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Health and Safety
Is an Integrated Management System (IMS) working file produced and available upon request for each BBC main hub?
Is the IMS reviewed and maintained to support the requirements of BS OHSAS 1800?
Are all Risk Assessments up to date and can we evidence that these are disseminated to the appropriate individuals?
Is there a timetable of Health and Safety visits available for each site and available to the BBC and Trade Unions?
Can we evidence that the timetable of Health bad Safety visits is adhered to?
Are reports from the Health and Safety visits (showing appropriate corrective actions) produced?
Are Safe Systems of Work procedures for all BBC staff available?
Can we evidence that Safe Systems of Work procedures (where relevant) are being distributed to all relevant contractors working within the area?
Is there a suitable Permit to Work system in operation where relevant?
Can we evidence that the Permit to Work system is being utilised correctly?
Is a Competency Matrix for all Interserve operatives and staff available?
Are competences evidenced and kept up to date on a central electronic record?
Can we evidence that every contractor has a site Health and Safety Induction prior to works commencing?
Is there a lead response (named on the accident/incident report) given to all accidents and incidents?
Is a conduit to the BBC My Risks notification system provided and all accidents and evidence measures communicated to ensure no re-occurrence?
Has appropriate information, instruction and training been given to all occupants, contractors and visitors as a result of any changes to the premises or services?
Is there a First Aid Risk Assessment in place?
Have First Aid nominations been collected from the BBC where provided?
Is a register of First Aid and Defibrillator training maintained where First-Aiders are nominated?
Are all First Aid boxes maintained as required?
Are maintenance records for defibrillators available?
Is there a system in operation to manage and control access to restricted areas (with no instance of plant room doors left unlocked where authorised personnel are not in attendance)?
Can we evidence Risk Assessment to establish that control arrangements are in place?
Is there a system of control in operation to evidence that persons accessing restricted areas have the correct competencies, authorisation and training with a Risk Assessment for the works?