigerators and freezers have a working thermometer.

  • Are thermometers are properly installed and positioned in the upper third of the cold unit.

  • All refrigerator thermometers indicate +5°C (+41°F) or less.

  • All freezer thermometers indicate -18°C (0°F)

  • Cold storage is properly checked and recorded.

  • Perishable foods are thawed in refrigerator.

  • Uncooked foods in walk-in, reach-in refrigerators are thawed on lowest shelves.

  • Food when removed from original container is stored in clean, covered, labelled & dated containers.

  • Foods are supplied well within expiry dates.

  • All food is stored at least 15 cm (6 inches) off the floor.

  • Shelves are maintained clean.

  • Protective clothing is available for personnel entering the cold storage area.

  • Refrigerators are defrosted and cleaned weekly.

  • Proper stock rotation is ensured (first in, first out).

  • Any other observations

Dining Room

  • Tables and chairs are clean and orderly.

  • Floor is swept and clean. No holes in floor, torn flooring

  • "No smoking" signs are displayed in eating areas.

  • Condiments (salt, pepper, etc.) on tables are well stocked and wiped clean.

  • Dining room is well lit and well ventilated.

  • Food handlers are dressed in company approved uniforms.

  • Uniforms are clean, stain free and neat in appearance.

  • Food handlers have clean hands, good personal appearance and hygiene.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.